US Navy Crew List

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USS Flatley (FFG 21) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Flatley (FFG 21). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 226 crew members registered for the USS Flatley (FFG 21).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1981 | 1982 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1991 | 1992 – now

Harvell, RonnieDC31992 – 1995E-3Served as a damage control petty officer. Have great memories. My old shipmates get in touch. I live in Kentucky.
Albritton, JamesLCDRJan 1992 – Oct 1994SUPPLYMy first Supply Corps Tour as DISBO/SALES. Great crew, that worked hard and played hard. Two Homeport shifts.
Perry, JohnBMSNJan 3, 1992 – Sep 4, 1993DECK
Beckley, PtrickE7/DCCMar 17, 1992 – Sep 5, 1995E3Engineering
TIItto, Williame-2/saMar 27, 1992 – Nov 10, 1995firstnone
Meffert, JeffersonICFNMay 1992 – Jul 29, 1993CS
Elks, DaleMS2May 1992 – Mar 1996Supply
Cottery, ToneyYNC(SW)May 12, 1992 – Jul 1, 1994NAV/ADMIN
Granger, EddieITCJul 19, 1992 – May 15, 1996OC02Hello to the old Flatley crew...We survived! I'll never forget the people or the impressive effort put in to making her the first ship to break the TAR/USN barriers. We crossed over and made it work for the best. Only the crew of the Flatley!
Conklin, JackETC(SW)Oct 1, 1992 – May 11, 1996CS4Enjoyed the ship and crew...well most of the time.
Peck, ArtMSCM(SW) Ret.Nov 2, 1992 – May 1996S2Great ship, lot of really good memories.
Reasor, AnthonyE31993 – 1995DeckGood to see some familiar names on here. Would love to hear from you guys if you remember me.
Bessey, RobertGSE31993 – 1993EngineeringGreat ship my first FFG was only there a short time before moving to temdu P-Cola Hosp for surgeries for knee failure. Retired from P-Cola God I miss my sea goin days... Fair winds & Following seas think it was 93 lol long time ago
Taylor, KenEW21993 – 1996CS1Still remember Cinko giving us the sterilized needles to do the homemade tats in the bilges. Man those were the days. Email:
Underwood, JustinGMGJan 1993 – May 1996
Stevenson, KermitGSE2Jan 1993 – May 1996ENGINEERINGDecommissioning crew - training the turks was interesting. I still cherish our last big cruise to Europe in the fall of 1995. I designed the decommisioning poster for the Flatley and a logo/poster for the turks - I still have posters if interested.
Rosario, RoscoeBM2Jan 1993 – Jan 8, 1994DeckHad a good time, met cool people, survived the storm of the century.
Hill, LeiwsBM3Jan 1993 – Aug 19951STGREAT SHIP!!!!
Rosario, RoscoeBM2Jan 1, 1993 – Oct 1, 1994DECKHad a great time met cool people survived the storm of the century.
Dunn, DonnieET2Mar 1993 – May 1996CS4
Klaszky, RobertCAPTMar 23, 1993 – May 11, 1996DC Div, CS DIv, NavGreat ship and crew. I was DCA/Electrical Officer, Ordnance Officer and Navigator. My first ship and have so many great memories serving with such a dedicated and awesome crew!
Johnson, GunnerGMG3May 1, 1993 – May 15, 1996CS-3Gunner Mate 76mm Planning a 20 year reunion July 4th weekend 2014 in Houston, TX, please email me or see our RMD Alumni Page on Face
Ivory, JerryDC1Aug 5, 1993 – Feb 6, 1995rhello
Jacobs, JasonE3Sep 1993 – Jul 1995DeckWow!! Great to see this site. Miss alot of you knuckle heads! We had some really great times along with some really crappy ones as well. HAZE GREY AND UNDER WAY!! Get intouch
Bryant, MichaelYN3Sep 1993 – Jun 1996Admin OfficeHello All, I had a great time with all of you. I enjoyed everyone. Would love to get in contact with you and keep in touch. Hit me up!
Latuszek, GaryQM3Oct 1993 – May 1996Nav/AdminAnyone heard from Jeff Breedlove since the hurricane? Good to see so many of you communicating on here. The Cap'n is in Cali now. Good man. GO BAMA!! Serve with him at a moments notice.
Yeager, RickOS2Nov 1993 – Feb 1995CS-1Even with months in Haiti and GTMO, I still had a great time and met some great people!
Boyd, JeffGMM3Dec 1993 – May 1996cs3could of retired this year but now i have to wait till im 60something
Brewer, JamesMRFR E031994 – May 11, 1996Would love to hear from you guys. Glad to be out!
Dry, BrianSRJan 1994 – Mar 1994Short tour but one of the best
Stanley, GotowalaFC2Jan 18, 1994 – Oct 17, 1996CS
Cinko, Gary(baby Doc)HM3Feb 1994 – May 11, 1996medicalgot to serve with a great bunch of guys. had times i'll remember forever. hey who could forget the haitian vacation.
Cinko, GaryHM3Feb 1994 – May 11, 1996medical
Crocker, MichaelCAPT (Retired)Feb 1994 – May 1996COThe last CO. Never a day goes by that I don't wish I were back. What a great crew we had!!
Mosley, Bill..."Mo"e-4Mar 1994 – May 1, 1996A gangonly on here cause some of you guys owe me moneysheets you owe me a shitload of beer dude! Dooley ...wheres my pictures? Anyone know if Toby got fatter? lol heard Sansbury got some fat chic pregnant who woulda guessed
Bynum, Re'CDR(SEL)Apr 1994 – Mar 1996SupplyDecom Suppo of one of the finest frigates in the Navy
Peden, BillYN2(SW/AW) Now Ret YNCSApr 15, 1994 – May 11, 1996NAV/ADMINGreat Ship - Best Frigate in the Navy! CAPT Crocker was one of the best CO's I ever served with - War Damn Eagle!
Nogoda, TonyET2Jun 1994 – May 1996CS 4
Perry, David profile iconOSSNJul 10, 1994 – Aug 20, 1994CICLooking for my shipmates
Sheets, CoreyE6/PS1Aug 4, 1994 – May 1996ADMIN
Weilenman, EricCDRJan 5, 1995 – May 11, 1996CS OfficerDecommissioning CSO on the finest frigate in the Fleet
Garfield, DaveEN2Dec 1995 – May 1996A-GangHad one heck of a good time. I miss the comrodere we as a crew had. Everybody new everybody, we were a family. I'd like to know what ya'll are doing now. Istill live in Kiln, MS

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1981 | 1982 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1991 | 1992 – now

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