US Navy Crew List

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USS Little Rock (CLG 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Little Rock (CLG 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 207 crew members registered for the USS Little Rock (CLG 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1964 – 1968 | 1969 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – now

Mauro, DaveIc31975 – Oct 1976Op
Severson, MarkFTM-51975 – 1977FTFirst ship, best ship. I still miss her. Glad she's in Buffalo. Some day I want to visit her.
Light, Barryht31975 – 1976R-1
Barnhart, Don 'barney'CTO3/CTO2Jan 1, 1975 –SIXTHFLT Staffwas onboard til she was relieve by the Albany - crossdecked. the Rock was the best!
Perryman, DonYN3Feb 1975 – Feb 1978Commander Sixth Fleet SchedulesEnjoyed Gaeta so much that I came back for a second tour aboard USS Puget Sound from 1982-85. Spent a lot of time in the Gut, particularly The Hideaway where I played music.
Lewis, Joe profile iconHN strickerFeb 1975 – Nov 22, 1976H&DRemember the first day coming aboard in Italy. Was on the ship's football & basketball teams. Ran the athletic locker, D.J'd sometimes. Remember Ed Jones, Sully, still have some pictures. Them Chi town boys. Great
Jones, EdwardSN/BM3Feb 12, 1975 – Oct 29, 19771STFrom the Admiral to the most junior SN, they all nice to me.Played on the Basketball and Football team.I remember everybody during my time onboard.I was there for every event. Nothing ever happened until ' THE ROCK' was on station .
Ervin, GeraldBT3Feb 13, 1975 – Jun 22, 1976B DivisionFireroom
Cantwell, Roger (Doc)HA-HM3Apr 1975 – Jun 1976H and DLoved Gaeta. Cross-decked to the USS Albany. "Big Al" was a great ship, but I always think of the Little Rock as a "real" cruiser [still had some big guns and wooden decks].
Lopez, Randyqm2Jun 1, 1975 – Jul 14, 1976flag plot comsixthflt
Jones, MichaelGMM2Jun 2, 1975 – Nov 18, 1976GMMIt’s been over 40 years since I left Little Rock and I still remember it very fondly to this day.
Myers, PatrickFTM 3Jun 10, 1975 – Nov 11, 1976GMMy first command. Had a great time as well as working with a great crew. The poor ship though had seen better days. Water hours as soon as we left the pier. Living in Italy... I wish I had been more mature while there.
Baldwin, DonPNSAJun 26, 1975 – Aug 31, 1976XLoved Gaeta! Stayed 3.5 yrs, X decked to Albany. Returned 27 yrs. later w/ wife and kids -little changed! Made great friends but lost touch. Bill Epperson, drop me a line! Time in Gaeta was some of best in my life.
Plouffe, Bill ( Wild Bill )MS 3Jun 30, 1975 – Nov 1976S2
Cal, KnightSNJul 23, 1975 – Nov 8, 1976First
Shurtleff, Davee3Sep 19, 1975 –machinist mateloved Gaeta - the Little Rock - Rocked. went back 4 years later and loved it more. spoke Italian - had many friends in Gaeta. hard to find some - if anyone has contact info for Antonio Nocca - please let know!
Brian, MoatsOS31976 – 1976OICame back with her from the med when the Albany releived her as 6th fleet flag in Gaeta. Not on her long but a good ship
Egan, JerryRMSN1976 – 1976CRI brought her back from Italy and help clean the Lady up for her final cruise.
Wear, Wes Cookie ManMS/3Feb 18, 1976 – Dec 15, 1976supplywas night baker with sky king. worked in bake shop.
Darley, David "Dink" Or "dinky"OS3Mar 1976 – Nov 1976OIAnyone that remembers me from the Little Rock feel free to email me.
Varnell, Major P. (Major Paine)GMG1Jun 1, 1976 –XCrossdecker it was a Honor and Privilage to have serve on the Rock.
Scott, SteveHTFNJul 15, 1976 – Nov 30, 1976r1italy was great and so was philly.It was the crew and good time shipmates i will always remember.
Atwater, NormanHTCSSep 1, 1976 – Nov 1, 1976Rspent a short time on this ship brought her back to Phila for Decom But she is still around to visit in Buffalo NY E Mail
Owens, LarryE-3Jul 10, 1994 – Jun 10, 19962ndI was stationed in Gaeta on Little Rock in the 70s.friend that I keep in contact with as lost contact with sister after she moved from Gaeta in 80. She married a sailor and moved to Massachusetts. Her name is Antonella Lolla, help locate her

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1964 – 1968 | 1969 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – now

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