US Navy Crew List

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N/a/., Steve / BuckwheatUSS Proteus (AS 19)BT 3m-divApr 21, 1978 – Oct 1979 did 4years in the navy. retired 30 years forest service this jan-20- 2012. guam to long beach dry dock. good times. there was , cj rath, don "frank " franklin , wildman, zofo collins, alex, judd, & the rest of m-div.
Na Pier, ChristopherUSS Samuel Gompers (AD 37)OS-2OIMar 16, 1987 – Jun 6, 1990Had a great time meet some great people and learned some great things. Wishing only to have keep in touch with those that I meet aboard the Sammy "G" and other vessel but the internet way not as it is today. Living and working in New York Cit
Naab, MichaelUSS John S. McCain (DDG 36)TM2Apr 10, 1968 – Oct 25, 1968Early pre-commissioning detail: 30 men, nothing to do. (Shipyard activity focused on Mitscher DDG 35.) Our service records (not us) transferred to CVA 60 for a month, just to preserve TAD status! Finally transferred out. What a boondoggle!
Naab, MichaelUSS Forrestal (CV 59)TM2TAD (weapons)Jul 21, 1967 – Jul 31, 1967Part of a MOMAT team TAD from Subic. Joined ship en route Yankee Station. On board during catastrophic fire of 7/29/67. Duty station Fwd SAS space. During fire, participated in jettisoning ammo from ready magazines on 02 level.
Naab, PeterUSS Howard W. Gilmore (AS 16)YN3ADMINApr 1975 – May 1976RIGHT NOW WORKING IN WASHINGTON DC
Naapila, Alan profile iconUSS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)Yeoman Second ClassExecutive Department Captains OfficeMar 15, 1981 – Apr 15, 1984I was always proud of the Kitty Hawk. Worked with the best guys ever, I think of my time onboard every now and then and it makes me smile.
Naas, PaulUSS Spiegel Grove (LSD 32)MM2MMay 21, 1966 – Oct 1, 1969Enjoyed working with the MM's and BT's in the AFT Engine Room. A great bunch of guys. I had the opportunity to visit the engine room and speak to the sailors that were going to decommission her. They said she was still a good ship but very tire
Nabb, AubreyUSS Worden (CG 18)BMCM1ST / CMC1987 – 1991Definately some fine sailors on her--would serve anywhere / anytime in harm's way with them !
Nabb, AubreyUSS Repose (AH 16)BM2>>>BMCMICU>> Ward C-6Oct 27, 1967 – Nov 24, 1967Trying to locate ICU and C-6 staff during my "visit". Also the BM2 who provided a loaner white uniform for my Hong Kong liberty . I remember faces but the names ?? any info of them is appreciated,
Nabb, AubreyUSS Repose (AH 16)BMCMC-6Oct 1967 – Nov 1967Was a GSW rt chest patient in ICU then C-6-- trying to locate nurses and HMs --( ) but only located one nurse (Pinky Bowles ) but no reply . Seek the BM2 who gave the BMCS and the nurse a uniform
Nabbefeld, Gary "Nabber"USS Point Defiance (LSD 31)PO3BT1972 – 1975
Nabbie, FazalUSS Austin (LPD 4)E2MM31979 –
Nabel, PeterUSS Guadalcanal (LPH 7)HM3MedicalJan 10, 1988 – Apr 20, 1990The best times of my life were spent on the Guad. I hope some of my shipmates will contact me, I want to hear from you!
Nabet, John R.USS Siboney (CVE 112)AB3V1Aug 1955 – Sep 1956I had the honor of serving with a great bunch of men, Enlisted & Officers. We went to Cuba in "55' and the Med in 56. I stayed aboard until she was decommissioned at the Naval ship yard in Philly. Last crew party GREAT.
Nabor, Ken/ TopmonkeyUSS Denver (LPD 9)E-4Supply/ S-2Nov 19, 2001 – Jul 27, 2005Pretty much self explanitory. The crew treats each other like brothers. We are all helping each other.
Nabors, DennisUSS Talbot (FFG 4)e3msJun 4, 1977 – Jun 1981Thinking about all the good guys i served with and all the good times we had hope everyone is doing well
Nabors, DougUSS Galveston (CLG 3)FTG-3FGNov 20, 1966 – Oct 26, 1968A great ship, great crew, and a great '67 Med cruise. The FG division guys were tops.
Nabors, Douglas MudboneUSS Vreeland (FF 1068)E3Dec 27, 1978 – Aug 21, 1981
Nabors, Douglas MudboneUSS Vreeland (FF 1068)Dec 27, 1978 – Aug 21, 1981those were the days indeed lots of fun with my guys ace,homer swarn,die-hard,griff,vinnie,kevin love,budda studman and the list goes on the med cruise of 79-80 was the stuff dreams are made, holla back,your friend mudbone
Nabors, KyleUSS Vulcan (AR 5)HT311ANov 7, 1982 – Oct 4, 1984
Nabors, KyleUSS Hunley (AS 31)HT126 ASep 5, 1984 – Nov 6, 1986
Nabors, ObieUSS Richard B. Anderson (DD 786)SA1STJun 1969 – Sep 1970
Nabors, RalphFleet Angels (HC 2)AirmanHC-2Apr 1966 – Oct 31, 1969
Nabors, Theron / GeneUSS Canopus (AS 34)SF1 / SFCR-1May 1965 – May 1968Assigned to R-1 Division as Shipfitter Shop supervisor.
Nabozny, GaryUSS Charleston (LKA 113)BMSN1st DivisionFeb 1, 1979 – Nov 1, 1980Had custody of the Bosun Locker, Special Sea Detail and Alongside Helmsman. Ran 15, 40 and 70 ton forward booms .Deployed for Gitmo, Med and North Atlantic cruises.
Naccarato, BradUSS Dixon (AS 37)SK3S-1Aug 1977 – Oct 1979I spent most of my time working in the warehouse at the end of the pier, running up and down riding a forklift.
Naccarato, BradUSNS Mars (T-AFS 1)SK2S-2Oct 1979 – Mar 1981
Naccarato, RoseUSS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79)Don't knowDon't Know1944 – Jan 4, 1945My grandfather was on the ship when it was hit. He was hit in the leg with shrapnel and had severe rope burns from sliding down to the water. he died on July 23, 1998.
Nace, GeorgeUSS South Carolina (CGN 37)MM1RLSep 1, 1982 – Jun 18, 1986Some of the best times of my life happened with you guys on the SOCAR. I hope you're all doing well.
Nace, JeffUSS Nassau (LHA 4)ABH SOMETHINV-11992 – Jan 2, 1996Not quite sure exactly when I got there, but I sure as hell remember leaving!!!!!!!
Nace, JoeUSS Mount Hood (AE 29)SM3OperationsSep 28, 1979 – Jun 8, 1982Had great times on the Good Hood. I'm still in the reserves, now serving in the middle east. Cross rated to MA, currently an MACS. Hope to hear from an old shipmate. Still speak with Pete Eisenhart (SH3) and John Calvin(OS3).
Nace, RobertUSS El Paso (LKA 117)E-3both supply and b divisionJan 1970 – Jun 29, 1973I was one of the plank owners when the ship was commissoned in 1970. I became a BT and spent my 4 years in the hole
Nace, RodneyGhostriders (VF 142)PR-3squadron1965 – Apr 24, 1969The Ranger was my 1st. Carrier (2 tours) then went to the Connie (Constellation CVA-64) until I returned to NAS Miramar after 3 tours to Vietnam. Still ware my bracelet of ENS Patrick L. Ness a good friend,downed 8/23/67
Nachazel, Richard (Joe)USS Benner (DD 807)ET11st (ET Gang)Mar 13, 1965 – Sep 15, 1967The Benner was fine ship, fast and seaworthy due to a stalwart crew lead by Captain Tribble, XO Lt. Barbour and ETC Baker
Nachazel, Richard (Joe)USS Braine (DD 630)ET11st (ET Gang)Sep 30, 1967 – Mar 7, 1968The Braine was in the yards for a refit in Vallejo at the time so i didn't get much seatime on her.
Nachazel, Richard (Joe)USNS Michelson (T-AGS 23)ET3?Dec 9, 1963 – Mar 10, 1965This troop carrier was converted for oceanography. Made a trip through Panama in 1964 met a typhoon there and had to go to the yards at hunter's Point to weld the deck
Nachef, MarkUSS Luce (DDG 38)BTFNFirstMay 21, 1982 – Oct 16, 1985Had a great time with all of you guys. Hope every one is doing ok.
Nachreiner, ScottUSS Knox (FF 1052)MM-2MFeb 1988 – Jun 1991
Nachreiner, ScottUSS Helena (SSN 725)MS2msFeb 1990 – Aug 1994
Nachtigal, BradUSS Willamette (AO 180)MM3 engineeringJun 1, 1986 – Jun 1, 1990

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