US Navy Crew List

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USS White Plains (AFS 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS White Plains (AFS 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 746 crew members registered for the USS White Plains (AFS 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

Hahnert, MikeQM11989 – 1991
Garcia, GeorgeMM21989 – 1993M /A-GangWere the best years of my life, Looking for some good friends of mine.
Fruik, KeithAD2(AW/NAC/DV)1989 – 1989HC-5That was one heck of a cruz. Lots of good times and some real bad ones too.
Lemon, BillIC-31989 – 1991E
Martinez, Jeff (Marty)MM21989 – 1991M- & A GangWow, what memories. I became a shellback on her. I'll never forget that day, especially seeing Godan with a toilet seat around his neck! I sure miss those days.
Lockard III, AlbertE5/AK21989 –S-6The only ship in the Navy I landed on without walking on board first. Good memories except the explosion while at sea. Also great reunion in Nashville where I live in 2016. God bless the other reunions.
Espinoza, Wayne Aka FritzE 4Jan 1989 – 1991Deck and AdminEvery time this boat went to PI it broke down! Hell yea we were on our way to D Birds! hahaha Chuy, Jorge, Fig, Harvey, Bazan, and Fritz! D Bird regulars Good times man good times
Harvey, PaulBM2Jan 1, 1989 – Jul 1, 1993RaiseWas onbard during the fire... Lots of good and bad times when your talking Deck division. I swore I painted the ship 10 times in one year !!
Osborne, JeffreySN3Jan 1, 1989 – Feb 1, 1991Deck
Chambers, RoberthmJan 3, 1989 – Jun 17, 1991medical
Vida, DarrylYN3Jan 17, 1989 – Jan 15, 1991Engineering/AdminAlot of memories, most of them good of course with all the port visits and being stationed on Guam which I ended up staying for another 15 years! Anybody out there remembers me, I'm out here in Vegas now so shoot me up an email! Mahalo!
Cheng, RodrigoHMCJan 21, 1989 – Mar 25, 1991MedicalGreat ship. Known well in the Western Pacific. Many great sailors on board. Some sad memories but time tested camaraderie.
Quante, DavidE-4Feb 1989 – 1992DeckWow, what a memory. I don't think I could mention everything in this space provided. I have a lot of memories from that time frame. I was sad when I heard she was sunk.
Rolt, BarryHM3Feb 1989 – Feb 1991Medical
Moore, GregoryHT 2Feb 5, 1989 – Feb 20, 1993RThis was my only sea duty. I had a lot of good times and a few bad. Enjoyed working in the HT shop.
Yap, Zeniada profile iconhm3Feb 10, 1989 –medical team
Ortiz, Art "Stamps"PC1Mar 16, 1989 – May 1, 1992AdminDamn this brings back memories! Chuy, Buck, "Caca"rado and the rest of the boys! Good times!
Guerriero, JamesBm2Mar 20, 1989 – Mar 20, 19911stI remember being at the aft rig station then walking thru the main breezeway to the forward rig station when a crewmen came running and screaming MAINSPACE FIRE! what a nightmare. The good news was 3 months in the PI.
Turner, DonaldE-3Apr 1, 1989 – Jun 1, 1991supplyI had the time of my life. Going from Guam to Subic Bay,Japan, Korea.. All the many friends Barry Ordway, Buck wild (John Buckly), James Carter MS, Tommy Musquez. Barringer& many more Luv you all.
Michael, Robert/ JungleE4Apr 2, 1989 – May 6, 1992RADIOMANGreat years
Hedrick, TroyQM2Apr 15, 1989 – Apr 19, 1991NAV
Placek, Peter (Pe-fer)GMG3Apr 20, 1989 – May 20, 1991THIRD WEAPONSmy first ship. had some great times and good friends. i sit back and wonder what life would have been without the plains and crew.i cant it is a part of my life that i will never forget. thanks for all the great memories
Rowl, DavidSK2May 1989 – Apr 1991Cargo/Stock ControlHad some great times there. Got to know some good people. Visited some great places while there especially the Philippines.
Boutillier, JoeMM2May 1989 – May 1991M Division
Shawl, WilliamRM2May 7, 1989 – Jun 9, 1991OC01This was the best ship that I was ever was sad to see it sink here in Hawaii...Hope to meet you guys again someday.....
McClain, SylvesterRM3May 8, 1989 – May 10, 1991OC01/COMMSI was not onboard when she had the terrible fire, I was in Guam waiting for the ship to come back to Guam. I was flown to Subic to meet the ship after she was towed there. I had the best 2 years of my career on the White Plains. Thanks
Martinez, JesusPC3Jun 1, 1989 – Jul 10, 19912nd & AdminMy first Command straight out of Boot-Camp. A lot of hard work for a Deck-Seaman but it paid off on all the port visits. Homeport, NAVSTAGUAM, AGANA, GUAM
Barrios, JavierHM2Jul 1989 – Jul 1991MedicalHad a great time, Wish I could do it all over again. Would like to get in touch with HM2 Rolt.
King, RichardSRAug 8, 1989 – Sep 10, 1991deckwas fun. travel alot.gulf war fighter.
Esteban, RodolfoSK1Aug 8, 1989 – Oct 11, 1991S-1 Stock ControlThe best AFS in the west.
Miller, Charles "Gator"BT3Sep 8, 1989 – Jun 30, 1993BGreat Ship, Lots of memories!! Never foget the STEAMIN' DEMONS and the marks we left there down in the "Hole".!!
Jasch, RobertDC 3Sep 20, 1989 – Apr 4, 1993Ri'm still working for the navy as a civilian
Lai, EmmanuelET2Oct 1989 – Nov 1991ET SHOPGreat ship. see a lot of liberty port during desert shield and storm.
Ching, BrianE3/SNOct 1, 1989 – Oct 1, 1991DeckThe hardest job I did in the Navy
Ching, BrianSNOct 24, 1989 – Sep 2, 1991Deck
Miranda, JohnAK2/AK1Nov 16, 1989 – May 7, 1992S-6Wow lots of good times on and off the mighty White Plains. Would not know where to start, though I remember the day I arrived in Guam. Called the quarter deck for a ride waited 2 hours and finally got a ride from the Proteus
Dixon, GeraldFNNov 21, 1989 – Dec 1, 1991RASE / Forklift shop 1st div. deck & RASE deckFelt bad when I found out of the ships end. Anybody heard from beetlejuice or Doug Holt (BM1)
Moon, JohnPNSNDec 1989 – Feb 1992X-NavI loved the ship and miss being haze gray and underway.
Cross, Alex (Bruno)SK3Dec 1989 – Dec 1991S-2, S-6, Flying Squad, Helo Crash CrewShipmates,friends... Good times aboard this great ship. From Guam to Subic to ASU, Bahrain & in between, lot's of laughs, few tears, BS stories, Hong Kong, Phuket, Banana Club, Flight deck BBQ's-Easter, John Wayne/Rambo underway movies, lot
Phillips, NeilQM31990 – 1992x-nav
Perkins, MichaelHT31990 – 1993R DIVI loved Dallas Texas and the massage parlors! You know What im talking about. Did you know you could actually get a massage there 2. Atleast thats what i was told! Oh yeah Subic Thailand Bob's and Barney's 2. Fire Fighter EMT. Get Some!
Key, KevinFN1990 – 1993RASEI will never forget the White Plains!
Riddle, Bill (William)BT21990 – 1992B Div. Oil LabThis was my 3rd ship. Was there with my family on Base. Good friends good times. Contact me if you like.
(morgan) Gaudan, JulieLTFeb 1990 – May 19932nd/3rd/NAV13 typhoons and 3 direct eye passages! Great crew and learned a lot.
Burghardt, Donald L (Flash Or Booger) profile iconSN/E3Feb 3, 1990 – Feb 20, 19922nd/DeckThis ship was definitely my home away from home, best times, and the worst times, so if you want to reach out, do so, I implore you. If y'all know who I am
Martinez, MichaelBM2Feb 17, 1990 – Jan 25, 1992RASE
Caviness, RobMM2Mar 1990 – Mar 1992A gangI was shocked to learn they sunk the old rust bucket! Have a lot of good memories that will last the rest of my life. Those cargo reefers may be responsible for the hole in the ozone being so large! What a pain those things were! God bless!
Watters, RussellSK1(SW)Mar 5, 1990 – Jun 10, 1993Supply S-1Had some great times and great port of calls...Did Desert shield, Desert Storm and Restore Hope on her as well as did a West Pac. Avoided many of Typoons in and out of Guam. Long hours that seemed to never end.....
Richardson, Devin Bm2/E-5Mar 7, 1990 – Feb 3, 19921st DeckWent to war on this ship! 1st Gulf War! Great crew especially 1st Div deck dept. I worked with the sharpest sailors on this planet! Thank you all for your service.
Brown, PatrickLTApr 1990 – Apr 1992Disbo/Food Service/Ship's StoreMy first sea tour ... Great memories
Watters, RussellE-6/SKApr 10, 1990 – Feb 16, 1993SupplyHad some great times on these two ships the USS White Plains AFS 4 in Guam and the USS Moosbrugger DD 890 Mayport Florida
Stuart, Andrew (Stu)EM3May 1990 – May 1993Recalling at the great people and times I had in Guam and on board.
Stuart, AndrewEM3May 11, 1990 – May 2, 1993E
Harris, ChrisGM 3May 12, 1990 – May 12, 1992GMI had the best time when i was in guam and on the ship. Hanging out with BILL FIXSEN going to the gulf with everyone and i miss uncle BOBS.
Hathaway, NelsonSKSNAug 1, 1990 – Nov 20, 1992CargoI grew up on the White Plains and I am always reminded of her in my day-to-day routine. Forklift #415 was a fast ride. S-2 division worked hard and I will never forget the guys I served with on the Orient Express.
Hans, JasonSK3Aug 1, 1990 – Jun 1992S-2/S-1
Hathaway, NelsonSK 3Aug 5, 1990 – Nov 15, 1992S-2Cargo Division- "turning two"
Anderson, RochesterE3Aug 21, 1990 – Nov 21, 1992SupplyWhere all those cooks at. BM1 Holt, BM2 Martinez, BM1 Shalhourne, Ferris where you at. BM2 Richardson where you at man ?
Johnson, Gary(robby)EMFNAug 25, 1990 – Aug 25, 1992rase/decktrying to get in touch with anyone i know.I had a great time on the orient express. we really turned 2 in the gulf.
Celosky, John C. "Chuck"YNSNAug 29, 1990 – Jul 2, 1991Admin & EngineeringMade some great friends on the White Plains. I just wish I had the chance to do it all again. And "YES", I would do it differently! Also, I'd like to get in contact with GMG Dave Pruden and/or RM Scott Peterson. PS try TogetherWeServed.C
Workman, ChuckENSSep 7, 1990 – Mar 5, 1992A/E AuxA good tour met some some very good people and made my 4th deployment. Retired in 1998, currently a Corporate Healthcare Leader in North Texas.... Life is Well.
Coleman, JesseOS2(SW)Oct 1990 – Sep 1992OIMy first ship, Only got stationed here, because my low score in OS "A "school. Learned a lot from people like OS1 Mcceader; OS2 Sanchez; OS3 Sean Spain. and others. Really enjoyed Guam, and travel to Philippines, and Thailand.
Childers, Stephen profile iconE4Nov 1990 – Jun 1992S3 and S6I was in supply. Tall white kid from Nebraska. I hung out with Martinez, Chuy, Hans, Thacker.. and Peefer ..

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

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