US Navy Crew List

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USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 115 crew members registered for the USS Ommaney Bay (CVE 79).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1944 | 1945 – now

Brittian, Waldo1945 –Hello, Would like to here from anyone that might of new my uncle. He was killed when ship was sunk. Family never new what happened to him, only he was killed, We think he was a Gunner on ship, Thanks for any help Ron Satterfield
Kaufman, Gilbert1945 –NavyLooking for anyone who might have known my uncle, Gilbert Kaufman. He was a barber on the ship. He passed away 9-3-05, he was 89.
Davis, Wayne1945 –He is my father. He lives in Birmingham Alabama. He would love to hear from anyone who knew him.
Koch, Joseph / JoeGUNNER1945 –He was my Uncle, he died in the attack. His brother, Richard served on the Lake Champlain in the North Atlantic.
Stoll, VincentAM11945 –My father served on the Ommany Bay at the time of its sinking. We have little stories or photos from shipmates who knew him. His son
Kristek, CharlesAviation Machinist Mate1945 – 1945NavyWould like to hear from anyone who knew my Dad, Charles Kristek, when he was on Ommaney Bay. I know it went to a couple of reunions. Don't know much about this part of his life.
Martin, Raleighseaman1945 –navyRaleigh was my grampa,he passed away in 1980 after several heart attacks,he was married with 7 kids
Worthen, DbAOM 2c1945 –unkLooking for information on John David Broleen AOM 2c who died on Jan 4 1945. Especially need to know where his duty station was
Brace, Jack "Bud"Jan 4, 1945 –Would like to surprise my great uncle with contacts of shipmates. My email is He was one of the survivors picked up.
Grass, Joseph "joe"Jan 4, 1945 –Mygrandpa.I just recently interviewed him about his story.He attended the last&final reunion for theshipmates of the Ommaney Bay in Fall '06.There has been a book published about this ship.I'll relay mesages2him
Castillo, Raymond S.Dont knowJan 4, 1945 – Jan 4, 1945will enter at later dateI am entering on behalf of my father Raymond S. Castillo. Unfortunately he went home way too young and died in 1981 at the age of 58. He did not have time or the desire to speak to us about the Omaney Bay.
Stramaglia, DebraAir PilotJan 4, 1945 –air pilotInformation on my uncle Ben Kenneth Unger. Air pilot. Lost at sea. Would like to find out details. Do not have much information.
Alton, Richard (Dick) profile iconMS3Oct 1945 – Nov 1945For my dadMy dad, Richard Alton Jr. was on the Ommaney Bay when she went down. He was a PO2 class cook - not sure what they called it then. I joined the navy as a Mess Management Specialist because of him. Never on board a ship
Kellman, Scott1970 –I would like to hear from anyone who new my Grandfather, Harold Kellman. He went by Hal, I believe he was a radio operator. Thank you.
Kennedy, John "Jack"PO3Jan 1, 1972 – Dec 20, 1972AVIATION MAINTENANCE CONTROLThis was my first duty station and I spent most of my time on night shift. We had one C-1A assigned to us as a COD for the fleet and we hosted VQ-1, VAQ-135 and other transient squadrons for their missions over North VN

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1944 | 1945 – now

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