US Navy Crew List

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USS Columbus (CG 12) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Columbus (CG 12). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 381 crew members registered for the USS Columbus (CG 12).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – now

Luizzi, JohnGMM31973 – Jan 15, 1975T-6I worked in the Aft Missle House, until Decommissioning.
Cron, Richard "Ra"FTM31973 – 1974T7Like to hear from Edwards, Uncapher, Moore, Ponton, Fike, Stoddard, Adkins, and anyone else in division.
Symon, VincentBT31973 – 1974I served back when Egypt invaded Isreal in Oct. 1973. We were right in the middle of an inserve inspection. It was a heck of a time to be on board her. crossed the Atlantic, refuled in Rota and were off the coast in about a week.
Stanley Jr., Danny1973 – Feb 8, 1975
Inge, GeorgeHN1973 – 1974HospitalHad a great time and served with a great crew! Lots of good memories.
White, CharlieBT31973 – Jan 1975b divisionthe time I spent aboard was a time of learning. did we really spend time off the coast of Egypt in 73. thanks for the memories
Daniels, John/ Diesel DogFN1973 – Sep 1974A
Clough, KeithMM3Jan 1973 – Mar 1973M-DivThis was a stop on the way for MM"A" School on my way the Nuclear Power School. Made one 2 week cruise to St Thomas
Stanley Jr., DannyHTFNFeb 1973 – Jan 1975RSorry to hear the tall lady was sold for scrap. After returning from the last Mediterranean deployment I helped the preparation of her deactivation and her final decommissioning in January.
Stansbery, StansMM3Apr 1973 – Jan 1975M-DIVISIONSome of the best people I have ever served with. Awsome lady she was.
Evans, BurtGMM3/2Apr 5, 1973 – Aug 5, 1974Forward Talos Missile HouseNot sure what Division, but I worked in the Foprward Talos Missle House. We went on a Med Cruise from 11/73-5/74. We then started the decommissioning of the ship after the cruise in the Portsmouth Naval Shipyards that year..Many friends..
Pelikan, ThomasGMT 3May 1973 – Jan 1975Weapons Department, 5th Division, Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASROC)
Morrow, James / TinyETRSNJun 12, 1973 – May 31, 1975OEHad a great time with several Caribbean cruises and one Med cruise. Worked on the SPS-10, SPS-43, the Pathfinder radars, and the ship's IFF system. Helped decommission her and stayed aboard to help finish the post decom work.
Jones, DavidSNJun 15, 1973 – Jan 15, 1975
Ramsey, WilliamBT 3Nov 1973 – May 1975BIt was a good final Med Cruisefor me and the Tall Lady, Even if we did weather a severe storm on the way back
Switzer, RobertLCPLNov 1, 1973 – Nov 2029marine detachmenti served on the tall lady from nov. 73 till decomission.made 1974 med cruise.
Tomlinson, DonaldSaFeb 28, 1974 – Feb 28, 1975Deck
Argie, GeraldPNSNApr 15, 1974 – Jan 31, 1975XMy first ship in the Navy was the tall lady. I came aboard in Souda Bay, Crete and was aboard when we hit a hurricane off the U.S. coast - what a thrill.
McShea, TimothyQMSNApr 18, 1974 – Sep 19741stI chased the Tall Lady around the Med for 2 weeks before catching her off Sigonella Sicily, after a brief hop to the Iwo Jima. Finished the Med Cruise and remember that Hurricane we hit on our way back to the States.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – now

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