US Navy Crew List

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USS Kearsarge (CV 33) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Kearsarge (CV 33). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 511 crew members registered for the USS Kearsarge (CV 33).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1947 | 1948 – 1953 | 1954 – 1957 | 1958 – 1959 | 1960 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – now

Zurich, RichardLCDR1968 – 1969Engineering/MPA
Mulheron, Robert /bobRD31968 –OIas a Radarman I served during the ops when the USS Frank E Evans was cut in half and the Kearsarge towed the rear section to Melborne Austrailia.. I haunts me as i predicted it but no details to vague to report it.
Berryman, PeterSM21968 – 1969CS
Scarpitta, RoyAC 31968 – 1969OCHey Mike Cowan Was just surfing and found this sight - can not believe I found someone from oc dividion
Wade, Larry (Doc)HM11968 – 1970Medical DepartmentWas gased in August 1968. Possible "Agent Orange" incident. Compartment A5E. Evacuated to Long Beach Naval Hospital. If you know anything about this me.
Rhone, JerryEM31968 – Dec 1970E-DivisionMade the last cruise aboard Kearsarge and helped dicommision then assigned to cv34 Oriskany
Fox, Robert (Bob, Bobby,TMSN1968 –WI am adding my father's information. Unfortunately, I do not know very much about his service, as I was 7 when he died. Found a picture in the WestPAC 1967 -68 Cruise Book
McIlvaine, Markairman e3/Aviation Boatswainmate1968 – 1969v3
Freedman, Keven (Kenny) E5/Photographer's Mate1968 – Jul 1969OP DivisionShe was a great Essex Class straight deck carrier. Our ports of call were liked by all. Even the ones we drank to much in. But, that early morning of June 03,1969 brought us all to GQ. As, one of the PH's I saw...
Lobo, LeoSN1968 – 1969Cook
Douglas, MikeJan 1968 – Dec 1969weather office O7 level aerographers mateI would like to find someone that was aware that us weathermen kept supplies in a small metal storage room beneath a gunmount. The VA can't understand how I was exposed to loud noises. 5"38's....boom! Help.
Pratt, MichaelCTO2Jan 30, 1968 – Mar 23, 1968Command Staff communicationsAssigned T.A.D. from Kami Seya Japan to provide specialized communication support during last tour in Gulf of Tonkin off Haiphong.
Butzke, MikeEM3Feb 1968 – Feb 1970E
Reagan, KeithMM3Feb 15, 1968 – Nov 15, 1968A Div Steam Heat shop
Hansen, GregoryETR-3Apr 1968 – Jun 1, 1969OE
Hand, JohnETR2Apr 1968 – Feb 1970OE DivisionWorked on CATCC radar,ECM and repeaters. Was on board for filming of Tora Tora Tora and the loss of DD754 Frank E. Evans. Decommissioned ship and now an architect in southwest Georgia.
Kurtz, JayABFANApr 4, 1968 – Dec 10, 1969V4
Hollywood, William (Bill)ETR2May 1968 – Sep 30, 1969OEWe had a great cruise! We were in the movie Tora Tora Tora as we entered Pearl Harbor and Watched the first step on the moon while off Japan. We also went to the philipines, The gulf of Tonkin and Hong Kong.
Cerone, RobertAE=3May 1968 – Dec 18, 1969Aviation Electrician DeptAfter discharge,worked for White Plains Police Dept. for 30 years,until retirement on January 20,2002. Currently living in Port St. Lucie, Florida.
McCarthy, AlbertCaptainJun 1968 – Nov 1971Forward Air ControllerMy Brother-in-Law, LTJG James R. Arseneault, died on May 8, 1961 along with the pilot, Lt Findling, when their aircraft crashed in the South China Sea. Looking for any info or details:
Hill, BobCTO3Jun 1, 1968 – Dec 1, 1969AIMD MAAAlthough I was a CT, I was attached to AIMD. AIMD sent me to MAA, where I was most of the time.
Lyle, BennettABH3Jul 2, 1968 – Feb 3, 1970V3I want to connect with other shipmates who were on board during the fire in December 1968. Also during the deployment to Korea for the USS Pueblo.
Krumm, MichaelANAug 3, 1968 – May 16, 1971Helicopter Anti Submarine Squadron SixMy experience in the Navy and while on the USS KEARSARGE was something I will always remember as exciting and rewarding.Still have interest in all aspects of the military. My service to our Country I'm very proud of.
Maxwell, RichardE3Aug 20, 1968 – Feb 13, 1970A DivisionLooking for former crew members who served during the Vietnam war from 1968-1970 USS Kearsarge CVS33 Westpac 1969 tour of duty.
Reed, TerryFNSep 1968 – Jan 1970EMess cookin right out of boot. Then into E-div as a sparky. Did the last West-Pac cruise. Frank E Evans incident was the worst day. Stayed until the last then to Machinery Repairman A school. EOS AD19 Mayport FL. 72
Cowan, Mikeac 2Sep 1968 – Dec 1969ocwould love to hear from anyone
Benjamin, John (Jack)SNOct 1968 – Dec 1969TAD Weapons OfficeWould like to hear from old shipmates.
Brewer, BobAMSCOct 25, 1968 – Jan 9, 1970AIMDStayed on board Kearsarge until arresting gear and catapults were mothballed then transferred to USS Nueces APB 35 at Long Beach and decommissioned her in Feb 1970. Transferred to NAF Cam Ranh Bay Detachment Tan Son Nhut RVN in March 1970.
Cowan, MichaelE2Nov 1968 – Sep 1969ocjust out of boot camp...worked in Air Control until completion of WestPac cruise...then off to Air Control School
Hackett, TerrySH2Nov 1, 1968 – Dec 9, 1969Arrived on the USS Kearsearge directly after basic training (Great Lakes. Served just over a year as a ship serviceman until transfered to the UUS Constallation. Made one west pac tour.
Martindill, EdwardMMFNNov 3, 1968 – Feb 13, 1970MGreat times at sea and on land.
Pottratz, JerryAME-3Nov 22, 1968 – Sep 4, 1969AIMD Parachute LoftAny one who remember the Fort Durusy rating party in Hawaii email me at
Donnelly, PatrickSNDec 1, 1968 – Jan 1, 1970OCRADARMAN
Johnson, JackASM 3rd clas1969 – 1970IM3 DivisionThis is to help my father, Jack, find two of his friend, Jerry Berman and Jimmy Mauch. Email:
Collins, WilliamE31969 – 1970VS-21
Brauer, RayNaval Airman, Mechanic - Airframes & Engines1969 –Royal Australian Navy, Fleet Air ArmIn June69 I was 1 of a Crossdeck Op. crew which operated an A4G Tanker(Buddy Store on CVS33. A Jim Beuerlein gifted me a ships crest mug on departure. We wrote a few times until the 'Evans' collision. Greetings Jim & TY.
Whitten, MichaelRM31969 –comm
Sanabria, Anibalfa1969 – 1970B divisionFlew on as the ship was heading back to the states, there after assisted in it's decommissoning, was sent to the uss midway.
Crump, MichaelHull Technician/FNJan 1969 – 1970R Division
Bonds, RoyMM3Jan 1969 – 1970engineering
Oxendorf, EricAE2Feb 1969 – 1970HS-6My first WestPac with HS-6 on Kearsarge. Later went to Vietnam with HC-7 Det 110 Big Mother. Flew SH-3A's on Combat SAR.
Daniel, Robert ESF1Feb 10, 1969 – Jan 3, 1970R
Johnson, ThomasANMar 1969 – Sep 1969Supply S-6
Rauseo, Rocco (Rocky)Aviation Electronic TechMar 19, 1969 – Dec 20, 1969Aviation Electronic Tech Shop
Futrell, LarryAWA2Apr 2, 1969 – Sep 2, 1969VS-21
Owen, Kerry (Omar) profile iconMR3May 1969 – 1970ACame aboard 3 weeks before the rescue operations on the morning of June 3rd 1969 of the surviving ship's company of the USS Frank E. Evans. I was on duty the morning of the collision and will never forget that night.
Henline, NormanRM3Jun 15, 1969 – Jan 15, 1970I was a RM3 and worked in the CIC room.
Brown, Charles W profile iconMM2Jul 1969 – Feb 1970A
Freitas, Dennis FreitasPETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASSAug 1969 – Feb 1970
Hopson, ElmerE61971 – 1974Engineeringwould like to know if there is a certain hotel to make reservations at.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1947 | 1948 – 1953 | 1954 – 1957 | 1958 – 1959 | 1960 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 – now

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