US Navy Crew List

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USS Ticonderoga (CVA 14) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Ticonderoga (CVA 14). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 450 crew members registered for the USS Ticonderoga (CVA 14).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1954 | 1955 – 1958 | 1959 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 – 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – now

Sola, Vincent J. SolaAMS 31972 – 1973VAW 111 DET 3Went TDY 90 days as Messcool in the CPO Galley and later became Plane captain on E-1B's and worked AIRFRAMES. When de-commisioning took place in 93, was transferred back to Memphis for schooling and then to RVAH 6 in late summer of 73. Retired AF.
Whitehall, WesleyAE-31972 – 1973AIMDHaiphong '72, Apollo17/skylab II recovery, Decomission crew
Myers, David profile iconE-21972 – 1974Flight DeckMy time on the TICO was the best time of my Navy career. I met some really good navy buddies on the TICO. The worst time was serving off the coast of Viet Nam. The bomb's and the plane's being shot down.
Dyjak, PaulSN1972 – 1972G
Heard, ChuckE-31972 – 1973V-3Some of the best crewmen and times were on the TICO.Great people.
Laabs, Brianen31972 – 1974A divWestpac 72 Apollo 17 and skylab 1 recovery crossed equator decommishing crew
Gordon, WrightE31972 –bosensmateThere for Apollo 17 Skylab recovery looking for palmer and porter, randy powell. Geting old guys come say hello.
Hinchley, MarkE31972 – 1973Fuels
Lundelius, William (Bill)AW21972 –Anti-Submarine Warfare DivisionVS82 CAG80 Annual Training Cruise for Carrier Qualifications
Simmons, DonaldAB E-11972 – 1973A1 and A4Looking for Robert Blair A4 Div and Patrick Harris A4 div. Also AB PO 1st class Sommers, A1 div.
Hudson, FrankABE 31972 – 1973V2
Anderson, MichaelE4 AVIATION BOATSWAINFeb 1972 – Feb 1973I became a shellback during Apollo 16 recovery. Worked with fantastic guys in Catapults and Arresting Gear.
Rogers, Thomas profile iconE2/cookFeb 1972 – Dec 1972GalleyWas in 2nd Div (BM) then transferred to the Galley (Cook) Crossed equator twice! Witnessed both Apollo recovery's! West pack! Had good time and bad time!
Rivera, JoseEW3Mar 1972 – Jul 1973OperationsIt was the best time that I had while in the Navy. Crossing the Equator, Apollo 16, Apollo 17, Skylab 1, and the frequent trips to Peral Harbour, the trips to Tijuana and camping with my EW friends.
Stevens, Terrell "terry"RM3Apr 1972 – May 1972CommunicationsHonored to volunteer from NAVCOMSTA Kodiak, with my buddy RM3 Mark Humphrey, for temporary duty during the Apollo 16 recovery mission. Assigned to the transmitter shack. Became a Shellback during that same mission. Great memories. Thanks.
Nacoste, LawrenceCorporalApr 1, 1972 – Aug 21, 1973Marine DetachmentTimes on the Ticonderoga were great. The Apollo 16, 17 and Skylab. Crossing the Equator April 11, 1972 and later crossing again were great. CO orderly was my last assigned duties. Lots of good memories.
Torgerson, PaulMMFNApr 15, 1972 –MHas anyone ever found Duck, Carney, or Worden, from M Division.
Carpenter, RobertE3May 1972 – Nov 1973mwould like to here from the old crew,
Heyd, FrederickE-3May 1972 – Jul 7, 1974Anti Submarine Warfare Division
Strickland, RobertLCpl/E-3May 1972 – Aug 1973Marine DetachmentReally enjoyed my duty as a sea-going Marine. Met a lot of great Marines and Sailors. Also enjoyed my duty as CAPT Hemler's Marine Orderly. Great times at sea and at different ports o' call.
Willess, WalterAEANMay 1972 – Nov 1972VS 29Looking for anyone that was in VS 29 or anyone that was on the Tico during the 1972 WestPac (departed NAS North Island - May 17, 1972) that cares to share info about the cruise.
Schwiesow, StephenETN2May 27, 1972 – Aug 1973OEI finished my Tico tour just as she was being decommissioned in 1973, then went to a reserve tin can, USS Wiltsie DD 716, until I separated from the Navy end of August 1974. I recently retired from education field 2015.
Snyder, JackSM3Jun 1972 – Dec 1973signalsmy 1st ship. apollo 17 and skylab 1, unbelievable. hated shellback day but glad i did it. loved working above the flight deck. still smell the stacks, still see the planes landing. loved watching the airdales. bmu-1 after decommish.
Stokes, John "butch"EW2Jun 1972 – Jun 1975OperationsStill have the original photos of the Apollo recovery missions on my office wall. All whom see them are amazed.
Smith, RogerENSJul 1972 – Oct 1973Public AffairsLast public affairs officer for Tico. Picked up Apollo 17 and Skylab astronauts! Line officer with many bridge watches under my belt! Today, I prefer cruise ships!
Snyder, JackSM3Jul 1972 – Dec 1973SignalsCame onboard in july 1972 after "A" school. Wow, is all I can say being on this ship. Being able to watch flight ops from my work space above the flight deck was awesome. Remembering the recovery of Apollo 17 and Skylab.
Vargas, JohnnyEMFNSep 1972 – Aug 1973EWas aboard Tico when picked up SKYLAB 2, Served with Buddy Diehl, Bob Zayas E-Div
Johnson, Richard ..speedyAirmanSep 1972 – May 1973Air V1 Fly 1First Command..met lots of people and wonder where they are now. Found 2 names from same time I was on board.
Benton, MarkE-1Oct 1972 – Oct 19733rdI became a shellback during apollo 17 pickup mission and enjoyed every min of it.
Galusha, FranklynE3Oct 1, 1972 – Sep 1, 1973Ship's company
Galusha, FranklynE2Nov 16, 1972 – Sep 10, 1973Ship's crewJust like to say hi to everyone and hope life has been good to you... Does anyone have any Apollo picks they would like to share
McCormick, MikeAirman, v-1 div. Blue shirtDec 1, 1972 – Jun 1, 1974V1I was a blue shirt. Looking for friends and photos of the the sky lab 1 recovery. Decommissioning crew. 1972-1974
Bryceland, FrankE-3 /BMDec 20, 1972 – May 20, 1973Deck Division 3I manned the 3 inch Gun the port side
Baxter, DavidEMFN1973 – 1973EngineeringI was an EM during the time we picked up Skylab II. I served with Gary Dye and Pete Sutchon, (not sure of the spelling).
Hulse, StephenFA1973 – 1973B
Jones, JeffMM3Jan 1973 – Jun 1973MThis was my first ship, and though I have served on other ships (USS Fulton, USS Nimitz), the Tic will always hold a special place in my heart.
Patzke, Al profile iconMM3Jun 1973 – Sep 1973B

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1954 | 1955 – 1958 | 1959 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 – 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – now

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