US Navy Crew List

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USS Kalamazoo (AOR 6) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Kalamazoo (AOR 6). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 690 crew members registered for the USS Kalamazoo (AOR 6).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 – now

Schanzmeyer, MichaelGM31994 – 1996WEPSAnyone know what happened GM3 Gordon or BM3 Caristi?
Caristi, IanBM2(SW)1994 – 1996!st, RASEhello to all. those were the days huh. I remember my time on the Zoo with a great big smile
Charboneau, WilliamMMC1994 – 1996M and ARetired. Now living in VA. Look forward to hearing from you all
Vickers, MikeMM21994 – 1996Rase
Hammers, JosephBT31994 – 1996BOILERS
Grissett, JoeyOS31994 – 19961st/OPSStarted out in Deck ended up in OPS. Great Ship, and Crew. Some of the best time's I've had in the Navy.
Renton, BruceEM21994 – 1996EBest dayum oiler in the fleet! Whats up Kzoo????
Higgins, ChadMM31994 – Jul 27, 1996
Suprise, CoyDECK SEAMAN/HTFN1994 – 19961st & HT ShopMy first ship. And now looking back, I admire with font memories, the purity of that ship. The political BS just got worse from there. Does anyone remember "Battle Urinal" on the back of the bridge?
Long, Clovis1994 – 19961st, RASEMiss the days of being on the refueling stations for hours on end. Today's Navy just isn't the same. Thank You to all who helped me along.
Todd, JamesEM11994 – 1996RaseRetired in April 2004 as a Chief Petty Officer. I still live in Virginia Beach with my family.
Clark, Charles (Grizwald)deck seaman E31994 – 19961st
Wheeler, David/wheelsETC1994 – 1996OEJust remembering my last tour in the Navy. Had some good times and some not so good, but that goes with the territory. Glad to see some names from my time on board.
Paprocki, JackFC11994 – 1996WepsWasn't on her long, but enjoyed the time I spent on it.
Stietzel, GlenLT1994 – 1996CommOAdvice to all future naval officers..."slow to speak; quick to listen". You all were one hell of a crew. Essayons!
Zayas, Chris "Z"YN3Jan 5, 1994 – Aug 6, 1996AdminGood ole Captains Office
Smith, KenET2Feb 1994 – Aug 1996OPSGreat times! I actually miss going out to sea. (Not much)
Satterfield, SteveIC3Mar 1994 – Aug 16, 1996E
Kuczenski, BillMM2May 6, 1994 – Jun 12, 1996MBest Oiler ever even though the BT's had trouble keeping fires lit. MM's were O.K. except for that Andexler guy!!
Smith, Kelly/ Radare-3Jun 1994 – Sep 19961ST DIVISION
Rocco, EdwardBMSNJun 3, 1994 – Jul 7, 1995deckdirty ship, great crew , miss very much
Brigham, MattSK3Jun 13, 1994 – Jun 11, 1996S1 SupplyGreat crew. Great port calls. Loved every minute of it.
Hendricks, ScottBTFNJun 14, 1994 – Sep 22, 1996
Lind, JeremyRM3Jul 1994 – Aug 16, 1996OCIt was a wild 2 years! Great crew. Had some pretty good times....
Baker, JamesSHSNAug 15, 1994 – Aug 16, 1997Ships Serviceman Loved the Kalamazoo, and the ports that we visited while being on-board. There were good days and bad days, but there was never a boring day. Hope one day that all the crew that was on-board at the time of the decommission can meet again
Tanksley, RalphYN1Sep 1994 – Jul 1996Ship SecHi to all
Malm, ChristopherBMSNSep 16, 1994 – Nov 17, 1996DeckMiss my time on this ship. Decommissioning this ship was like losing one of the last old school ships. Greatest time of my life.
Utterbeck, BenjaminBMSNSep 17, 1994 – Aug 16, 19962ND/RASEHAD FUN GREAT TIMES
Alger, Alex (Mavrick)SNNov 24, 1994 – Aug 19962ndMy first ship, I miss those days sometimes and I miss the sea. Great Crew. Anyone here on the Delta unrep team remember flying and eating Wise potato chips between ships?
Bashaw, ChadMM3Dec 29, 1994 – Aug 1996M
Hodge, Eddiemm31995 – 1996RASE
Hott, HottSR/SA1995 – 1996DeckSo much fun. Miss the friends I made and the times i had. Best ship I was on.
Morelli, Scott (Moe)MM3Jan 1995 – Aug 1996AMM3 then but got out in Mar 2000 for Air Force Reserve and then transferred to Navy Reserve as an AS2 up to Feb 2012(Ret)...Living in Virginia with my wife and 2 kids.....
Iannitelli, MichaelSNJan 12, 1995 – Apr 20, 19961st divisionStarted my career as a deck seamen and ended it as a Machinist Mate First Class. Retired in 2014. The Kalamazoo was awesome as my first ship. I hated that 3 section duty but it was a great Unitas.
Armour, StacySNFeb 4, 1995 – Aug 16, 1997RASEMan what a time on the mighty Kalamazoo. After going to a second ship I can't remember why things were so bad on the zoo. The underway time sucked a lot but the crew was one of the best. I have a lot of good memories of the people on board
Wilson, DavidOSSNAug 1995 – Aug 1996OPS
Lorenz, William DannoMMC/SWAug 1995 – Mar 1997AuxHi All
Lole, EnokeDECK SNDec 14, 1995 – Aug 16, 1996DECK DIVISIONThou my time was brief, I enjoyed having the birthing wars...Haze Gray everyday...BUG JUICE and sweepers 247...had some GOOD TIMES!
Sershen, RodSNJan 1, 1996 – Aug 16, 1996deckHad a short tour but it was my first ship and I made some very close friends and had some awsome times.
Coffey, DinaCivilianJan 2009 – Feb 2009Reunion Planner

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 – now

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