US Navy Crew List

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USS Kearsarge (CV 33) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Kearsarge (CV 33). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 511 crew members registered for the USS Kearsarge (CV 33).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1947 | 1948 – 1953 | 1954 – 1957 | 1958 – 1959 | 1960 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1967 | 1968 – now

Maxey, TerryE21967 – 1970Engineering (steam heat supply)Iam entering this for my brother Terry. He was on board during the fire outside Japan. He was seriously wounded and spent almost a year in the hospital. He is trying to make contact with anyone else from that time frame.
Vaughn, J.W.EN31967 – 1969A Gang - Forward Diesel
Meredyk, GregEM21967 – Sep 1969E divisiongreat bunch guys worked hard on station and underway
Nordhaug, OlieDTG21967 – 1969DentalAny HM or DT serving @ that time feel free to contact me.
Smith, Robert (Bobby) (bob) profile iconABE21967 – 1969V-2I'm entering this information for my Dad, I am his oldest Son, Robert J. Smith Jr. (Robby). My Dad is pictured in the last two Westpack Books. If anyone remembers my Dad please contact me.
Harmon, BobATN31967 – 1969V3so much of that time is just blurry memories.(fire, Pueblo) Amazing how a few decades takes away the pain and allows us to recall it fondly. I was a DJ (KEAR Radio) and a plane pusher. I hung around the PAO office alot.
Michelsen, Roger/mikeabfan1967 – Sep 30, 1969v4
Kolb, Michael profile iconAC21967 – 1969OC divisionWorked in below-decks radar air traffic control. Like so many others, joined at 17 and grew up fast! Looking back, I had a wonderful time seeing the world and learning to be a responsible team member.
Cowman, RichardEM31967 – 1968electrical
Schwingendorf, PaulGMTSN1967 –WI'm one of P. Schwingendorf's daughters.He died in June 2009. He and my mom met at KAFB, ABQ NM.Mr. Ruth, also in the W division on the Kearsarge, married my mom's best friend. Would love to know more about his service.
Black, Stephen profile iconETN31967 – 1969OE
Bogatitus, John (Bogie)EM2Jan 1967 – Sep 1969E (Power Shop)The shipmates I knew were all a good bunch of guys. They all did their jobs and partied hardy when it was time. There was good time and the were hard times but we endured.
Fulmer, Herbert ( Herb)AE-2Jan 1967 – Jun 1969VS-21I was a flight deck trouble shooter in VS-21 night shift. I was also the shop supervisor for about 11 months before I got out.
Oakes Jr., DelbertCommanderJan 3, 1967 – Jan 3, 1967G DivisionHoping to reconnect with a great group of Aviation Ordnancemen. Reported as AOC. Left ship after making Warrant (W-1). Retired 1992 as LDO 636X Commander. Contact me anytime @
Richardson, Sonny profile iconDC 3Jan 7, 1967 – Oct 13, 1968RI have 800 pictures and two movies of the Kearsarge taken while I was on her. I can be contacted at I would love to here from anyone on her at that time. I was the first one to go into the fire at Sasebo Japan. Thanks
Richardson, Sonny profile iconDC 3Jan 7, 1967 – Oct 18, 1968RI have made a CD with two movies and around 600 pictures. If interested e-mail me at I was the salior that put out the fire coming into Sasebo Japan. I was a DamageControlman Third Class, Thanks May God Bless the USA
Marshall, LarryAMH-2Jan 9, 1967 – Sep 22, 1969V-6
Woollum, BobPFCJan 21, 1967 – Jan 3, 1969Marine Detachment
Labadie, TimL/CPLFeb 11, 1967 – Feb 11, 1969Marine DetachmentI was stationed aboard the Kearsarge, I made one West Pac cruise, leaving Long Beach Aug. 17, 1967. I was joined by twin brother Rick who was in the Navy who put in for brother duty, he was flowin aboard while we were in the Tonkin Gulf.
Murphy, GeorgeABH3Feb 15, 1967 – Oct 7, 1969V1Was the port cat yellowshirt
Bennett, LyleANFeb 28, 1967 – Feb 23, 1969 I worked in V3 division as elevator operater to and from flight deck.Does anyone know what happened to chief Tunner. I also worked with Jim Moffet and Jim Woods. Would like to hear from you.
Simms, RickABF3Mar 1967 – 1970V-4Shout out to any and all guys in V-4.
Wolthusen, JimAC 3Mar 1967 – 1968OC
Tallman, Leonbt 2Mar 1, 1967 – Jun 1, 1968Blike to hear from B div guys mckinney helms egor
Vincensi, EdwardAK-3Mar 10, 1967 – Mar 1970S-6 Aviotion SupplyGreat group,seen a lot and did a lot to serve!!
White, JackSKSNApr 1967 – Feb 1970SUPPLY (S-1)Worked for Commander Rady. Anyone remember me or Floyd Guarnett?
Mark, PeteABF3Apr 1967 – Sep 30, 1969V-4Just curious if any of the old gang is still around. Rick Simms, Roger "Mike" Michaelson, Jim Wright etc...
Grant, AllenETR3Apr 1967 – Jan 1970OETook over the TV and Radio from Rusty- I was on board on the flight deck in Tora,Tora Tora . When we landed a man on the moon the rotor on the TV antenna did not work Had to steer the ship with a signal stength meter.
Rubly, Frederick (Rubes)E7Apr 1967 – Jun 1967VS23Australian Navy S2E Tracker avionics technician. 16 mths training NAMTD NAS NORIS, VS41 & VS23 ashore & aboard Kearsarge. Hands-on shop maintainance APS 88, ADF & ECM. Crackerjack experience
Vencill, GaryIC3Apr 1, 1967 – Oct 19, 1968EOn 2 years active duty as 2x6 reserve, came aboard FN assigned to R Division, made IC3 and went to E Division, IC shop.
Strong, LeoABH3Apr 15, 1967 – Mar 30, 1970V1Great time on board, loved working on the flight deck
Ballard, JohnE3May 1967 – 1968V-1Worked in breakout for 90 days and then V-1 division as flight deck control
Care, DougRD2May 1967 – Jan 16, 1970OICame aboard after RD-A school at Treasure Island. Two WestPac cruises. Just missed decommissioning!
Costello, ChrisGMG-3May 5, 1967 – Feb 17, 19705th DivisionMember of De-commissioning Crew. Two West Pac Cruises. Fantail phone operator for docking during Sasebo fire. Had to sit on donkey, deck too hot to stand on. Aboard for Pueblo incident & Evans sinking.
Cotton, Richarde-3May 11, 1967 – Oct 9, 1970hs-6aboard uss kearsarge when the uss evans disaster and the tora tora tora filming!
Shields, StephenAKANMay 13, 1967 – Apr 26, 1968S-6 Aviation Supply
Myers, LarryDC 3May 15, 1967 – Feb 10, 1970damage controllooking for shipmates that were on the kearsarge during the years 1967-1970 in the damage control shop. I am a member of v.v.a. 946 chapter in Forsyth GA
Gregoire, Richard M (Egor)E5 BTMay 26, 1967 – Jun 25, 1970E-EngineeringI worked in Boiler Room # 2 Would like to contact shipmates Reese, Helms, McKinney or other boiler buddies. Any Reunion planned? I Live in Florida/Costa Rica/ retired from electric business Egor
McQueston, Dick "Mac"SNJun 1967 – Feb 19681st. side cleanerLooking to hear from some of the gang.Hi Buddy
Moles, EddieANJun 1967 – Feb 13, 1970V-1I hung out with Eddie Guyer, Pete Gomez, and others in V-1. Yellow shirt for a couple of years before decommission. Also made three Wespac cruises.
Brown, RonETN2Jun 1967 – Dec 1969OE
Wilson, Earl (Buddy)BM3Jun 1, 1967 – Apr 1, 1968Second (sidecleaners)Looking to hear from any shipmates
Crane, EdABF3Jun 7, 1967 – Oct 2, 1969V4I would like to here from all you shipmates.
Robinson, JeffCWO-2Jun 16, 1967 – Feb 2, 1970X
Maddy, Dale profile iconETN3Jun 26, 1967 – Feb 13, 1970OEI have written a book about the experience. Details on
Donahue, MichaelLtjgJul 1967 – Oct 1969AdminEducation and training officer and taught high school completion courses on Westpac cruises
Lines, EarlAG2Jul 1, 1967 – Jul 8, 1968v2/ag
Petty, DouglasSN/RDAug 1967 – May 1968OI
McCullough, Jerry (Mac)MM3Aug 1967 – Feb 13, 1970Had really great time on the "Mighty K". Made lots of great friend, just wish I had stayed in touch with more of them. I was in the gen-gang and got to be friends with lots of the EM's from E-Div.
Petty, DouglasSNAug 1967 – Sep 1968OI
Savje, Paul profile iconAK-3Aug 1967 – Apr 1968HS-6 Supply DivisionGo to this site for a video of flight operations from the 67-68 Wespac cruise. Music by Connie Francis.
View 'now' Photo
Woods, JimANAug 1967 – Dec 7, 1967V-3
Hager, Thurman HawkeyeE3Aug 1967 – 1969O Ihey guys im livin in sanford florida
Zimmerman, TomHM3Aug 1967 – Mar 1968HMy days on the "K" where some of the best of my life. Would love to get in touch with any of the guys from "H" Division during that era.
Waterworth, JackAX2Aug 1, 1967 – Apr 20, 1968VS-29I was flightdeck troubleshooter for VS-29 and worked in avionics for the 67-68 cruise. I also flew radar on the S2E aircraft and had about 40 combat missions
Loporto, MikeYN3Aug 15, 1967 –M Divisionaway from family & friends and had to grow up, and did so with a great bunch of guys. Looking back now proud to have served my country, even though we did not get the warm welcome everyone gets now.
Confer, Charles (Chuck)ASM 2Sep 1967 – Jun 1969V 6
Crowley, John "Jack"Ens/LTjgSep 10, 1967 – Sep 10, 1969CRSteaming crew of Hard Chargers!
Erickson, WayneETN2Sep 15, 1967 –OELooking for Dale Maddy
Nielsen, JackAviation Electrician Second ClassOct 6, 1967 – Dec 30, 1969Ships CompanyI was maintance crew for the COD looking for anyone on the K from 67 to 69
Skonieczka, Lawrence (Ski)AG2Nov 1967 – Sep 6, 1968OAWeather guessers division: NOBODY ever remembered us when we were right and NOBODY ever forgot us when we were wrong.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1947 | 1948 – 1953 | 1954 – 1957 | 1958 – 1959 | 1960 – 1962 | 1963 – 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1967 | 1968 – now

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