US Navy Crew List

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USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN 601) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN 601). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 88 crew members registered for the USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN 601).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1973 | 1974 – now

Rurey, David A.ic2 ssOct 5, 1959 – Aug 8, 1961Enone
Lawrence, Don ( Light Lunch Larry)ST1 ( SS )Jan 9, 1961 – Oct 9, 1968I was a good sonarman, but I loved to cook pizza for the crew, usually on Saturday night. I am looking for a John Hunt, who was a yeoman on the first Blue crew
Heitzman, JerryIC1Apr 2, 1961 – May 2, 1963ICMade 4 patrols as Leading IC forward before leaving for NESEP, including being aboard and underway during Cuban Missile Crisis. Captain Ruben F Woodall great CO!
Hooper, CharlesEN1(SS)Dec 27, 1961 – Oct 26, 1967AuxE-Mail me @
Marsh, ChuckMM1(SS)1962 – 1967M div
Barrett, Robert (Bob) profile iconETN2(SS)1963 – 1964RC DivA great ship and crew. I remember the "Nodding Idiot" by crews quarters. Recall heading out of Holy Loch and a welder ignited the vent from the Oxygen generator while tying down the cleats. Good old frame 44.
Robinson, George/robFTM11963 – 1966Missle Control Center
Mecum, Roberte6Apr 1, 1963 – Apr 1, 1967IDKMy Grandfather served and passed away June 29, 2014 Thank you for your service. I love you PaPa R.I.P
Aussey, JonET!(SS)Jun 15, 1963 – May 30, 1970Navigation
Simmons, John A.ET1964 –
Wright, DavidET31964 – 1965Deck GangLoved the Boat & Blue Crew. Wish I could have gotten her back after Nuc school. Went to Bancroft instead. Good boat too, but not the 601. Have never forgotten COB Brown. Hell of a sailor!
Scott, SpinkaJan 1964 – Dec 1964Qualified in one patrol
Riddle, DonETR2May 1964 – Oct 1969Reactor Controls
Bradish, Michael TtcMT2(SS)1965 – 1969WeaponsServed with some of the finest officers and men I've ever known. Qualified in 1967. Made six patrols from Holy Loch. Would do it again if was able.
McCaleb, JackIC1(SS)Jul 1, 1965 – Mar 1, 1970E DivMade 8 patrols on the Bobby Lee. Out of Mare Island to Seattle for shakedown, through the canal, missile test firing, first post-overhaul patrol out of Charleston. Great crew, great friends, great time of my life.
Rehmus, MikeET1 (SS)Aug 1965 – May 1967RC
Miller, Peter/ CookieCS3Oct 1965 – Dec 1966Supply
Graham, JimSTS21966 – 1967sonar
McCollum, Davidet21966 –RC
Barbara, TomMM1 (SS)Oct 15, 1966 – Jun 1, 1970M DIV (ELT)Made 8 Patrols before transfer to the Roosevelt
Ehde, TimTM21967 – 1970WeaponsGreat guys on the Gold Crew
White, JoeYN3(SS)Mar 1, 1967 –ExecutiveI made 5 patrols on the Lee all on the Blue Crew. Came aboard as a SN and left as an PO3. Currently serving as the President of the Robert E. Lee Association.
White, Dennis (Joe)YN3(SS)Apr 1, 1967 – Jul 1, 1970Deck Gang, ExecutiveCame onboard in 1967 and made 5 patrols. Left the Lee in 1970.
Burns, Robertsts3ssNov 1967 – Sep 12, 1969sonar
Sampson, SteveMM1(SS)1968 – 1970M
Paul, WillardTM1 (SS)Mar 1968 – Aug 1972TMConer the entire time aboard. Nuclear black iron and reactor refueling qualified marine machinist foreman and mechanical engineer at PSNS afterwards. I wrote instructions for 601 reactor removal and shipping to Hanford.
Deinhardt, Paul/ralperh CramdonE-5Apr 15, 1968 – Sep 9, 1970commisaryi look back at the time i spent on the robert e lee as a good time. ilearned alot and met some very interesting people. i will always remember richard combs, and willard paul.
Peterson, TimRM4Jun 1968 – Dec 15, 1969RadioGreat experience, great friends and very good cribbage.
Morrow, Fred (Rufus)STSSN(SS)Aug 1968 – Aug 1969SonarQualified on Second Patrol, R.O.B. vs C.O.B.
Brown, Charles (Charlie)RM3(SS)Aug 1968 – Jul 1970Operations (Radio)My time on the Robert E Lee was a living nightmare. It sucked.
Keene, DavidSTS2(SS)1969 – 1970sonar
Pitcher, William (Bill)Midshipman 1/cJun 1, 1969 – Aug 15, 1969Various
Brubaker, RodgerunknownJun 1970 – Jun 1979unknownUSS Robert E Lee SSBN-601- Sonar USS Benjamin Franklin SSBN-640 - Sonar I am Rodger's "leetle seester", unfortuately he passed in 2007 from complications of Lung Cancer. Please be in touch.
Seibel, Joseph L.E31971 – 1974Seaman
Gum, JohnMM3(SS)Sep 7, 1971 – Sep 9, 1974Auxiliary
Hainsworth, Michaelqm3 ssDec 1971 – Jun 1973quartermaster
Hammaker, John profile iconE-4Aug 1973 – Sep 1976sonar techa shout out to all , and especially Pat Arlotta , Mike Killian and of course crazy Crosley .
Hastings, DarrylSonar SupervisorSep 1973 – Aug 25, 1975sonarEnjoyed my time on the 'bobbie frog'. Many memories around that time because of that crew and ship. Good times!! Being in sonar was pretty cool, but there was a lot of boring moments where we were listening instead!!
Hammaker, JohnSTS3SSSep 7, 1973 – Oct 20, 1976SONARwhat an awesome crew. grreat guys like pat arlotta, lester mcdaniels, mike killian, vince ragen and so many more. thanks for the memories

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1973 | 1974 – now

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