US Navy Crew List

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USS Truckee (AO 147) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Truckee (AO 147). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 202 crew members registered for the USS Truckee (AO 147).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1964 – 1968 | 1969 – 1974 | 1975 – 1983 | 1984 – now

Carlson, Dennis W. (Denny)ET1/E-61984 – Nov 1986Scott Lewis, Tom Quackenbush, Terry Cawood, John Scheffler, Mazook, Jim Murray, Norman Kolbe,Al LaVoie,Collision with the Yellowstone, Lots of beer, Willie's Place in Palma, 555 UnReps on a Med Cruise, Renting the car in Sicily.
Cartwright, VerlRM11984 – 1988MILDETServed onboard as LPO of the Mildet and leading Radioman. Just looking for people that I served with.
Scheffler, JohnET21984 – 1987MilDet
Scheffler, John JohnET2Jan 1, 1984 – Dec 31, 1988MILDET
Ryman, DavidRM2Jan 2, 1984 – Jul 10, 1988MILDETBest ship I ever served on in my 21 Year NAVY carrier. Just wanted to see if any of my shipmates were still out there.
Cawood, TerryET11985 – 1988
Carlson, Dennis / DennyE-6 /ET11985 – 1987ET Shop
Laforest, BillRM3Mar 1985 – Mar 1986RadiomanLooking for USNS Truckee memorabilia and old shipmates
Bell, Derald profile iconE-3Apr 18, 1985 – 1987MILDETServed with fellow signalmen Scott Lewis, John"Red" Barge!! They taught me how to drink like a fish! Cant forget Denny, Pete, and the rest of the crew. We had allot of great times. Would love to take a Med Cruise again
Fava, PeteRM31986 – 1988MILDET/OCJust checked the Mid-1980's shipmates and I know some of you! Are you going to TRUCKEE reunion 2008? That would be too cool to see you. I retired as RMC/ITC in 2005 to Northern Arizona after 20 years. I hope life is treating you well.
Hathaway, LeoET3Dec 6, 1986 – Feb 7, 1989MILDET CommsLooking to connect. Already heard from George. Hit me up
McWhirter, GeorgeET2Apr 15, 1987 – Mar 1, 1989ETLooking for any of the old crew.
Dell/slaasted, LoisOS21988 – 1989
Brown, JeffSM21988 – 1989I remember Nikki, Pam, RoRo, and Anne from the Mildept and Sully, Mike, Steven, Brian and Frenchy. Does anyone remember the name of the man who jumped overboard in 1989? I almost choked on my ice cream!
Bruner, Anthony (Tony)RMCJan 1988 – Jan 1989MILServed as RMC, and then AOIC, when the incumbent bailed before deploying...
Gisinser, Loisos2Mar 1988 – Apr 1989operations
Klingman, JosephRM1Apr 16, 1988 – Oct 10, 1989MILDET/Radio
Glover, MikeBad1989 – 1991Single DadYes Gail, I did! - Plese sign N Site has U all listd N Trukee post. U all cn snoop N my fotos 2C my son
Glover, MichaelET21989 – 1991Club MedHad a crush on Rhonda Knox! We love U Boudreau, please don't cry! Polovick, did you marry OS2 White? Most of all I miss you Thelma Peters! I married the other Rhonda. It is now 2009 and I have a 10 year old son Andy I spend all my time!
McDowell, KevinET21989 – 1990ET ShopLots of good times on the Truckee
Stella, AugieOSCSFeb 1989 – Feb 1990MILDET
McDowell, KevinET2Oct 1989 – Nov 1990ET Shop
Boudreau (Now Toney), GailET3Oct 1989 – Oct 1990ET ShopHey everyone! Still married to Chris Toney. He works his butte off as Global IT Director for start-up. I go to yoga, take classes & try to learn to take (good)pictures. Glover, you married to Lyons?? Mar 2009
Boudreau (Now Toney), GailET3Oct 15, 1989 – Oct 15, 1990Ops???OK guys, Annie, Rice, Sandy, McFarland, and Felix... Anybody out there?? Chris and I live in the SF Bay Area. He's an IT wizard and I am a legal secretary. We are doing very nicely!
Norris (Rice), Toiannette (Toy)SM3Nov 1989 – Dec 1990Signal BridgeWow! Married OS2 Green fm Truckee, had 2 kids, divorced and remarried. Did 4 years active reserves in Med area too. Living in Indy, I'm a hospital billing supvr. Doing great. Would love to get emails and pics from crew. Miss you all
Schmalfuss, MikeET31990 – 1991work & partySweet! Remembering the party at the hotel in Guatemala after all those stops in Panama.... :) Profile picture from "Tail of the Dragon" ride on the motorcycle in '06.
Riggle (Mack), Wendy (Big Red)SM31990 – 1991SignalmanHey Everybody, I am now married with one son and am in the Army as a MP. Loved my time in the Navy but the Army has a lot more guns I get to shoot and toiys to play with. Hope everyone is doing well!
Diglia-waddle, NikkiRM21990 – 1991RadioI remember and still keep in contact with Jeff Brown...looking for Annie Hebert. RoRo, Thelma Peters were also good friends. I married and have 5 daughters. Currently working in Pharmacy at our local Hospital.
Polovick`, AnnieSQUIDJan 21, 1990 –popeye's gay
Moats, BrianOSCSFeb 1990 – Sep 1992MILDETLoving Life, Have 5 grandchildren. My oldest is in his last year of High School. Still Live in Va. Beach. Hope you all are doing fine.
Meineke, EricET3Apr 1990 – May 1991ET ShopHey Med cruise 1990 shipmates. Out of Navy and living in Texas. Hey Boudreau(Toney), Toney, Green, Polovick, Rodriguez, McDowell. Hope you all are well
Larsen, ClintRM3Aug 1, 1990 – 1991rmI remember some of the ports in the med like it was yesterday sure would love to go back and drink some of those hot drinks with no ice. just found this site after looking at pics of augusta bay.
Hamilton, DennisET1Dec 1990 – Dec 1991CommunicationsHow's it goin? Glover, Meineke, White, Polovick, Green, Cancio, Peters...
Dismuke, Neah/nikkiE3Jan 1991 – Jan 1992Signal BridgeTruckee crew from Jan 91-92. (Signalman). I live in Chesapeake, VA and work work for the state as a Parole Officer.
Corral, JessesmsrFeb 1991 – Dec 1991sig bridgehey whats up people this is corral recalling all of you during the last leg of the truckee before decom and after.if you dont remember me im the good looking mexican that was on the sig bridge when their were just all women.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1964 – 1968 | 1969 – 1974 | 1975 – 1983 | 1984 – now

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