US Navy Crew List

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USS Carr (FFG 52) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Carr (FFG 52). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 286 crew members registered for the USS Carr (FFG 52).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1985 | 1986 – 1989 | 1990 – 1994 | 1995 – 1998 | 1999 – 2002 | 2003 – now

Blackshear, AntonioE-42003 – 2006Deck
Dixon, Coley profile iconOS32003 – Dec 18, 2006OI
Koch, CodyFC1(SW)Jan 1, 2003 – Mar 29, 2008CS-3, CS-4, CEFCSN to FC1 on there. 5 years and 3 months of sea pay was not worth the stupidity I had to endure (and still am). Thank God for my ETCS, ETC and EMO. CE Division held that ship together, and still does!!! Read McManus's blurb above!!!
Hill, William/ Ricosn to sh3Jan 3, 2003 – May 5, 20051st div and s-3Deck dept esp BMC Johnson, BM1 dunlap, BM1 Richmond, my dude BM1 Davis all da way to SH1 Rivers and SH1 Watkins. Shouts go out to y'all. Lock, tj, kilo, black, kemp, savala, lil j, all y'all.
Blackshear, Antonio , IIE-3/SNFeb 25, 2003 –1stThis is crazy, why me.
Walser, JeremyGM3Jun 2003 – Jun 2003Combat
Willie, SwahiliOS3Aug 28, 2003 – Jan 17, 2005OperationsMy first and last ship I served on. What a learning experience.
Walser, JeremyGM3Oct 6, 2003 – Oct 2006combat
Rocha, Julio Gabriel JrITSRJan 2, 2004 –
Perez, EddieCS3Apr 13, 2004 – Jan 6, 2008s-2Damn the carr hate it or love it, it will drive you crazy But there are good times and bad time that help you make it through Shout out the s-2 holla Fellas Always being strong and sticking together holla
Micciche, Jeromy "Chachi"FC1(SW)May 28, 2004 –CF/CG/ERBad times and good times, but mostly bad times. If this was my only ship my impression of the navy would not be good, but fortunately I have been elsewhere in the navy. Courtney you're a great pal and I enjoyed our "funny" songwriting times
Befekadu, BrukIT2Aug 2004 – Apr 2008OCCARR was my first ship, being new for the navy and shipboard life most of my time onboard was stressful. I have to admit though i have leared a lot of things that will help me in the future. Thanks for making it possibleETC Johnson,ITCYoung
Whitley, DaneCTT3Aug 20, 2004 – Aug 1, 2007OIOne hell of a time.
Williams, JimmieEMCSep 16, 2004 – Nov 1, 2006ENG/EMy last sea tour prior to retirement. Miss the people I served with on that ship.
Eberlin, DanOS2Nov 2004 – Dec 18, 2006OIISO of the Cruise Book during that time.
Castro, JulioYN2Nov 26, 2004 – May 8, 2008XX01CARR made me realize the Navy has many different ways of being viewed, I enjoyed Serving with many of the crew, But there was one person that should not be allowed to serve in my Navy.
Gibbs, GibbySK2 (SW)Dec 14, 2004 – Sep 5, 2008S-1Had a great time onboar Carr and met a lot of friends. Thanks everybody that served with me.
Gibbs, GibbyE-5/SK2Dec 14, 2004 – Sep 5, 2008S-1Everybody onboard Carr, I had a great time onboard and thanks for all the support of my Carr Shipmates. I met some of my best friends while onboard. S-1 Division, thanks for everything you did for me.
Felipe, JohnnyTMSRDec 24, 2004 –CAcrankin sux badly and being u/a and suicidal is not that bad either...
McManus, JonET3Aug 18, 2005 – Sep 2009CEmy first ship, and the crew made me love it, although the stupid stuff we went through. CE Division: "Cause we're better than you, and we know it"
Chin, AndrewGSM3/QM3Jan 26, 2006 – Oct 25, 2009NN01/MR01
Burks, AllenCSSNJun 23, 2006 – Oct 10, 2008S-2Love Carr love the Navy. Well I have to say its been alittle hard on me but I pray that I can get threw it and make something of my life here my web site tell more about me
Burks, Jeffrey profile iconCS3Aug 2006 – Aug 2007s2I was the only cook who left the kitchen to work with the engineers. I love the Carr and miss it. I was young and it was my first sea command.
Curtis, VanceEN32007 – 20101st Div, A Gang
Coleman, LevarCS2 (SW/AW)Apr 13, 2007 – Apr 13, 2008SUPPLY
Henry, JoshuaPS1May 10, 2007 – Apr 2, 2008SS04I want to say thank you to LTJG Smith for supporting me in my decision, even if it wasnt the most popular. The military isnt for everyone, and I outgrew it. I served 12 years and I am proud of that.
Christian, DerrickQMSN-QM2Jul 2007 – Dec 2010NN01Many good times and bad times onboard, overall very career advancing. Thanks to all the people who made it fun!!!
Frost Harold Duane, FrostyFC1Aug 2007 – May 2010WS
Nolette, MatthewBM3Oct 22, 2007 – Jul 11, 2011
Blank, BlankmanCTT3Nov 2, 2007 – Dec 15, 2011OTSSDD - Same Ship Different Day 3 deployments, +14 misc months at sea, 62 port visits, lost 33% of my hearing, got pretty good at speaking Spanish, had 9 dif. LPO's, ability to cope with stress compared to civilian = x100
Koss, EricITSA to IT2Dec 7, 2007 – Dec 11, 2011CC
Kirkman, JakeGSM2Jan 29, 2008 – Jan 16, 2013MP
Harrold, JohnSTG2Mar 14, 2008 – Jul 4, 2012CACARR was my first and only ship, and I'll always be grateful for serving with such a great group of guys. I'm always happy to hear from a CARR shipmate, and would love to catch up with any of the old crew.
Carnell, AdamE3Apr 2, 2010 –1St DivisionCARR was my Navy home. I had hard times and great dudes with her. I won't forget it, and I know you guys won't either. RIP Alvey.
Lyons, MatthewOS3May 2010 – Mar 3, 2013OI
Brown, LamarcusIT1May 19, 2011 – Mar 13, 2012CC
Mink, CoreyET3/ET2Jun 14, 2011 – Mar 13, 2013CE
Smith, TylerGSM2Oct 2011 – Mar 2013MP/EB14

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1985 | 1986 – 1989 | 1990 – 1994 | 1995 – 1998 | 1999 – 2002 | 2003 – now

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