US Navy Crew List

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USS Boston (CAG 1) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Boston (CAG 1). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 330 crew members registered for the USS Boston (CAG 1).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1957 | 1958 – 1960 | 1961 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – now

Ferraiola, AnthonyGMSN1961 – 19624th
McMillan, RobertFTG21961 – 1964FOXHello to all the FOX DIVISION crew members 1961-1964. Hope you are all well.
Parnell, AndrewRD2Jan 1961 – Oct 1963OIWe were impressive. Nothing compares to running at sea on a Heavy Missile Cruiser.
Baillargeon, Raymond RayGMG3Jan 1, 1961 – Dec 19624th
Fortin, Armand (Al)YN3Mar 1961 – Jun 1963Navy Chaplain's Office, Yeoman
Don Keller, DonFTM 3Jun 1961 – Nov 1964FRetired from IBM in 1996. Live in Raleigh, NC
Sherman, ErnieBM 3Jul 1961 – Aug 3, 196310Transferred from USS Canberra CAG-2 with the Admirals Staff as a crew member of his barge with BM2 Howard coxwain, EN 1 engineman Anderson , SN Eastman .Great duty and ship . Was honored to workserve with those men who served during WW II
Parinello, WilliamRD3Jul 1, 1961 – Jun 20, 1964OIWell it was an experience
Logue, RonaldICFNJul 20, 1961 – May 19, 1963E DivisionJack Harrison and Richard Tremel,Don Smith,Chief Baird
Reed, Harvey2nd Class RadarmanAug 1961 – Aug 1964OIWas a great 3 years. Saw half the world. Met a great group of guys. Now wished I had stayed in. However, received a college education, thanks to the G I Bill.
Andersen, RayQM3Sep 1961 – Oct 1963NavThe Best ship in the Navy,I have great memories of my time on her!
Smith, Richard (Smitty)Sep 1961 – Aug 1963OR
Jones, James / JimmyMM3Sep 1961 – Feb 1964MI work in the main eng. room then went fire room 2 for the gen, gang
Vreeland, MatthewSEAMAN 1ST CLASSSep 10, 1961 – Oct 18, 19631stI was1st Div deck force, a driver as we had 6 of our own vehicles aboard. I drove the recreational wagon. Had 2 Med cruises. The Boston was one of the highlights of my life. I will never forget the Boston. She always made me proud.
Archond, HarrySHSN E-3Sep 28, 1961 – Jul 29, 1963S-3They new me by the name of ARCHIE and I worked in the Gedunk, Laundry and Ship's Store. The C.O.'s on board were Capt.Colbert and Andrews. My Chief's in the Div. were Andrew, Russo and Cannig and Lt Holmes was the Div. Officer.
Johnson, MarvRMSNOct 1, 1961 – Aug 1963ORJust thought it would be nice to see who else was there at the time.
Smith, WilliamET 3Nov 4, 1961 – Aug 16, 1963OERetired
Lesniewski, Gregoy "Skeeter"BT3Nov 14, 1961 – Nov 13, 1963Came on board to serve in #4 fireroom under BT1 MacMurtry; transfered to #1 fireroom under BT1 Dickman; served w/BT3 Dodrill as runningmate
Roy, BradleyHM2Dec 1961 – Sep 1963MedicalMet a great group of Sailors and Marines-Slep with USMC personel and acted as their Corpsman. Am semi-retired and have wored as a Medical Consultant for many years.
Walton, James (Jim)IC2Dec 1961 – Sep 1964EBest education I ever had aboard the Boston. Worked 35.5 years for AT&T, 11 years as a municipal police officer and 10 years as a Pennsylvania State Constable.
Jolly, JohnRDSnFeb 1962 – Apr 24, 1965OIThose Healy brothers sure had a way of keeping us guys away from our bunks when underway
Johson, Marvin (Johnny)EN 2Feb 1962 – Dec 1964AReally enjoyed my time on the Boston and the life long friends that were made. I have been retired from work for 20 years and have enjoyed 58 years with my wife who I met in Boston.
Guertin, James (Bud)EM2Mar 1962 – Sep 24, 1965E
Hicks, Elbert Buddye 4Mar 10, 1962 – Mar 10, 1964bLooking for ship mates, and cruise books H. Knowles / Shields,
Gianantonio, BobBT2Mar 12, 1962 – Jan 14, 1966B DivI worked in #2 Fireroom, Oil Shack, Mess Deck Master at Arms, #4 Fire Room, and the forward Refueling Station
Jimenez, Robert E.SEAMAN 1STMar 20, 1962 – Mar 15, 19645thI served on this ship during the cuban missile crisis and would like to contact some of my fellow shipmates. To exchange fond memmories
Capalino, AlbertSK3Apr 7, 1962 – Mar 10, 1965S-3Proud to have served aboard such a fomous ship and proud to have served with every man I served with and would love to here from any one who remembers me. E-Mail,
Brockway, Fred+ETR2Apr 25, 1962 – Apr 26, 1965Go to for info on USS Boston reunions Amazing how we all look after 40+ years Anyone from the Boston can email me
Albano, BillMU3May 24, 1962 – 1964comcrudesflot10
Sandone, RichardSM/3Jun 24, 1962 – Mar 27, 1964OS
Snyder, WilliamSHSNJul 1962 – Apr 1965I think it was 1Worked with Master @ Arms, Gedunk, Ships Laundry, also night disc Jockey, Hung with Dan Snyder, Bob Mallett, Was transfered @ sea from USS Yosemite AD19 coming up from Cuba from the missile crisis
Maxim, DavidE5Dec 24, 1962 – Nov 19665th
Lucas, Bernard (Beanie)GMG31963 – 19661stI enjoyed my time served on the Boston. I would do it again. It made me the man I am today.
Hutchins, KennethSeaman1963 – Jul 1964OS
Mattaliano, Michaelseaman1963 – 19651st.I just took a tour of the USS Wisconsin and the naval shipyard in Norfolk. Just can't believe how small the guided missle cruisers are today and the weapons that that carry. They were great times back then. If you're o
Schultz, WilliamHM31963 – 1964Medical
Mundell, BobBT31963 – 1966BGreat ship, made me a man,also was an engineer on MWB searching for bombs off Polamares Spain.
Walsh, Kevin profile iconLance Corporal/E3 (USMC) 1963-19651963 – 1965Marine detachment Went to great places. Our CO was Capt. Spangler. I remember Joe Vavrusa, Jim Siedel - Gr. Bay Packer Fan, & a host of good Marines. I was Capt. orderly. Any renunions planned? Finished my tour at Marine Barracks Boston
Orsaeo, PeterIC21963 – 1967EI headed up the ship's "rock" band with several shipmates from various divisions. We played in clubs, USO's, radio stations, and celebrations throughout Europe and the Carribean. We called ourselves "The Fugitives".
Groves, AllenBM 31963 – 19664th Division
Whitfield, ArtRDSNJan 1963 – Mar 1965OIRadarman
Mc Cracken, JimBM3Jan 23, 1963 – Feb 25, 19641st and master at armsWorked with Masterms force and ships cars for transporation on shore.
Pagnotto, Robert F.RM3Jan 29, 1963 – Jul 30, 1965ORGreat Ship Great Crew
Lafonte, SalDT3Mar 1963 – 1964DentalI was the only DT on the Boston at the time. CDR.Raymond E. George was the Dental Officer. I remember, Guido, Mulcahey, Gill ,Pritchet, in the Medical Dept.
Erdo, BillAG-3Jun 16, 1963 – Jun 15, 1965NAVIGATIONBeing aboard the Boston was an experience I shall never forget. Especially during GQ as a loader for the 5" Port Guns. Nothing in my life has come close in comparison. GO NAVY!
Douglas, BenjaminE3Jun 25, 1963 – Jun 25, 1965
Maret, CharlesEN3Jun 25, 1963 – Jun 25, 1965A GangPermission to come aboard. I really enjoyed the time i was on the Boston. Made lots of friends still in contact with most of them
Brown, RonBMSNJul 1, 1963 – Jul 9, 19655th & COMCRUDESFLOT-10I servrd with the fighting 5th, then got accepted to go to the Admirals devision. I had 2 months left before my discharge and I sank the Admirals Barge of the coast of Annapolis Md. It was an accident, Does anybody remember it???, Chuck profile iconRM3Jul 15, 1963 – Sep 16, 1965ORServing as a Civil & Revolutionary war soldier, reenactment of living history.Wld b nice to hear fr Roy Poletchek/Tommy fr OR Div. Don't get to access internet as often as I'd like, so pls call 973-440-0999.Tks,Chuck
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Ambrose, Joseph (Jay)RM3Aug 1963 – Dec 1965Radio
Bratcher, Gary1st Class ICSep 1, 1963 – 1965IC
Kroft, DavidSEAMANOct 11, 1963 – Apr 20, 1964FirstI would like to thank all those that made my life so enjoyable.
McNeill, George "mac"RM2Nov 1, 1963 – Mar 6, 1967Operations/CommunicationsSpent 55 wonderful days at anchor looking for a couple of H-Bombs off the coast of Polamares, Spain. Some 40+ years later I wonder what happened to some of my shipmates?
Heffner, Paulag1Nov 12, 1963 – May 15, 1966NAV DIVGOOD TIMES RETIRED AS AG1 1979 LEFT JUST BEFORE NAM. may 1966
May, Bobrm2Nov 23, 1963 – Apr 29, 1966ORcontact me at 765 749 0636

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1957 | 1958 – 1960 | 1961 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – now

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