US Navy Crew List

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USS George Washington (SSBN 598) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS George Washington (SSBN 598). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 194 crew members registered for the USS George Washington (SSBN 598).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1972 | 1973 – 1977 | 1978 – 1981 | 1982 – now

Vieira, Michael / "goose"RADIOMAN 2ND1966 – 1969Operations
Clinefelter, GaryQM21966 – 1969Nav/Ops
Logsdon, DickET1 (SS)1966 – 1970Navigation
Michalak, JohnMM1Aug 1, 1966 – May 1, 1970Engineering LELTMade 8 full and 1 partial patrols. Served under Capt.Glen Merrit who many considered the best.
Wettergreen, Chuck/rosie/rosebud/mountain OxMM2 SSNov 1966 – Jun 1970NUC ERSDid six patrols on the GW, great times. Lotta memories. Nuc school and the constant study required enabled me to breeze through college when I got out.
James, DonET1(SS)(DV)Dec 19, 1966 – Nov 10, 1967EngineeringReactor Operator & Lead Ships Diver-you wouldn't believe the crap under the tender!
Domurat, CasmirCS31967 – 1969commissary2 patrols seaman gang and 2 patrols with the cooks
Price, KentSN(SS)Mar 1967 – Mar 1968Made 2 Patrols - drank my dolphins at the Arguile in Dunoon - I did steering/Diving and messcooking. Great times in Scotland.
Jansen, RonETR3(SS)Mar 1967 – Nov 1988NAVETMade 4 patrols on the Washington. Completed one patrol with right hand in a cast. Was on board during the 'short patrol'.Drank my dolphins in Danoon. Member of USSVI Dallas Base.
Wilson, Rusty profile iconTM4 SSApr 1, 1967 – Nov 10, 1968Seaman Gang / Torpedoman / Ships Diver4 Patrols, made rank & transfered to the SS 324 Blenny one old River Boat, had a great time on the GW
Steinke, DaleMMApr 4, 1967 – Jul 4, 1969AHad a great time, made alot of friends. Looking for anyone who would like to email me.
Schlosser, DanielSTS3Oct 1967 – Sep 1970SonarDid 6 patrols with the Blue Crew then tranferred to SSBN 645 Blue Crew for 2 more patrols
Jack, WalzYN2(SS)1968 – 1970Crew
Janssen Jr., GeorgeEN3SSFeb 1968 – Oct 1969Deck/Engine3 patrols, re-drank my dolphins in Scottland. Earned dolphins on USS Sablefish 303.
Hall, MarvinIC3Apr 1968 – May 1968EngineeringJust out of Sub School and the crew had just come back from patrol so my first impression was the ships party where I got wasted and found myself reassigned Monday to the Abraham Lincoln to go to sea
Milligan, JimMM2(SS)May 1968 – Mar 1970Forward Auxillary Man
Gihring, EugeneEM2(SS)May 1968 – Mar 1970ElectricalFirst sub, many memories of Holy Loch, few of Groton.
Keiper, JamesLTJun 1968 – Jul 1970M, A, IC, W, all xcpt NAVHoly Loch
Lomberk, Karl BerkQM3 (SS)Oct 1968 – Apr 1970NavFirst Boat Good Crew. I also attended the Sail Dedication
Rasch, JimQM2SS1969 – 1972navigationI served aboard in the late 60's, early 70's. Great crew, good times in Holy Loch, Scotland, Groton, Conn, Charleston, SC and shakedown cruise to Fla, Puerto Rico, St Croix, and St John islands
Jarvis, CharlesFTB1 (SS)Mar 3, 1969 – Mar 10, 1973FTBServed with FTBC De'Pedro and FTB1 Chuck Jonson FTB2 DACK
Dack, BernardFTB2Jun 1969 – Jan 1973WeaponsGold Crew and through the Yards in Charleston
Keast, Roger1970 – 1972Searching for an old buddy. Looking for Charlles E. Nolan Jr. He was on SSBN 598 in 1971. Lived in Charleston SC in 1971. Any help appreciated.
Becker, GeneMM21970 – Jun 1974AReported on board in NL Ct spring of 70 went through shipyard in Charleston SC. Stayed onboard through a few patrols out of Guam. Onb oard when Talbot made chief.
Arthur, DavidFTB3Feb 10, 1970 – Jul 1, 1970firecontrolMy first boat I only made one patrol before transferring to USS Ethan Allen SSBN 608, however I remember it with great pride serveing on the lead boat of the fleet
Williams, Dave / WillieSTS3SSMar 1970 – Jul 1973Ops / SonarCame onboard as seaman on blue crew. Worked with corpsman during overhaul in Charleston (1970-71). Gold crew. Took ship through sound trials and Panma Canal to Pearl. Spent my last days a patient at Tripiler Hospital after injuring hand.
Allison, JackMM3ssMar 1, 1970 – Aug 1, 1972A gang
Shrider, MikeRm2 Apr 1970 – Aug 9, 1973CommunicationWas radioman on blue crew with Tom Rux and Michael bertazon. Phone talker for captain knepper. Went through overhaul in charleston then sea trials and on to Pearl Harbor. Did two patrols,one in Rota and one from Guam
Roup, BillICCJun 1970 – 1973ic
Seger, Jim profile iconMM2SSNov 1970 – 1972M Div (Nuke)Left @ Charleston when Georgefish went to Hawaii. 1st boat qualified on. Several med cruises. Brought her out of refit. Anyone find my boot under the port main engine when you took her apart? Knew Clint Horvath well.
Siverling, ToddMM1Dec 1970 – Mar 1975M DivisionServed in the shipyard, then 5 patrols as LELT and Leading First in M Div. Blue Crew with Doc Watson, Ron Lamb, Calvin Foster, Bubba Lawson, Darryl Zich, Schneider, and HM1 Stubblefield. Good times, good friends!
Hill, JohnEM11971 – May 1975ELECTRIAL/ NUCLEARArrived at George in Charleston for refuling overhaul.Did shakedown cruies and then partrol from Rota Spain and then boat was assigned to Peral Harbor. Lot of partrols from Guam.Great bunch of guys in Engineering!
York, RobertSN/SDJan 1971 – Dec 1971Seaman Gang/Ships DiverDecided to move on after discovering the forward escape hatch was welded shut. Completed my tour of duty aboard the CVS11 and the CA148. By the way; I am the topside lookout in the surface image taken near Puerto Rico.
Shrader, DavidMM2Feb 1971 – Oct 8, 1974M Divison
Shrader, DavidMar 1971 – Oct 1974MMM2
Birch, ChuckMM2Oct 11, 1971 – Nov 29, 1974M DivThe start if an interesting career
Lukachie, Michael/lukeSM31972 – 1974SemanStriking to be a Corpsman under HM1 Stubbifield
Bujtas, EndreMM21972 – 1976MLot's of fun on the Georgefish, Andy's Hut in Guam, Risk games and Bridge.
Wix, CraigETN2 ss1972 –NavigationMy qual boat. My only boat. 1969-1978
Cruise, Ikemm2Jan 4, 1972 – Feb 1975AFive patrols (2 from Rota 3 from Guam)
Guenthner, DanielMT1(ss)Jun 1972 – Jun 1973MissileI was on the Blue Crew in Charleston, SC & Rota Spain Then went to Pearl Harbor while the Gold Crew took the boat around to Guam. I went to Guam to ready the boat for the first Blue Crew Patrol in the Pacific, but was
Peterson, Glen (Pete)MM3Jun 1972 – Dec 1975MMJUST Touching base... has been 50 years for me.
Peterson, PeteMM3Jun 12, 1972 – Dec 20, 1974MM
Stubblefield, JimmyHMCJun 15, 1972 – Dec 2010
Honeck, MarkFTBJul 15, 1972 – Oct 15, 1978FTB

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1965 | 1966 – 1972 | 1973 – 1977 | 1978 – 1981 | 1982 – now

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