US Navy Crew List

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Wacasey, CurtisUSS Talladega (APA 208)MJan 15, 1964 – Nov 17, 1967I am searching for Jimmy Elvin Howell. Please contact me at once! 903-565-0003
Wachtell, GaryUSS Pensacola (LSD 38)SupplyJan 1, 1973 – Mar 1, 1975
Waddill, DennisUSS Anchorage (LSD 36)Beachmasters unit 1Feb 1970 – Aug 1972We were TAD to the ship, subic, hong kong, japan, viet nam, ect
Wade, DonUSS Harry E. Yarnell (CG 17)Dec 1972 – May 8, 1973
Wade, DonUSS Canopus (AS 34)3Nov 1970 – Nov 19722 yrs. in Holyloch,Scotland
Wade, LutherUSS Detroit (AOE 4)S-1Feb 2, 2001 – Sep 15, 2003
Wade, MistyUSS Emory S. Land (AS 39)1998 – 1999I was stuck in the galley working most of the time, but I had a blast!!!
Wade, TimUSS Proteus (AS 19)BM1991 – 1992
Wadnizak, Paul "wad"USS Pargo (SSN 650)1991 – 1995
Wadsworth V, CalvinUSS Philippine Sea (CV 47)1950 – 1951Radioman; died 1956, Jacksonville, Fla
Wager, GeorgeUSS Franklin D Roosevelt (CV 42)Oct 1968 – Jun 1972WORKED IN SHIPS STORES,{SMOKE SHOP, OFFICERS STORE. S-3 DIV.
Wager, KevinUSS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)V-2Oct 1993 – Nov 1995Great tour, Bow Cats!!
Wager, KevinUSS America (CV 66)V-2 BowSep 1987 – Jun 1990First tour that produced great memories. Many good times with shipmates I will forever remember. The 3 Amigos!!! VA beach, The Roxx and all those great times!!
Waggoner, DennisUSS John F. Kennedy (CV 67)Jan 5, 1982 – Jul 29, 1982
Waggoner, LonneUSS Independence (CV 62)AIMD IM-2Feb 1989 – Feb 1992
Wagner, JamesUSS Cape Esperance (CVE 88)1950 –My father served on this ship in the 50's. He is deceased but it would be interesting to hear from some of his former Navy pals.
Wagner, ThomasUSS Saginaw (LST 1188)Jul 18, 1982 – Mar 29, 1984En3 worked in Main Control
Walczak, ThomasUSS Robert A. Owens (DD 827)Oct 1967 –
Walden, LanceUSS Bolster (ARS 38)Hole SnipeJun 1975 – Jun 1977
Waldrep, MikeUSS Will Rogers (SSBN 659)WeaponsApr 1969 – Aug 1972Made 6 patrols with remarkable people.Looking for Carmine Mascia,Bill Lyons,Marvin Bezdek.
Walkeer, JohnnyUSS Austin (LPD 4)engineringJan 1, 1972 – Jan 1, 1976great time,the war was allmost over.and i was ready to leave.Hello to dale t clegg
Walker, ArtUSS Alabama (BB 60)1944 – 1945My father was on the Alabama from 1944 to 1945 I would like to hear from anyone who knew him.
Walker, JoeUSS Macon (CA 132)1951 – 1953My dad, Joe Walker, was on Macon 1951-53 or thereabouts. He was from Philadelphia, and we visited the Macon when it was laid up in the back channel of the Philly naval station several times in the 60's.
Walker, John W.USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67)1973 – 1976Served in in Aimd Dept work center 710, AO Shop.
Walker, KeithUSS Anchorage (LSD 36)NavigationApr 10, 1993 – Jan 9, 1997Hey guys! Good to see familiar names. Just a bunch of "wet mice". Navaroli, Carino, Justin, Johnie G., Shawn B., Krechi(?), Damon, QM1 Perez, Villaba. All you hackysackers on the smoke deck.e-mail at
Walker, Melvin "tmc Dynomite"USS Hampton (SSN 767)TMSep 25, 2006 – Dec 6, 2008No better group of raggedy Muthaf*&^as around. From the cone to the screw, I will never serve with a better group of men. We went to hell and came back with buckets of ice water. Whoo-Ya
Walker, Peter WalkerUSS Nimitz (CVN 68)Photo LabJan 1979 – Jun 1984
Walker, RufusUSS Robert L. Wilson (DD 847)Jan 1958 – Sep 15, 1960I was aboard in Nov 1958 on operation monsoon where we took some 55 degree plus rolls.
Walker/robertson, KatinaUSS Gunston Hall (LSD 44)MMRIJan 1, 1996 – Aug 1, 1998Boy did I have a ball! I ran into some irreplaceable shipmates. I miss the G-Hall family and those underway periods. Kiva, Sessoms, Reid, Sania, Debra, Quentin...where yall at. Holla!
Wall, William "bill"USS Manila Bay (CVE 61)1942 –This is for my grandfather, who passed away in 1991. If anyone has any memories of him, I would love to hear them. Thank you.
Wallace, BobUSS Lexington (CV 16)OI1958 – 1960Looking for OI div. crew
Wallace, BobUSS Essex (CV 9)OI1963 – 1965Looking for OI div. crew
Wallace, J.a.h.USS Donald Cook (DDG 75)Oct 2001 – Aug 2005Voice of the Ship
Walle, WalleUSS Portland (LSD 37)Aug 2000 – Aug 2003miss you guys, still have as many fingers as when i left rusty ship hard work good times
Walls, Drew "walos"USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43)Delta Co. 4th LAROct 1997 – Nov 1997Only aboard for a short time, mostly as a Marine galley slave under FC1 Paulman. Made the amphib landing with my unit in Foal Eagle 97. I remember spilling milk all over Smith at MidRats and lots of spades. Anybody remember FC1 Paulman?
Walquist, David (Wally)USS Sirius (AF 60)Operations1960 – 1961Quartermaster Seaman. Left the ship in Sasebo Japan in 1961 to transfer to Comservron3 aboard the USS Ajax. I last saw the Sirius in 1972. It was overturned in Seattle Washington's Duamish waterway on its way to the scrapyard.
Walston, RobertUSS Sitkoh Bay (CVE 86)1943 –Name entered on behalf of my cousin who served on board during WW II . He presently resides in Golldendale < Wash
Walter, Fred/USS Edgecombe (APA 164)1944 – Dec 1945Walt
Walter, MarkUSS Inchon (MCS 12)1980 – 1982
Walters, RaymondUSS White Plains (CVE 66)Sep 1944 – Sep 1945Put in commission and transferred off after Leyte Gulf

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