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USS Albany (CG 10) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Albany (CG 10). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 659 crew members registered for the USS Albany (CG 10).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 – now

Clatanoff, TomGMG21970 – Jun 19, 19734thMet ship early '70 in Naples after gmg A school at Great Lakes. Three Med cruises. What 19 year old wouldnt love early Barcelona? Lots of memories. Had duty in Armory(aft comprtment of ship) as well as gun mounts 51 & 52.
Cuspard, Frank S.JO31970 – Sep 1, 1972XWorked in the Public Affairs office. Also coordinated broadcasts on the ship's radio and TV stations. I have a lot of good memories serving aboard the Albany.
Hawkes, DennisGMT 31970 – Jul 3, 19736th
Mike, BarnesSK21970 – 1972S-1Great ship and great crew.
Haas, JohnRD3 OS31970 – 1973Operations
Finney, JamesSM11970 – 1972OCI would like to contact EDWARDS "EDDIE", SWEENEY,"SWEENNI", and FERMANIAN.
Cook, DennisSTG21970 – 19726thWe did a Med cruise right after I came aboard. Then didn't go to Nam as scheduled. Went to Puerto Rico to the missile range instead. Did a shakedown before scheduled for yard. Got out, went to college & law school.
Richards, KenQM31970 – Dec 11, 1973navigationwould like to hear from shipmates 330-850-5059
Cooper, RichardQm31970 – 1973NavigationEmail Cell # 7274394339
Mincey, RandyRM2Jan 1, 1970 – Feb 15, 1973CommThree Med cruises plus N. Atlantic missle shoots. Good times and good friends.
Williams, Ross (Willie)GMM2Jan 1, 1970 – Jan 1, 19733rd divTalos --forward house Fantastic crew and times ! Going on the beach with these guys --- well let's just say glad we made it back to the ship 😂Just an awesome firepower we had-- to bad the Albany wasn't saved as a museum
Wendt, LarryFTM-2Jan 4, 1970 – May 28, 1974F-2I worked in the Tartar Computer Room, and Stbd 51-C Radar Room, made 3 Med, cruises, Philly Yd, Personal Insp. at Mayport in rain, givin order to dump hats, still in contact with some Albany shipmates, lots of fun times and memories.
Juderjahn, ChuckRM3Jan 5, 1970 – Dec 10, 1973Looking for the Cruise Book for the Mediterranean Cruise of the USS Albany in 1972-1973. Want to beable to have a book company make a copy of it for myself. I Will pay all postages and will return it to you promptly. Your shipmate..chuck.
Blum, JeffreyETR2Jan 6, 1970 – Mar 2, 1973OEMade ETR3 & 2 on board. Responsibilities included SPS-10 radar, IFF Equipment, and TACAN. Upon discharge, graduated with a BS and MS from Rutgers University in NJ. Retired as an engineer with McCormick & Co after 25 yrs.
Duncan, MikeSMCSFeb 1970 – Dec 1971Staff SignalmsnShipmates
Woodland, JamesMS2Mar 19, 1970 – Jun 19, 1974Mess SectionI started as a dishwasher and worked in the bakery till I was promoted TO MS3. Our quarters were in the Aft under the Talos missle launchers. Once I was promoted to MS2, I was transfered to Saufley Field in Pensacola Florida until Dec 1976
Blodgett, GaryRD3 - OS3Apr 10, 1970 – Sep 10, 1972OIOnboard in Naples, broke my foot at the AF Base in Athens, broke it again after a fire onboard. Many photos of shore leave. Attended 2000 reunion. JZ, Jack Cook, Muniz were friends. David Eisenhower may remember. no
Woods, Will (Woody)FTM2May 1970 – Jun 1972F-4SPS -48 radar crew with Mike Overstreet and Mike Whitted.
Maxson, MarkYN3May 23, 1970 – Feb 15, 1971Legal
Fonferek, WilliamETR3Jun 1970 – Aug 1974OEHad 3 trips to the Med. Worked on the SPS -43A and was Division Supply Petty Officer. Went to the Ship Yards. Met two buddies Randy Davidson and Jeff Blum. Got a BS degree. Worked at the Army Corps of Engineers.
Jensen, JosephE3 BMSNJun 15, 1970 – Apr 23, 19732nd DivisionWhen I arrived on the U.S.S Albany I was was every bit of 93 lbs. I got i n a fight with a 4 year veteran and given the name Razor Ass after beating the former leader of the dirty dozen Thus I was their Mascot for 3 yr
Matushek, Andrew, "Andy"EM3Jul 1970 – Sep 1972ELooking for EM2 Bobby Johnson and Em2 Wesley Cyphert.
Nelson, Bruceyn2Jul 25, 1970 – Jul 1, 1974PersonnelHi to all the guys, Bill Ridge, Gene Pollard, Mike Overstreet, Hiawatha, Woody, Bill Fonferek, Randy, Dana, John TenEyck...wherever you are, I still think about all of us on The PIG. Happy Veterans Day.
Jundy, GaryE2Aug 1970 – 1971GMG
Warner, Bruce profile iconMMFN/JO3Aug 1970 – Jun 1972Engineerng/PAODue to allergy to oil, I changed ratings from MM to JO and was promoted to JO3.
Shireman, RogerQMSNAug 15, 1970 – Aug 1972Navigation
Bierman, FrankSFPO3-HT2Sep 1970 – Mar 29, 1974R (Eng.)Was honored to be aboard the Albany for part of its Med cruise in 70, and completed 2 Med cruises there after, along with getting to me Mr. Richard M. Nixon aboard the Albany while we were in Mayport Fla.
Ruths, Joel profile iconFTM2Sep 10, 1970 – Nov 26, 1974F-3Aft Talos guidance Radar AN/SPW-2B. Good memories of two Med Cruises in 1971 and 1972. Welcome contact from any fellow crew members. One of my best friends, Ron Lebo from F-1 passed in 12/2015.
Jensen, Joseph (Razor Ass)BMSNSep 15, 1970 – Apr 23, 19732nd8th week of bootcamp caught spinal meningitis @ 150 lbs. in good shape.Weighed a wapping 95 lbs to my 1st duty aboard CG10. 1st day in 2nd Div. BM3 Mueller started fight traded punches / mates held our hands.I cut his face up he named me.
Micklo, Wayne "Radar"petty officer E5Sep 15, 1970 – Jul 6, 1976F2
Lydon, JamescplSep 15, 1970 – Jun 15, 1972marine detany marines or sailor's,seaman eagan,bronk's ny?
Brown, DonDK-3Oct 1970 – Oct 1972SupplyHad some of the best times of my life with the crew of Albany. Many characters aboard the ship gave me many memories. Still in contact with a few would like to hear from more. contact me
Burns, Sylvester ( Jb )EM3Nov 4, 1970 – Jan 7, 1972E
Demarco, DavidE3Nov 23, 1970 – Jul 31, 1972Deck ApeI thought at the time that it was the worst time in my life until we went to the Med. It was the best time of my life.Me and Wade "Smitty" Smith the Snipe had a blast.
Palmer, Jim / Jp5SK2Dec 30, 1970 – Feb 15, 1972S-1What memories the screensaver on my computer provokes. I served with some of the greatest characters that ever sailed. I would love to hear from any and all the SK's and officers of the S-1 division
Juderjahn, Charles/judeRM31971 – Dec 10, 1973Went on Med Cruise from Sep 72 to Feb of 73. Then to dry dock in Philidelphia when honorable discharged on Dec 10-1973. I am looking for that Cruise Book.even a photocopy. Can any Mate PLEASE find me a copy or how to get a copy???? HELP..
Crayton, EarlL/Cpl1971 – 1972MarineGreat time onboard
Hammond, Elerygmg11971 – 1973mast at armsbremmer fdrom west bygod r u still around,any of you guys served with me still kickn get n touch,loved the ship crew n time spent,brmer bull whre r u?
Brooks, Stevenrm/e-31971 – 1972radioman e-3lt.jg. David Eisenhower was one of our comm. Officers.,..very memorable...
Jackson, William /billBt2(BR)1971 – 1973B DivisionI was LPO for No.2 Fireroom. I became the first BT with a designation as BT2(BR) in the Navy.
Craner, MichaelFTM-21971 – 19735th and 3rdWorked in the aft Talos missile house. 3 Med cruses.
Swanson, EddyPN21971 – 1975X
Wootton, JohnFTM-3Jan 1971 – Nov 19755thWorked in the aft Talos missile house.
Everett, DavidSFP3Jan 1971 – Apr 1972RI came aboard in Jan of '71, made a Med cruise and while in the Med was promoted to 3rd class Shipfitter, later to become a Hulltech. Smooth seas and following winds to all!
Anderson, James(Jim)EM3Jan 1971 – Aug 1, 1972E division
Ascher, Kenneth (Whitey)FTM-2Jan 13, 1971 – May 13, 19753rdForward missile house
Reed, DaveFTM2Jan 18, 1971 – Jul 3, 19753rdforward missile house. 2 med cruises philly yard and Gitmo. Also assigned to f4 div in STERF
Reed, DaveFTM2Jan 19, 1971 – Jul 10, 19753RD
Snyder, JamesETCSJan 28, 1971 – Jan 27, 1974?My Dad died in 1983. The Albany was the last ship he was on until he retired. He served with Lt. Ike. He always had a guitar onboard for country pick n' grinnin. My Mom, Kaye, was the president of the Albany wives club
Vanbogelen, Mark (Van)RD3Feb 1971 – Aug 1972OIMet ship in Naples. Did med cruise then returned to Mayport. Did a couples cruises in S. Atlantic. Served with David Eisenhower. Memorable missle firings with one returning toward ship.
Ten Eyck, JohnETN3Mar 25, 1971 – Feb 15, 1973OE
McMurry, Chuck (Mac)BT2Apr 10, 1971 – Jan 13, 1977B I was on board when the "FIRE" (Sept 29) occurred. It was a fuel oil strainer that the top popped off and that sent 350psi fuel into an overhead light, which ignighted and caught one guy by the Generator. It was a very sad day.
McMurry, ChuckBT2Apr 10, 1971 – Jan 13, 1977BHey, send me an email at pckiss@ameritech dot net
Watts, MikeCYN3Jun 1971 – Nov 1973CRBest Buddies were Chuck and Marco.
McGraw, Ronnie (Ron)ET1Jul 1971 – Oct 1973OE
Beckmann, JimBt3Aug 1971 – Apr 1973oil king labSpent 48 hours straight pumping water out of the oil storage tanks during the time we were headed over to the Med in '72 going flank speed trying to catch the rest of the fleet after pulling into Norfolk for repairs.
Woehrle, JackET1Aug 1971 – Aug 1972operationsRan calibration lab.
McFadyen, RodneyGMG2Aug 12, 1971 – Jun 15, 19746thSERVED AS ASROC GM
Canter, Thomas MikeE4 GMG 5:38Aug 30, 1971 – Jul 3, 1974unknow I was a GMG E4 ON THE 5:38. known as TENN to all the shipmates.I come aboard in MAYPORT FLORIDE 1971 TO 1974.
Woods, MorrisPN3Sep 1971 – Sep 1974
Schneck, JohnFTM3Sep 1971 – May 1974F2Member of Tartar F2 Division, assigned to port radar. Med Cruise, released from Yards at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Served with some great guys...Hoag, John Bayle and Rick Benge and Danny Hickman.
Reeder, Robert (Bob)BM2Sep 18, 1971 – Feb 7, 1973!st LT Sail Locker and 2ndWhatever happened to Harvey Coram, Chuck Sellers and Larry Childress
Trevino, RickLI 3Oct 18, 1971 – Aug 18, 1974X Went on to retire out of the Air Force Reserves with a small pension. A year and half ago I retired out of Defense Contracting Management Agency.
Gandionco, ArthurSK2Nov 1971 – Jul 1974S-1 (Supply)Love my duties aboard the Albany. Served with LT. Ike during my deck force tour and SKCS Unger in Supply. Philly was nice and meet my future wife there. Now we've been married for 32 years.
Hayden, RobertOS3Nov 10, 1971 – Sep 15, 1975operations
Fore, JimNov 15, 1971 – Sep 1, 19741stMade Artic Circle Cruise Med Cruise lot of Caribean shoots. Left Albany in Gitmo in Sept 1974. Hello to any one serving during this Period.Especially all the deck force guys. Remember all those underway refuelings In The North Atlantic?
Lee, BillE-3Dec 1971 – Apr 1974Deck ape aft and starboard sideOne med cruise and multiple cruise shoots in the Caribbean; philly yard and once to the North Atlantic (jeez it was cold!)
Frederick, Donald Freddye. 4. Mm3 Dec 1971 – 1975m div. gen gang It was a time I would trade for any thing but don't want to do it again. I wish I could see and talk to guys I served with in m and b div.
Barlow, RobertE5Dec 1, 1971 – 1973CommissaryMade the Med Cruise in 72 also onboard during the work over in Philadelphia. Worked as a cook striker under Chief Jones. Wondering what happened to several buddies, Presley, Greenhill, Tinkle, Yauger .
Goodwin, WarrenQM2Dec 27, 1971 – Dec 26, 1975Navigation

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