US Navy Crew List

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USS Thomas Jefferson (SSBN 618) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Thomas Jefferson (SSBN 618). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 205 crew members registered for the USS Thomas Jefferson (SSBN 618).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1966 | 1967 – 1970 | 1971 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – now

Graham, JimSTS21967 – 1968SONAR
Payne, T JE-31967 – Apr 7, 1971DeckPurdums pirates will always be a high point in my life
McLaughlin, MacMM1SS1967 – 1971'A' Gang
Beck, KennethEMFN to EM3 (SS)1967 – 1969EWilliam H. Purdum (1930-1988) Cdr. USN, Commanding Officer, "Purdum's Pirates" Qualified Submarine Service, 1st patrol after shipyard 20 Jan. 1969
Nevins, DuaneRM1(SS)Feb 1967 – Jan 1970Radio gangOn the shipyard crew (combined blue & gold) at Newport News for the reactor overhaul (over a year). Capt. Robert W. Bulmer, C.O. Nicholas Paul Giampietro RMCS(SS), leading Radioman. First 3 blue crew patrols out of the shipyard after the overhaul.
Thomas, James B. (J.B.)YN2(SS)Jun 1967 – May 1969XWas in the yards for the first overhaul. After that I made two Gold Crew patrols.
Thomas, James (J B) Or (tom)YN2Aug 1967 – Aug 1969XYeoman in Gold Crew
McNamara, MichaelLCDRSep 1967 – Dec 19, 1970EngineerRefit plus three patrols
Wofford, BillTM2(SS)Sep 27, 1967 – Apr 16, 1969WeaponsReported aboard in the yards at Newport News, VA. Fired a missile at Cape Canaveral, FL., took it to Rota, Spain and from then on between New London, CT. and Holy Loch, Scotland until discharge.
Silvestri, HankSN/SK2(SS)Oct 1967 – Jun 1970deck/supplyI came onboard during overhaul n.n. went out on the blue crew in the seaman gang made sk did 4 patrols.Great smart bunch of guys,learned a lot went on to be lpo on the 602.Anyone remember what hobbs did after passing ss quals board?
Hobbs, PaulET1(SSS)Nov 1967 – Sep 1969Reactor Controls (RC)
Gagne, RonaldSTS21968 – 2069sonaroverhaul crew-newport news
Knight, William (Bill)SN1968 – 1969messI had a great time on the blue crew with the best officers and crew anywhere.
Stewart, JohnCOB1968 – 1971not sureJohn Stewart was my father. We were on board the sub several times as children. My Dad loved the Navy
Hart, AlTM 31968 – Sep 1970WeponsI have great memories of the TJ and the crew I served with. I keep a picture on the wall of my office.
Scott, Russ (Scotty)ET1SS1968 – 1973Reactor Controls (RC)Great friends including AJ, RAT, JWA, and the Cracker. Remember being the EOOW for the Acey-Ducey watch, Blue Nose initiations, exploring the small towns (and Pubs) in Scotland.
Zamzow, DennisET1Jan 1968 – Dec 1970Navigation Picked it up in the yards at Newport News, VA. Fired a missile at Cape Canaveral, FL., took it to Rota, Spain and from then on between New London, CT. and Holy Lock, Scotland until discharge.
Pike Tm3 Ssbn, JohnMar 1968 – 1970Joined crew in Newport News, shipyards, and did 3 patrols with the gold crew. Finished enlistment with the Nautilus .
Foster, EdMM2(ELT)Mar 1968 – Jun 1972Greatest times, from Refit in N.P.News and 8 patrols afterwords. Miss the great guys I worked with. Learned to value whats important in life. Went on to become a Systems Eng. at Millstone NPP in Wtfd. CT,retired & loving it.
Pawlowski, Mark profile iconMM3 SSMar 3, 1968 – Dec 15, 1969Aux Machinest
Miller, BobLTApr 1968 – Jun 1971I would very much like to hear from anyone who served with me. And I would like to see those names added to the reunion attendance list.
James D. Montgomery, "monty"IC1(SS)Jun 1968 – Sep 1972LPO ICAfter years of riding diesels (DBF) I got orders to TJ. Going from the old boats to "Boomers" was like someone telling you that your Mom had the clap. Did 16 patrols on 3 different FBM's before retiring as a Chief. Lets hear from you
Molvar, Dave “mo”FNSSJun 1968 – Nov 22, 1971Deck crew / Leading Seaman / Maneuvering Watch HelmsmanSports Editor for the TJBJ; Sang with Ron Slebioda, Rut Etheridge(deceased) and Gary Johnson in the TJ Follies. Still in touch with Slebioda and Dave Gilbert (ICman). Hung out with Dickey Bentley, Larry Lloyd
Munyan, William (Bill) profile iconIC3Jul 1968 – Dec 17, 1971Interior CommunicationsTrying to reconnect with ship mates
Christensen, Mark/chrisST1(SS)Oct 1968 – Mar 1976SonarToo long in one place!
Howell, GaryMM2(SS)Oct 1968 – Jun 1970MJoined the boat in the yard; made 4 patrols on the Blue Crew
Bekech, RonaldMT1(SS)Dec 1968 – Nov 25, 1972Weapons
Nitka, Joseph J / JjMM1/SS1969 – Aug 1973M
Rigby, William (Mike)TM21969 – 1971WeaponsPart of the Missle Compartment Crew. Enjoyed Rota Spain and Holy Loch, Scotland. Blue Team
Stewart, Ronald (Ron)SK31969 – 1971Storekeeper
Koutouzis, John D "Dennis"EM 1 SSApr 1969 – Aug 1972EGreat memories of a great crew. Still in nuclear power and going strong. 6 yrs Navy, 20 yrs Consolidated Edison of NY @ Indian Point, 18 yrs w/ INPO in Atlanta. Will be closing out this phase of my life soon as well.
Young, RogerE5Jun 1969 – Jun 1973Navet
White, DannyYN2(SS)Jun 1969 – Oct 1972YeomanI was a junior Yeoman on the Blue Crew and made six patrols.
Ewalt, Fred (Woodie)LCDRJul 1969 – Mar 1971Navagator Operations OfficerBlue Crew. Now on Eternal Patrol -formerly from North Stonington CT.
Kilger, RobertRM3Aug 13, 1969 – Jun 8, 1971Radio CrewSome of the best times in my life! Met some great people.
Walker, DortchMT2 (SS)Sep 1969 – Sep 1972Weapons
Den Bleyker, JamesEN 2 (SS)Sep 1969 – Oct 1971A DivisionMade some great friends: Phil Weber (Wizard), Ron Dykes, Ron Banta, Dave McDowell, TJ Payne. John E Rodermel
Johnson, GarySTSC(SS)Oct 1, 1969 – Mar 15, 1974SONARDIV OFF, Chief of the watch, Diving Off, OOD.
Badger, MichaelTM3(SS)1970 – 1973Weapons
Nowell, BobbyIC2(SS)1970 – 1974forward IC DivisionGood memories and good people
Shoptaw, DaveMM2SS1970 – 1973A-Div.Your shipmates are lifetime friends you will never forget.
Freese, JerryRM2(SS)Feb 10, 1970 – Jul 6, 1972RadioAn awesome experience that I'll remember my entire life. Met great people and made good friends. Miss them all!
Knoche, Alan (Aj)EM2 (SS)Aug 1970 – Jun 1974E DivOI 62, ORSE Boards, field day, extended patrol, family separation and other negatives were more than compensated for with my excellent (though sometimes bizarre) shipmates. It's sad to think they scrapped the old girl.
Mikla, Bill ( The Mole)mm1Oct 1970 – Aug 1971M divI had two patrols on 618 out of Rota after six patrols on 602 out of Holy Loch. I really enjoyed the Jefferson and the Mediterranean patrols. We did a missile shoot out of the Med. also.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1966 | 1967 – 1970 | 1971 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – now

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