US Navy Crew List

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USS Vella Gulf (CG 72) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Vella Gulf (CG 72). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 268 crew members registered for the USS Vella Gulf (CG 72).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1993 | 1994 – 1996 | 1997 – 1999 | 2000 – 2002 | 2003 – now

Hollis, JenniferE-6 TM12003 – Aug 2006CAIt was my first combatant and my only deployment, but all in all I really enjoyed my time onboard. I do miss some of the people.
Hardin, MikeYN1Jan 1, 2003 – Jan 1, 2005ADMIN
Arnold, Angela (Angie)SK2 (SK1 on my way out)May 2003 – Jun 2004Hazmat/SupplyI met a lot of good friends.This was my ship on my way out of the Navy. It's hard for me to remember everyone's name.Okay command, didn't really care for the XO at the time. But the rest of my shipmates were great. SK's
Bryant, ChadGSM3Jul 3, 2003 – Dec 20, 2004MPThis ship and the Navy can Kiss my big white ASS,
Gillaspie, DaveSTG3 (SW)Jul 4, 2003 –CA
Arterberry, JonENSJul 6, 2003 –Special Projects for XOI never thought that I would enjoy the NAVY as much as I do now. The Vella Gulf has fueled my desires to someday become an admiral. I love the NAVY and love the VELLA GULF! An excellent ship! Better than Leyte Gulf!!!!!HA!
Harewood, RogerEMCS (SW)Jul 14, 2003 – Jun 18, 2005E Division LCPO/ ENG Dept LCPOI really enjoyed my tour on this ship up until the ending when I found out the CMC and his boys were out to get me.(LOL) we know what happened to him
Sheridan, JoeENSJul 16, 2003 –OTWhen I first got to the ship I was scared because there were so many people. Now I am a little less scared because my Chief holds my hand when we walk down the passage ways. United States Naval Acadamy Rules. Go midshipmen! YEAH
Umeh, ShalaSNAug 1, 2003 –ODO1This is my second ship.And I like it alot better then the first one. Its a good command
Stewart, CassidyNC1(SW)Aug 1, 2003 – Jul 17, 2004XXThis is a good ship run by opressing people. I would not become the leader they are molding here. However I am pro Navy and I love my job. So does my partner NCC
Berry, EricFN/PNFN/PSSNDec 2003 – Jan 2007MP/XX
Greenwood, RoyceGSM3/EN3Dec 5, 2003 – Jun 10, 2006Oil Lab / Aux 1
Brack, AnthonyCTAC(SW)Dec 5, 2003 – Sep 2, 2006OTI enjoyed my tour onboard this Naval Ship. The best crew in the fleet.
Bapp, DavidGSMFNMar 21, 2004 –MPGreat ship, a lot of interesting shipmates aboard, little rough a first but you adjust.
Howard, SylviaPC1Sep 25, 2004 – Sep 1, 2007S-3GREAT COMMAND
Threatt, GunnerWAS GM2 NOW GM3 ABOUT TO BE GM1Feb 21, 2005 – Sep 1, 2006who cares dont ever take orders to the vella especially as a gm worst command ever for the most part completely ruined my career in the navy but i have a suprise for all who doubted me just call me GM1(SW)Threatt
Hughey, GabeE-2/ SAOct 14, 2005 – May 17, 2006Boatsmate
Devlin, ChristopherE3Nov 1, 2005 – Jun 20, 2010FPO AE 09590-1192
Reid, Jaron/aladinOSSNDec 12, 2005 – Dec 12, 20090I01
Daley, AaronLTJGMay 2006 – Nov 2009OI, RMiss it
Dukes, Ella (Ma Dukes)CTA/YN1Aug 2006 – Aug 2009OTMy time onboard was a pretty good expierece and I miss it at times. Thanks to those that mentored me and allowed me to mentor them. See you around the Fleet!
Small, Kenyatta (Poochie)E2 SADec 1, 2006 –This will be my first real ship exsperience Im kinda scared!!!
Summers, SedgewickDec 30, 2006 – Jul 15, 2007cf
Revens, SteveFCSNMay 15, 2007 –
Savage, MarkPSCJul 2, 2007 – Aug 31, 2008XXGod Bless to all those serving and have served.
Rickey Kitts, RickeyQM3(SW)Oct 2007 – Aug 2008NAVAlthough my time onboard was short, I enjoyed it and made some friends. Hope you all are doing well. GO NAVY!!!
Gayle, WayneLCDRJan 17, 2009 – Nov 10, 2010MPA fine ship and wonderful crew. Unforgettable tour.
Fenerty, BrianET3Jul 30, 2009 –CE

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1993 | 1994 – 1996 | 1997 – 1999 | 2000 – 2002 | 2003 – now

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