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The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Albany (CG 10). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?
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There are 659 crew members registered for the USS Albany (CG 10).
Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 – now
Name | Rank/Rate | Period | Division | Remarks/Photo |
Lebeau, Timothy | NA | 1900 – | Non | |
Atwood, Rex | 1946 – 1948 | My grandfather Rex Atwood served aboard the USS Albany in the late 1940's. He was a CRM. This is probably a longshot, but I'm looking for any information about him or anyone who served with him. Thanks! | ||
Dochnahl, Lawrence | YEOMAN | 1946 – 1947 | Administrative | |
Fike, Glen | RD2 | Nov 1949 – Jan 1952 | RADAR | SEARCH FOR CREW MEMBERS OF THAT PERIOD |
Cihal, Ramond / Robert | 3RD CLASS | 1953 – | Electrical | |
Smart, John (Sonny) | Petty officer | May 1, 1954 – | Boiler operator | My poppop. RIP. |
O'Heren, William (Bill) | FA | Jun 1955 – Dec 1955 | A Div | was in the diesel gang |
Rauback, Joe | ICFN / IC 3 | 1957 – 1958 | E | Our Captain was John S Mc Cain |
Hutchens, Kloondus ,r [ Hutch} | CG 10 | Jun 1960 – | CHEIF HUTCHENS PASSED AWAY FEB 17 2001 | |
Cole, Ernest | Signalman 3rd class | Jul 20, 1961 – Apr 12, 1966 | operations | I was one of the original crew assigned ,then it was disbanded except for about 12 of us including Original Capt,B.B. Pickett. I was longest tenured crew member as far as I know.Please email |
Fontana, Carmen | Seaman E3 | Nov 1, 1961 – Oct 1, 1963 | 1st Division | plank owner best time of my life as a young single man |
Tillberg, Thomas | BT3 | 1962 – Nov 1963 | B | i am a plankowner and left just before going to the med for the first time |
O'Connor, James/oc/oscar Charlie | RADARMAN 2ND CLASS | 1962 – 1965 | Operation-Radar | Did pre-com training in Newport for a few months. Was part of ship's first crew that put her in commission.Was transfered to the USS Willis A.Lee (DL 4) for temporary assignment during the Cuban Blockade.Did a Med cruise'63-'64.Left Nav |
Geller, Earle | 1962 – 1964 | S-1 | Earle passed away on April 8th, 1997. This is his son Joel. Would love to hear from anyone that knew him and could share stories of life in the Navy during that time. Thanks. | |
Bronk, Charles | sh3 | 1962 – 1964 | s3 | I worked in the ships laundry,soda fountain. |
Weeks, Kenneth | EM3 Electricians mate 3rd Class Petty Officer | 1962 – 1965 | E | My husband is deceased. My name is Marge. I would love to hear from shipmates who served with my husband. Feel free to contact me. |
Finney, James | SMC | 1962 – 1964 | OS | The Albany was one of three ships I had the pleasure of putting in commission. I particularly enjoyed our time at the Boston Naval Ship Yard . Love to hear from some of the signalmen, Sweeney,Edwards, Fermanian. |
Karcagi, Joseph | EM 2 | 1962 – Jan 16, 1965 | electricial - E. div | I was on the Pre-Com crew in Newport pre-com; am a Plank Owner; went to the Med and the Artic Ocean; witnessed many first's in live missile development. I was a young & litterly grew up with best of men in my division |
Finney, James | SM1 | 1962 – 1962 | OS | SMC Finney says hello to all my shipmates. Sweeney, Fermanian, Cole, & Edwards. Remember Chief Dent, "like dent in the fender"! james_finney@att.net. Love to here from you guys. |
Ashlock, Gerald/butch | EM2 | 1962 – 1964 | E Division | |
Lafrance, Gene | BM3 | 1962 – 1966 | 1st Div | Plank owner |
Rose, Douglas ![]() | SN/SOG3 | 1962 – 1964 | 2nd/6th | |
Donald, Risch | 3rd class electrician | 1962 – 1964 | E division | I was part of the Commissioning crew in 1962. Now living in Manitowoc Wisconsin |
Donald, Risch | E 3 | 1962 – 1962 | E | I was part of the Commissioning crew in 62. I now live in Manitowoc Wisconsin. |
Martin, Franklin | DK3 | 1962 – 1964 | S-4 | Pre-commissioning & shake-down cruises were challenging, but very instructive. Our 1st tour of the Med Sea zone was a "coming-home" for me. PLANK OWNER |
Pinkston, Everett(pinky) | S/N | Jan 1962 – Jun 1962 | Operations/Radio school | Pre-com school. Hope to make contact with any who was there and remembers me. |
Florence, Richard ![]() | FTM2 | Jan 6, 1962 – Oct 16, 1963 | Weapons | Worked on SPG 49 #2 |
Olsen, Ray | ENS/LTJG | Feb 1962 – May 1964 | Tartar Battery Officer | Pre-commissioning detail, Tartar Systems, 5"38 battery officer after eventual installation of old open mount. This was my first assignment as an officer, having been a First Class Missileman, a NESEP graduate, and having completed OCS. |
Carson, Kevin | BT3 | Feb 6, 1962 – Nov 13, 1964 | B | I was fortunate to work with a great bunch of guys and #2 boiler room was the best |
Larosa, Alfred | SK3 | Mar 1962 – Jul 1964 | S-1 | Plankowner, stationed aboard APL at the Boston Naval shipyard as part of the Precommission crew. |
Rodebaugh, Thomas | MM3 | Mar 8, 1962 – Mar 8, 1962 | A | Looking to talk to any one in the a division that was on board from 1962 to 1965. Was on board when we went to Cuba. and am a Plank owner. |
Cortez, Ira | CWO 3 | Apr 1962 – Apr 1967 | E Division | I served from 1962-1967 as an EMC in E Division and I recently was fortunate enough to locate several old shipmates. Would love to hear from other crewmen as well. |
Goodman, Eddie | E4 | Apr 10, 1962 – Aug 10, 1963 | Marine Detachment | Marine Orderly for Captain Ben B. Pikett. L/cpl Stayed at sea most of my two years make Med cruise and several Caribian and others. Am iterested in emailing any body that was in the "Det" during this time. Semper Fi. |
Cole, Ernest ![]() | SM3 | Apr 12, 1962 – Apr 21, 1966 | operations signalmen | I was longest tenured member of Albany as far as I know, I was on original pre-comm crew that was disbanded except for 12 of us, including first Captain Ben B, Pickett |
Braud, Claud | mm 1 | Apr 15, 1962 – Apr 5, 1965 | M | hope every one is still ok |
Doppke, Gregory | MM 3 | May 1962 – May 1965 | I am a hvac. contractor in the new york , ct. area. any old shipmates sent a email. | |
Westfall, Stan | EMC | May 1962 – Sep 1964 | E | looking for anyone that was in the precommissioning crew |
Aust, Donald | DT-2 | May 1962 – May 12, 1963 | Medical/Dental | Member of pre-comm detail-Plankowner. Worked for LCDR Jerry Smith in dental office until discharge. Went to dental school at Northwestern, practiced dentistry in Colorado until retirement last year. Married, 4 daughters restore old cars no |
Mathewson, Chris | FTM 2 | May 10, 1962 – May 15, 1966 | 3rd | PLANKOWNER |
Crawford, Floyd | E4 | Jun 1962 – Dec 1965 | unknown | |
Weinstein-miadock, Dick-richard | 3rd Class Ship Fitter | Jun 1962 – Nov 15, 1964 | R Div. | hello albany -just found you and ron whitney-living in ft myers,fl.sorry i missed reunion-those where the good old days-please contact richard miadock-rmiadock06@embarqmail.com-was contacted by Ron Whitney -contact me! |
Sweeney, Charles | SM | Jun 1962 – Jun 1966 | OS | Sam Fermanian |
Heinsler, Donald, (Dutch) | RD3 | Jun 1, 1962 – Jun 1, 1964 | Operations | Would like to contact any RD's that served from 1962 thru 1964 |
Neal Hendrigsman, Henry | SFM3 | Jun 4, 1962 – Jun 1966 | R | Love serving aboard the Big A. Would do it again if that were possible. Plank Owner |
Zornes, Herschel | mm3 | Jun 12, 1962 – Aug 13, 1962 | m | trying to locate past ship mates espically m div. |
Kanode, Ward | SH-3 | Jun 24, 1962 – Oct 15, 1965 | S-3 | Blank owner, blue nose |
Kanode, Ward | SH3 | Jul 1962 – Oct 1965 | S3 | Plank Owner |
Clevinger, Garry | SFM3 | Jul 1962 – Feb 1965 | R | Plank owner |
Bielecki, David | BM3 | Jul 6, 1962 – May 15, 1964 | second | |
Peterson, Donald | RD3 | Jul 17, 1962 – Jul 17, 1964 | OI | |
Chace, Henry | FTM3 | Jul 31, 1962 – Aug 3, 1964 | F-2 | Responsible for the repair and maintenance of the AN/S PG 51B radar system(Tartar System #4 Port Side) I was a plank owner. I was on board when the ship was commissioned in November of 1962. Took one cruise to the Med. |
Poss, MacK | E3 | Aug 1962 – Aug 1964 | 1st Division; Mahoney: | Plank Owner, Med. Cruise, Carib. Cruise, Cuban Missile Crisis Blockade under Captain Ben B. Pickett: Many wonderful memories...wish I could do it again!!! |
Heldman, Edward -aj- | EM2 | Aug 1, 1962 – Jun 1, 1965 | Eng,/Elec. | I was on the Pre-Com crew & instructor of Sound Powered Phones in Newport pre-com; am a Plank Owner; went to the Med and the Artic Ocean; witnessed the first live warhead Talos firing when it almost hit the bridge! |
Mathewson, Chris | FTM-2 | Aug 15, 1962 – Jun 13, 1966 | 3rd Fwd TALOS Missile Battery | I served aboard Albany from 1962 to 1966 and amde several cruises to the Med and the Carib. I was on the Pre-Com in Boston although they sent me to school During the Commisioning cermony. My years aboard were very enjoyable & enlightening. |
Robinson, Ed | MT2/FTM2 | Aug 15, 1962 – Apr 25, 1965 | 5th Aft Talos | I appear in 5th division photo but my name was omitted. I served aboard Albany from Aug 1962 thru April 1965. Precomissoning school in Newport, RI. |
Van Hooser, Jerry (Don) | MMPO3 | Sep 1962 – Apr 1965 | MM DIV | I am a plank owner and a blue nose. Would like to hear from Gill "Scotty" or any others. Loved the picture of the four misslie launch....oops....I mean three.....ha..... |
Toler, Roger | Ens/Ltjg | Sep 1962 – Aug 1964 | Radio/Signals | Plank owner, qualified underway under Capt Ben B Pickett |
Farrell, Terry | L/CPL | Sep 1, 1962 – Sep 1, 1964 | Mar Det | Commisioning crew Nov62; '63 Med Cruise |
Diaz, Bill | RM | Sep 3, 1962 – Aug 6, 1964 | OR | |
Garber, Richard | Fireman | Sep 5, 1962 – Feb 10, 1964 | m division | Trying to find two friends Eugene (Buck) Kittel and brother Bob. From Michigan I worked on the fwr and aft evaporators. |
Roberts, Curtis- Robbie | S/N | Sep 21, 1962 – Sep 2, 1963 | 1st | Plant Owner- Good times..Hey Doug Rose you out there? |
Swisher, Tom | E-3 | Sep 26, 1962 – 1964 | 2nd | |
Conley, Dennis | SN | Oct 1962 – Oct 1964 | 2nd | Retired in 1994 as BMC(SW) |
Neuenfeld, Bill | SN | Oct 1962 – Sep 1964 | 2nd | "Plank Owner", I would like to get in touch with anyone from the 2nd Div. Also a few friends from the 1st Div., and Marine Div. So, if you remember me, send me an E-Mail. |
Nelson, Rick (Nellie) | PN2 | Oct 1962 – Oct 1964 | X | Plankowner. |
Minchey, Robert | SN | Oct 1962 – Oct 1964 | 2nd Deck Division | Great time and great shipmates. |
Rich, David | CS3 | Oct 1, 1962 – Feb 1, 1963 | cook | cook David Rich 2430 Tinnin road Goodlettsville,TN 37072 615-851-6523 |
Freeman, Joseph | FTM2 | Oct 10, 1962 – Sep 4, 1964 | F2 | Was Tartar SAM radar operator/repair specialist. Plankowner |
Bolar, Thomas | RM3 | Nov 1962 – Jun 1964 | Operations | I worked in crypto shack on 06 level Ens Toler was my com officer Chief Smith my chief Ben Pickett CPT |
Hatcher, Walter | seaman first | Nov 1962 – Mar 19, 1965 | 2nd | |
Brown, Dennis | MT3 | Nov 1962 – Jul 1964 | 4th Division | Member of the Port Tartar battery crew. Saw lots of ocean and Italy, Spain, Sicily, as well as the Med. |
Dixon, Terry | TM3 | Nov 1962 – Sep 1964 | 2nd, 6th | Looking for shipmates from 2nd division and 6th division. |
Dickerson, William (Bill) | FTM2 | Nov 1962 – May 1965 | 4th Division Tarter Missile | Looking for anyone else with lung problems from asbestos .Myfirst GQ station was as radad operator for oneof the open gun mounts with Ensign Olsen.Every round made the radar room look like a dust storm of asbestes. |
Dove, Wayne | E-4 | Nov 3, 1962 – Sep 10, 1964 | Marine Detachment | Served aboard the CG-10 with the Marine Detachment. My CO was Capt. T.C. Houston, ExO was 1stLT C.G. Bryan, .Would like to hear from any Marine that was aboard at that time. E-mail duvnest@aol.com. Currently live in Fredericksburg, VA |
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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 – now
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