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Iacampo, BobUSS Barb (SSN 596)MM1(SS)leading firstJan 1983 – Apr 1985Supported by the most amazing men. Thanks to Wagoner, Bodeau, Hayes, Wilson, Wolfe, and all the guys whose names elude me. I got out from Mare Island and became the engineer of Rutherford Ranch Winery. Pumps is pumps...
Iacia, SalUSS Gettysburg (CG 64)E-4CMJan 1, 2002 – Jan 1, 2006Good Times
Iacino, MikeUSS Yorktown (CG 48)EN1A GangApr 24, 1983 – Sep 23, 1985This was by far the best command I was ever at. It was great to serve with you all.
Iacino, MikeUSS Guam (LPH 9)EN3"A" GangApr 1976 – Oct 1978Well it's nice to see so many names of friends. Yes I also remember the that horrible night in Barcelona as I was on that Mike boat. I was one of the lucky ones that survived such a terrible accident. I wish you and your families the best.
Iacino, RichardUSNS Kilauea (T-AE 26)LT.Communications and Operations1969 – 1971
Iaciofano, RebeccaUSS Curtis Wilbur (DDG 54)E-5/ FC2WeaponsJan 1, 2001 – Mar 1, 2004"The Cursed Wilbur, a cut above the wrist." We had a tightly-knit crew and I miss Japan. Shoot me an email at if you remember me! Peace out!
Iaciofano, RebeccaUSS Mason (DDG 87)FC2 (SW)WeaponsApr 1, 2004 – Dec 30, 2005I met my future ex-husband and baby daddy Josh Cothen onboard this fine and fabulous ship. We had a blast in Spain, Italy and many other port visits! I'm glad to be back in my home state, Maine! email:
Iacolucci, BernieUSS Haleakala (AE 25)seaman1st DivisionAug 1969 – Aug 1971I had some wonderful times in between all the hard work and met a lot of great guys.
Iacono, Kevin IaconoUSS Corry (DD 817)E-31976 – 1978i remember the old gunnersmates harry harrowood , fm moon etc miss the old days
Iacono, Kevin IaconoUSS Vesole (DD 878)e-3boatswainsmateDec 1974 – 1976i remember myself a 17 year old kid just out of great lakes, trying to track down my ship flying to 2 different ports only to embark in izmir ,tturkey, i remember sulley the cook was very nice, and helped me
Iacoucci, JohnUSS Vulcan (AR 5)DMSNX, R-4, R-2Apr 10, 1963 – Jul 1, 1966Many great places, many great shipmates. Memorie to last a lifetime.
Iacoucci, JohnUSS Guam (LPH 9)DMSNXJul 11, 1966 – Feb 13, 1967A lot of great memories, great shipmates....Gemini 11 (great one), Memories for a lifetime.
Iacouzzi, JustinUSS Doyle (FFG 39)E4/SK3S1Jan 7, 2004 – Jan 11, 2007THIS WAS MY FIRST SHIP AND I LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT.
Iacovelli, FrankUSS Admiral Hugh Rodman (AP 126)SIGNALMAN /1CTask Force 58Aug 1943 – Apr 1946There were 1100 sailors on our ship, I never got to meet many people. Thank you
Iacovetti, Chris "ike"USS Long Beach (CGN 9)BM32ndJun 6, 1988 – Oct 18, 1992
Iacovo, Rick (Ike)USS Petrel (ASR 14)SNDECKNov 1970 – Jul 1973About 2000 was in contact with Jim Funari (RM?) from Allentown PA...I see Frank Ayers (DECK) once a yr in FLA...went to a "divers" reunion in CT around 1999 and saw our old XO Yeager...hated the Petrel then...miss those days terribly now...
Iacozza, ChrisUSS New Orleans (LPH 11)E-3V1Oct 22, 1992 – Jul 14, 1994the new orleans was a great ship with some good memories for me lets have a reunion for the crew of V1 division westpac 1993
Iacuzza, RoyUSS Saratoga (CV 60)pc-3admid x-1Jul 13, 1979 – Jun 30, 1983postal clerk for three years
Iadicicco, Dominick RUSS Donald B. Beary (FF 1085)EW3OI1989 – 1991
Iadisernia, LouisUSS Lunga Point (CVE 94)FIREMAN FIRST CLASSengine roomOct 1945 – Aug 1946my nickmane on board was "BROOKLYN"
Iadisernia, NicholasUSS Kansas City (AOR 3)HTFNR DivisionMar 10, 1980 – Sep 17, 1981
Iadisernia, Philip LtcUSS Lunga Point (CVE 94)Nov 19, 2008 – Nov 20, 2008Son of Louis Iadisernia. For those of you who served with Lou, I regret to inform you of his passing on 18 Nov 08. He looked forward to your reunions each year.
Iadonisi, DominicUSS Dixon (AS 37)ET267AJan 13, 1993 – Sep 5, 1994Came from NAS Miramar to here. Hey everyone. Miss San Diego a bunch. It was quite a non ride on the Dixon, but I do miss a lot of people I met there.
Iams, GrantUSS Ingraham (FFG 61)OS2(SW)oiApr 1992 – Mar 1993Great time, Great crew
Iams, RodneyUSS Essex (LHD 2)EM2Jun 1991 – Oct 1994Plankowner. Great ship, great crew. What's up to the Engineering softball team + BM3 K.G.
Ian, MerchantUSS North Carolina (BB 55)commodorealaskaMay 22, 1960 – Jul 27, 1980
Ianacone, JasonUSS Greeneville (SSN 772)MM2Reactor LaboratoryJul 26, 2007 – Nov 3, 2007Haha. I got out of that hell fast.
Iannaccone, LouUSS Forrestal (CV 59)DP3S-7Dec 30, 1970 – Sep 15, 1972Mess cooking with Lt Jimmie Connors, Med Cruise, S-7 Division with Lt Dave Holland Smith, Cole, Sims, Spurlock, Huber, Giovanelli, D'Angelo, Hyde, Prall, Powell, Baxter, Fire , Dry Dock, unch of new guys, then out.... I got there short!!!
Iannace, EnricoUSS Canopus (AS 34)SK3S-5 & Repair OfficeApr 1975 – Jul 1979Rode her from Holy Loch, Scotland to Charleston SC to Rota, Spain and back to Charleston. Good ship, times, and friends (Murphy, Fitz, Rey); long time ago but not forgotten. Retired SKC(SW) and now with NATO in Norway
Iannace, EnricoUSS Arthur W. Radford (DD 968)SKC(SW)LCPO S-1 StoresNov 1989 – Dec 1992Hard work and tough but great times. Super fellow Chiefs and shipmates with the exception of 2. Thanks for the support. I wouldn't change anything else. Retired SKC(SW) and now with NATO in Norway. Life is Good.
Iannace, EnricoUSS Estocin (FFG 15)SK1(SW)LPO S-1 StoresAug 1982 – Oct 1985Best shipmates I ever had. Worked hard, great experience and had the best time onboard. Wouldn't change a thing. Retired SKC(SW) and now with NATO in Norway.
Iannacone, AlUSS Harlan County (LST 1196)ENS / LTjg2ndJun 30, 1989 – Nov 30, 1990Thanks to the crew of Deck Department, and especially 2nd Division for making my job easier. Thanks to BMCS Stiles. The BMs were the best - Thornton,Delamotte,Kephart,Spore, Gleason,Yeager and Blackerby to name a few
Iannacone Sr, AlUSS Scott (DDG 995)PNCNAV/AdminJan 1, 1992 – Jan 30, 1995Did three years and two Meds. Great Ship & crew.many good memories.
Iannacone Sr, AlUSS Blakely (FF 1072)SA-PN31st & OX/ONJul 12, 1981 – Jun 30, 1983Started on deck and then struck for PN. Did the UNITAS/West Africa Cruse in 1982. BMC Coker was my Chief in 1st Division and PNC Castille was my Chief in OX/ON. YNC Harris was also there. Many memories,..
Iannarelli, WillisUSS Essex (CV 9)ABF3V-4Jun 1968 – Apr 1969 Came aboard as boot. Did some car-qual cruises and ORI at Gitmo. On board for the Appollo-7 recovery. Ended up in Boston for the decom.
Iannello, Lorraine profile iconUSS Canberra (CA 70)E-1First1944 –Angelo Iannello, my Dad, never spoke about his service. We learned of it only after Dad, 64, died in 1990 when we received a heartfelt letter from the reunion organizer, replying to Mom’s. Unsure: rank, div, & full dates
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Ianni, Joseph (Joe)USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79)Petty Officer First ClassAircraft maintenance1944 – 1945Joe Ianni was my father. He passed away in 1976. He was aboard Ommaney Bay when she was hit and was very proud of his service. Anyone who remembers him can email me at
Iannicello, ThomasUSS Shenandoah (AD 44)EN3A GangAug 1, 1983 – Jun 29, 1987I'm looking for my buddies Fred Way, Mitch Godsay and W Kirkland.
Iannitelli, MichaelUSS Detroit (AOE 4)MM2(SW/AW)RASJun 12, 2002 – Feb 1, 2005We had some good times and some bad, But "WE" Engineers stuck together. MM'S, EM'S, EN'S. We had some good old times. I am stationed on board the Washington and this ship doesn't compare in any way, shape or form to the Det
Iannitelli, MichaelUSS Kalamazoo (AOR 6)SN1st divisionJan 12, 1995 – Apr 20, 1996Started my career as a deck seamen and ended it as a Machinist Mate First Class. Retired in 2014. The Kalamazoo was awesome as my first ship. I hated that 3 section duty but it was a great Unitas.

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