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The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Tinosa (SSN 606). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?
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There are 210 crew members registered for the USS Tinosa (SSN 606).
Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1973 | 1974 – 1979 | 1980 – 1985 | 1986 – now
Name | Rank/Rate | Period | Division | Remarks/Photo |
Chamberlin, Roger | ET2SS | 1980 – 1981 | navs-opts | Hello guys i am still alive anybody know where Sam Singer is? HI Kevin |
Goodinson, Goody | MS2/SS | 1980 – 1983 | Supply | Great times on the tilt'n T. Many good memories, great group of guys. Awesome liberties! - some of the best days of my life back then! ...Columbia - Panama - La Maddalena - Athens ...oh yea - Great Times! |
Chamberlin, Roger | et2 | Mar 10, 1980 – Jan 4, 1983 | nav ops | still think about those times |
Day, Stephen | EM1 (SS) | Sep 1980 – Feb 1982 | E | |
Graham, Bill | DSSN(SS) | Sep 20, 1980 – Mar 20, 1981 | Deck | Was TDA from USS Dallas for 1980-1981 Med Cruise, earned (SS) on USS Titling "T" during Cruise. |
Nesbitt, Don | E-4/MM | Nov 1980 – Sep 1982 | A gang | |
Booth, John | EM2(SS) | 1981 – 1985 | Electrical | No remarks, just remembering back. Hope all are doing well. |
Gray, Marino | E-1 | 1981 – | QM | Glad to see we all did well after leaving the Tinosa. May you all be safe during these trying times we find ourselves in. |
Gallow, Kevin | ET2 | Jan 1981 – Jun 1985 | ET | I had many experiences that I will remember forever. I served with a diverse crew that I still tell stories about. I remember my first day onboard when the boat was in port in Italy and we listened to the Super Bowl. |
Wilson, Steve | ET2/SS | Jan 1981 – Mar 1983 | Reactor Controls | |
Pierce, Victor | RM2/SS | Mar 1981 – Jul 13, 1984 | Radio | Greetings gentlemen. Hey Willie. Been a long time since I spoke to any of you guys. The last I heard Troy Cooley lived in Sarasota Fl. and works for the post office other than that don't know location of anybody else. Drop me an e-mail. |
Pierce, Victor | RM2/SS | Mar 1981 – Jul 12, 1984 | Radio | |
Almy, Rick | SK2 | Apr 10, 1981 – Mar 10, 1983 | Supply | Anyone who would like to correspond please e-mail me and put in the subj line Uss Tinosa |
Flaugh, Rick | EM1/SS | Jun 12, 1981 – Jun 16, 1985 | E | |
McCardle, William | QM2\SS | Oct 15, 1981 – Dec 1, 1984 | QM | Hi Rick,Kevin and Don if you want further information about Steve Logue email me |
Mow, Mark | ETCS (SS) | Dec 1981 – Sep 1985 | Reactor Controls | Met great people through the Tinosa. Time onboard and places seen are never forgotten. Live in Alexandria, Egypt last 2 yrs working Egyptian Navy contract (2nd time Romeo Sub project 12 yrs ago) US Submariners are respected everywhere. |
Tryon, Don | MM3 | 1982 – 1984 | ELT | Hi guys,I had a lot of good times."The ELT will be firing water slugs in AMSUL" |
Woods, Mark | ET1 | 1982 – 1985 | Reactor Controls | It seems like a million years ago, and yet sometimes it's just like yesterday. The Tiltin T was always good to me, with great adventures and wonderful memories. She gave me drive. I now have a Ph.D. and 2 Masters. |
Litzendorf, Bill - Litz | ETCS/SS | Jan 1982 – Apr 1985 | NAVOPS | Sam Singer retired from the USN and lived in the Groton area. |
O'Meara, Bill | e1 e2 e3 e2 e1 | Apr 15, 1982 – Jul 15, 1984 | A Divison | found this site just messing around .Willie if you check this site send back a message you to rick or vic or any other prick.like to hear how you all have done. |
Lyons, Ed | MM2/SS | Jun 4, 1982 – Jul 28, 1986 | Enjoyed the people that I worked with. Retired from the reserves as a LCDR in the ED Community after 26 years. Anyone know where Don Tryon is? | |
Spitta, Adolph | MM2(SS) | Jun 9, 1982 – Sep 10, 1984 | AUX | Had a great time on tinosa, remember lots of friends, anybody remember frisbee? |
Wallace, James | RM2(SS) | Dec 10, 1982 – Jan 20, 1986 | Radio | Tinosa Summary for me: Qualified Submarines onboard the 606 in June 1983. Two COs; One XO; Two NAVs; 4 COMMOs; Two RMCs; 4 COBs. Overall an awesome experience and crew to serve with. |
Sanders, Matt | STS1(SS) | 1983 – 1985 | Sonar | |
Ottman, Glen / Otto | MM3 (SS) | Jan 1983 – Sep 1986 | A-Gang | Found this site by accident, glad I did. Names like Gant, Peterson, Linster, Gerdin, Houlnee and many others. If they ring a bell, shoot me an e-mail. I retired in 05 as an MM1 (SS/SW) and now work for a motorcycle escort co. in CA. Otto |
Parker, J. D. | QM3/SS | Jan 1983 – Dec 1987 | Navigation | The Tinfish and her crew helped prepare me for life. Thanks! J. Daniel Parker, M Div. |
Gormley, Robert | LT | Apr 1983 – Jun 1986 | Nuclear Officer | Agree with others that the CO (Snyder) was the best ever. Glen Sieve (may he rest in peace) was funny and a great character! I really miss the crew that I served with. |
Wood, Doug | EM1 | May 1983 – May 1986 | E | Great crew. still hang with Rick, Barry, and John after 30 years. Duke was still the best CO ever. |
Dearo, Jonathan | STS1/SS/DV | May 23, 1983 – Jul 30, 1987 | sonar | STEALTH BOAT |
Gerdin, Mike | TM2/SS | Oct 1983 – May 1987 | Weapons | |
Aversa, Mike | EM-2 | Oct 10, 1983 – Oct 14, 1987 | Deep diving, silent running WAR machine....Tinosa was a great boat. Sure do miss those early morning field days. I work at PNSY now and all the old timers remember the Tinosa as having a great crew.... Guess they didn't know us too well.. | |
Kelly, Jim | IC2(SS) | Oct 13, 1983 – Jun 21, 1987 | IC | The Tinosa was a lifetime of memories. No where else in this world can you get in to so much trouble and get paid at the same time. |
Gibson, Kevin | ET1 | Oct 20, 1983 – Oct 25, 1985 | Reactor Controls | |
Laney, Kenneth R | QM1(SS) to QMC(SS) | Dec 1983 – 1986 | QM | |
Cota, Charles (Chuck) | MM1/SS | 1984 – 1986 | ELT | Anyone know where Bob Walsh is? |
Agosta, Chris "Doc" | HMC (SS) | 1984 – 1987 | Medical | I was surfing the net and stumbled onto a lot of shipmates. How are All you guys doing? |
Trahan, Herb | STS1/SS - STSC/SS | 1984 – 1988 | Sonar | One of the best boats I had the honor to serve on........Great crew!!! |
O'connor, Mike | MM1 | Apr 1, 1984 – Jan 16, 1989 | Machinery | |
Landry, Bob | ICC(SS) | Jun 1, 1984 – Jun 1, 1986 | Forward IC | This NQSP CPO checked aboard & enjoyed working with Duke, MMCS Pete Peterson, TMC Chaisson, COB & HMC Chris. After14 yrs on Carriers, Tinosa was a great experience. |
Gaeth, Scot | MMCS(SS) NUKE | 1985 – 1988 | M | Currently working & living in Alexandria, Egypt fixing and repairing old US ships they bought from us. Have a lot of friends and memories from the 606. Currently divorced and on my own. Hunting and fishing all I can. |
Wince, Kevin | MM1 | 1985 – Oct 1988 | M Div | |
Johnson, William | MSSN | 1985 – | Supply | Reported to the tinosa while she was in overhaul at the portsmouth naval shipyard,met some great shipmates and am interested in getting in touch with them to catch up. |
Ludwig, Kurt | QM1 | 1985 – 1987 | qm | Say friend and enter |
Chagnon, Mike | ETC/E7 | Apr 1, 1985 – Dec 12, 1988 | ET | Reported aboard on April Fools day! Captain Snyder was the coolest CO I ever served under. Had lots of fun on our post overhaul shakedown in the Caribbean. Made two Med runs and two Northern runs. Tinosa was a good old boat! |
Chagnon, Mike | E7/ETC(SS) | Apr 1, 1985 – Dec 23, 1988 | Forward ET | Met the boat in the shipyard at Kittery,ME. Pretty loose crew at that time. Duke (Capt Snyder) waved instead of saluting on my first POOD watch when he arrived for work in the morning. COB was a trip (what do you want, you F'n snatch!) |
Linton, Glenn | EMC(SS) | May 13, 1985 – Jul 1, 1987 | Electrical | |
Contreras, Ramiro | STS 2 (SS) | Jul 1, 1985 – Jul 28, 1987 | sonar | |
Schnitzler, William/ Trog | RM1 | Aug 1985 – Jun 1987 | ||
Czupryna, Mike | STS3 | Oct 20, 1985 – Jul 10, 1989 | Weapons | Took me a long time to finally realize how great my times were on Tinosa. Lifelong friendships and memories. Thanks to all. |
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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1973 | 1974 – 1979 | 1980 – 1985 | 1986 – now
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