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Elliott, TomAssault Craft Unit 1 (ACU 1)em2ESep 1957 – Dec 20, 1959
Emery, AlAssault Craft Unit 1 (ACU 1)EN2LCM/LCUJun 13, 1967 – Mar 12, 1971ACU-1: No beach beyond reach, no bar too far
Elder, DarinAssault Craft Unit 2 (ACU 2)QM2LCU Crew / Command Career CounselorNov 12, 1979 – Jul 19, 1983Served on 1656, 1645, 1653, 1663
Estacio, JoeAssault Craft Unit 5 (ACU 5)GSECDet FSep 6, 1995 – Mar 15, 2000
Elliott, FredUSS Dobbin (AD 3)ElectricianUnknown1939 – 1946My grandfather, Fred R Elliott, was on the USS Dobbin when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He passed away from Cancer in 1988. He is missed.
Elliott, StraileyUSS Dobbin (AD 3)Chief StorekeeperStorekeeper1941 – 1943Entered for my Grandfather who served on the Dobbin at Pearl Harbor and sailed to Austrailia with the ship.
Ebben, DuaneUSS Dixie (AD 14)EM3Engineering1971 – 1972I would be interested in getting in contact with any of the Engineering Electric Shop guys or Any of the Engineering Dept. shipmates. Bob Crumley, Alan Maxwell, Bill Champaigne, Rick Freeman, Ron Bush, Steve Severson
Eberlein, DennisUSS Dixie (AD 14)RM2OperationsJul 15, 1976 – Sep 18, 1979Great time on board the Dixie, worked mainly in the teletype repair office. Enjoyed our West pac and even enjoyed the dry dock days. Hope ererybody is doing well!
Edgar, MarkUSS Dixie (AD 14)PC3AdminSep 4, 1975 – Nov 4, 1977In March 1978 I started my career with the USPS as a letter carrier in my hometown outside Philadelphia, PA. I retired in January 2011. I still keep in touch with the ship's photographer, John Zullo and YN Eric Cattell.
Edge, JamesUSS Dixie (AD 14)HT3R1979 –
Edwards, LeoUSS Dixie (AD 14)Oct 15, 1965 – Oct 30, 1965
Edwards, MarkUSS Dixie (AD 14)E3 Electrician's MateR41981 – May 1982Served in Motor Rewind Shop. Great time on Westpac voyage.If anyone from the shop is out there, give me a shout. I'd love to hear from you.
Edwards, GlennUSS Dixie (AD 14)MM3ENGINEERING - ENGINE ROOMJan 1964 – Dec 1969
Eichelbarger, Bill ( Ike)USS Dixie (AD 14)TM2 Torpedo shop GunneryJun 1960 – Dec 17, 1962The tour on the Dixie was the best of my enlistment. The crue was the best., Those Dixie burgers was the Best.Would like to contact the other Torpedomen of that period.
Elswick, LonnieUSS Dixie (AD 14)ETN2R4 and X DivisionDec 1975 – Jun 1977Built a cctv system. Would like to know the status of a Capt Dan Fenn.
Ensley, RodneyUSS Dixie (AD 14)E2R2Apr 1, 1974 – Dec 15, 1976I have many found memories of some of my crew mates and the 2 west pac tours I did while on this ship. I wish I had kept better contact with some of my friends.
Evans, Horace Oink JohnsonUSS Dixie (AD 14)ht-1r-1 56-a pipe shopOct 21, 1973 – Nov 27, 1976when i reported on board dixie right away i was given a nickname by ht-1 cooken dofer it was oink johnson i really enjoyed my time on boared i really miss all the freinds i made
Evans, JackUSS Dixie (AD 14)HTC(SW)Eng. R DivJun 1981 – Jul 1982Engineering R Division. Made the last cruise tied up in Diego Garcia then decommed her. Had a good division of men covering 3 work centers.
Echtinaw, RalphUSS Prairie (AD 15)ET2R-4Feb 1979 – May 1982I worked in the Electronics Calibration Lab. I'm looking for interesting or funny Prairie stories for a "book" I'm writing about my six years in the Navy. Please let me know if you have any.
Echtinaw, RalphUSS Prairie (AD 15)ET2R-41979 – 1982
Eckenrode, MikeUSS Prairie (AD 15)bm21st and 2ndSep 15, 1983 – May 16, 1986
Eckert, GregoryUSS Prairie (AD 15)E5/ET2R41990 – 1993
Eckert, GregoryUSS Prairie (AD 15)ET2R-4Jun 1990 – Mar 1993Oh man, the stories to tell... :)
Edwards, Delores/deeUSS Prairie (AD 15)E6/LS1S8/S1Jan 1, 1991 – Oct 4, 1992This was my first shipboard assignment and I loved it! I am still friends/acquaintances with many of you whom I served with, I really enjoy hearing about how you and your families are doing now and hope to keep in touch
Ellis, JuliUSS Prairie (AD 15)SNDeck1992 – 1993One of the best places that I served. I miss the USS PRAIRIE
Erdman, William / BillUSS Prairie (AD 15)ET2Electronics RepairApr 1957 – Jun 30, 1960I remember Tom Ellis,Michalsky, Ernie Middleton( who bought my motorcycle had an accident and married his nurse), Paul Reams,Pat Reynolds and Robert Shinn. I retired after 41 years as a electronics engineer at ANL in Ill
Erickson, John EricksonUSS Prairie (AD 15)DPCS71976 – 1979Retired July 1988 as DPCM
Erickson, AlUSS Prairie (AD 15)BTFNR DIVJun 10, 1970 – Aug 17, 1970I was assigned (TAD) to the BR Shop. I would like to hear from anyone that may have worked in the BR shop around that time, furthermore, I would like to reconnect with BRCS Wayne Ashmore who worked there also.
Eshoo, TomUSS Prairie (AD 15)E53rd division1977 – 1980Served in 3rd division from 77-80. Would love to hear from anybody who knows me
Evans, Patricia(Pattie)USS Prairie (AD 15)HT2Started in Engineering then went to RepairJan 1984 – Jun 15, 1986When I came on I was the only girl in the shop. Started as an HTFN and left a HT2. I remember Hobson, Fenimore and Dewey. Shellback initiation was fun and steel beach parties etc. Overall had a great time.
Ewton, CherylUSS Prairie (AD 15)YN3AdminJun 25, 1985 – Jun 25, 1989
Ewton, CherylUSS Prairie (AD 15)YN31985 –
Essex, SteveUSS Cascade (AD 16)1974 – 1974
Eliff, ChristopherUSS Piedmont (AD 17)SNBoat GroupJan 1982 – Sep 1982I was only onboard 9 months before the Decom. He was my first ship, must have done something right, I'm still in.
Ellenbecker, LyleUSS Piedmont (AD 17)DC3R1Oct 1, 1967 – Nov 28, 1968I remember the DASH that took the big dive. Also, the first lieutenant,s nephew watching for the mail bouy. Only went on one WESPAC, but had a great time. John Episcopo are you out there?
Ellington, DukeUSS Piedmont (AD 17)TMT 2WeaponsSep 1972 – Aug 1975Served on three westpac cruises and one med cruise (Naples). Liberty was secured in Ismir Turkey because crew detroyed the army club. I had duty so don't blame me.
Evans, Joseph Houston "scooter"USS Piedmont (AD 17)OS3OIAug 15, 1972 – Dec 15, 1975Served in CIC.
Eason, JeffUSS Sierra (AD 18)MM3R2/31D Valve ShopJan 1, 1987 – Jul 10, 1990One of the best times of my life. I loved it, just didn't realize it until after I was gone. Worked Valve Shop stood underway Throttleman in Main Control.
Eaves, Todd profile iconUSS Sierra (AD 18)DC2E ROct 1987 – Oct 1991One of the Red Hats' that probably signed off on your DC Quails... Memories were made with good people doing a lot of fun stuff.
Eismomt, TonyUSS Sierra (AD 18)HT3Repair1973 – 1975It would be great to hear from shipmates that worked in the pipe and carpenter shop

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