US Navy Crew List

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USS Boulder (LST 1190) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Boulder (LST 1190). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 321 crew members registered for the USS Boulder (LST 1190).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1972 | 1973 – 1976 | 1977 – 1980 | 1981 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1990 | 1991 – now

Dubey, BrianBM1991 – 1992DeckStill living the dream
Gaines, JohnGMC1991 – 1995WeaponsI was the Division Officer, Weapons Officer, Junior Officer of the Deck, Chief Master at Arms, and Command Chief. This was my best command and most fun I had in the Navy. I really miss the Navy and the friendships.
Bross, Terry BrossdogdcfnJan 26, 1991 – Jun 15, 1993R-divi loved the ship and the capt marvin he is the one who talked me into staying also a black guy who was or became a good friend at the time he worked in the galley wish i could see him again and thank him also the capt
Hardesty, John "Alan"ET3Feb 22, 1991 – Feb 18, 1994ECurrently stationed at ATRC Dahlgren. Commissioned LDO Nov 2000.
Turner, Eldon EnscENCSApr 6, 1991 – 1994M DIVGreat ship with 2 Glakes cruises and Naval representative at 2 Black History events Baltimore and Houston Capt Marvin and Officers and Senior enlisted allowed great liberty but demanded professional job performance.
Bross, BrossdogDC1 (SW/MTS)Apr 7, 1991 – Jun 10, 1993Repair ER09So many good memories i miss the lst life ive had such a good career thanks so much to the personal of the boulder that talked me into staying ive had to have a kidney removed due to cancer but things look good now hope to hear from you all
Wampler, ChadE3Jul 2, 1991 – Jul 2, 1993Deck Crew
Shawn, WeaverOS3Jul 7, 1991 – Feb 15, 1994OperationsHave great memories aboard this ship, mostly the GLCruises. I hope to rekindle old friendships or perhaps make new ones with those who served onboard same time as me. Look me up on facebook - Shawn Weaver, Holley, NY
Hughes, AustinE2Aug 20, 1991 – Aug 20, 1993DECK
Caplinger, Andy ( 3-ball )EN3Sep 1991 – Feb 1994Only on for a short time. Did one GLC, loved those canadian ports. Would like to hear from Boo Boo, Ant Man, Johnny Shea, Gray Man, Chief Roberts, Chief Lawson, Senior Chief Turner, Harold, Ltjg Tuck. #3 engine room rocked.
Holbrook, RandyBMC(SW)Oct 1991 – Feb 1994DeckExcellent Crew and Ship, and I agree Capt Marvin one of the Best Commanding Officers ever. And he was an Avid UNC Fan..
Peterson, David "Pete"ENFNOct 26, 1991 – Feb 16, 1994Drunk Lakes... ripping the fence up at DOW chemical company with the anchor...Buffalo NY... strawberry daquries.. practical joke wars
Hesseltine, DougET31992 – 1993I was only onboard for a short time. I met the ship in Buallof NY while on a Great Lakes cruise then only stayed for a short time before she began preping for decommisioning. I later went on to USS Oliver Hazard Perry FFG-7, SIMA Mayport & Ingleside
Dupree, CamaraE-41992 – 1994MThe absolute best command I've been assisgned to.
Eichenlaub, ToddE21992 –ENThe GLC was the best!! Met a lot of good people on board the Boulder. was only on board for a short while but will remember the experience for life!
Randall, DerekEM21992 –A&E
Daly, Brian (Radar)OS1Feb 1992 – Dec 1993OI
Conrey, DwayneEM3Mar 1992 – Mar 1993E Div.GLC '93 great time!!!!
Krol, Joseph profile iconE4/HM3Jul 1992 – Aug 1992MedicalI was a Hospital Corpsman during the summer of 1993 not sure of the dates but it was on a Great Lakes Cruise. Had a great time on board and the IDC was a great teacher. Stitched up my first Marine on that cruise.
Marr, RyanENFNAug 1992 – Feb 1994Main PropThe booze cruise thru the lakes. Hanging out in the berthing playing spades, laughing at Peterson "Pete"and Ethridge. My Apartment in Halifax. Great guys and a great time.
Prayor, DonterrishSEAMANSep 1992 – Feb 1994DECKI enjoyed myself TOO much during my 2 years on the ole Boulder.
Armstrong, Jesse profile iconEN3Sep 1992 – Feb 1994M-Div, Engine room #31 GLC and a awsome time. Engine room #3 was the place to be, great group of people and even better partiers!!!!
Roberts, RichardSK3Nov 1992 – Feb 1994SupplyRemember the Great Drunks Cruise of '03. Decommissioning the Boulder.
Gagne, AlainEN31993 – 1995A2 GLC's lots of fun and great memories. Miss the gang and wished we had stayed in touch.
Rodriguez, CarlosYNSNFeb 1993 – Feb 1994XI had blast that short period of time I was on.
Holmes, CyrilE-2Mar 15, 1993 – Sep 15, 1993AdminWas on the USS Rock for a short time, was transferred due to medical issues.
Neely, Christopher profile iconE-2Mar 15, 1993 – Feb 28, 1994DECK
Neely, ChristopherSAMar 19, 1993 – Feb 28, 1994DECK DEPARTMENTBEST COMMAND I EVER SERVED ON.
Green, BillyANMay 1993 – Sep 1993DeckI was only on board for the Great Lakes cruise and enjoyed every minute of it.
Krol, JosephHM3Jul 1993 – Aug 1993MedicalI served as a Reserve Corpsman in the medical department. We were on a Great Lakes tour and I really enjoied my time there!

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1972 | 1973 – 1976 | 1977 – 1980 | 1981 – 1984 | 1985 – 1987 | 1988 – 1990 | 1991 – now

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