US Navy Crew List

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USS Aeolus (ARC 3) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Aeolus (ARC 3). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 156 crew members registered for the USS Aeolus (ARC 3).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1967 | 1968 – 1970 | 1971 – now

Stevens, RonE-31968 – 1969First Div deck apePicked up ship in Portsmouth cruised to docks in Boston. Quickly learned about air tools. ie deck crawlers, knuckle busters, etc. Friends with Duffy, Bullard, and oh yeah what about the "Who". Had some fun.
Stenlake, RonQM31968 –
Longfield, BruceRM21968 – Jan 1972Miss the old girl. Many great times. Some not so great (turn to on Xmas day to paint before Pearl..HA)
Walls, ClintMM31968 – 1970A Gang / Engine RoomStill remember some fun times in Bermuda, Panama, Acapulco, and Hawaii. And Boston was a blast. That SOSUS cable really got us around didn't it?
Carlsen, Richard profile iconsn/rm1968 – 1971Deck/operationsHad a hell of agood time in panama.The marines showed me the inside of there brig in Pearl.
Barrett, Michaelbt31968 – 1971b divisionwould like to here from some old shipmates. Had some great times
Dziubinskyj, Dan (Ski)EM21968 – Apr 1972E
Conley, MichaelRD2Jan 1968 – Jun 1970Operations (CIC)Started as an SN deck ape. Worked my way up to Operations with perseverance and help for some good friends. Eventually became an RD2 and transferred to the USS Reeves (DLG 24).
Beech, Rodney (Bunny)GMG1Jan 4, 1968 – Jun 10, 19703RDstarted on deck went to 20 mil guns went put on board
Collette, Peter (Bwahna)SNMar 1968 – Nov 1970DeckGreat Time!! I remember quite a few of the names on the "Crew" list; Paul Mulford especially; and others not listed; 'little' Ronnie Dring for one. We got around; Pacific, North Atlantic, & Caribbean. Transfered when promoted to
Whipple, ThomasMM3Apr 10, 1968 – Oct 10, 1971AChief Pomela was right
Whipple, ThomasMM3Apr 15, 1968 – Oct 9, 1971EngineeringI would like to see Panama one more time!!
Saul, MichaelBT 3Apr 15, 1968 – Nov 15, 1971hey let!s hear from the crazy snipes i was with in my four years there
Cash, FrederickEN 2Sep 1968 – Dec 1972A - Gang
Carlsen, DickseamanSep 26, 1968 – Jun 1, 1970deck force/operationscom"on guys give this old broke down guy a breake. I have e-mailed some of the guys and they never returned my e-mails.I was on board for the west pac cruises.DOD never admitted to USS Aeolus operating in the pacific.
Bullard, JimSK3Nov 1968 – Sep 1971operationsWe didn't appreciate it then but thinkingback on it, I did have a great time. I have a few phots of Frank Saunders, Vinny Lalli, Bob Caffery, Tom Duffy, Ron Stevens, Ron Dring and, yes even Spike Sheehy.
Ahrens, MichaelCYN3/YN21969 – 1970Operations
Jackson, NewmanJan 1969 – Jul 2, 1970
Cantale, JoeMR3Feb 1969 – 1971MJoin the Navy See the World **** They were Wright Ohhhh what a ride
Crawford, EddieBT3Feb 2, 1969 – Sep 16, 1972B ENGINERERINGShe wouldn't sink after a 38 degree roll in a hurricane, getting hit by the Bullard in the Alutiens. So they sank her off the Carolinas.
Bodkin, DannyMM4Mar 1969 – Jan 1973Machinist/Engine RoomMy name is Shannon Bodkin; Danny is my father.
Tjomstol, Thomas / TomRD2Apr 1969 – Jan 1970OPERATIONLeading Radarman during that time. Looking for Leading Signalman (from Georgia) while I was there. Also, great Radar Team we had. Love to hear from you guys.
Lawrence, HoseaDC 2May 1969 – Dec 21, 1972RDon't miss standing watch! Do miss the ocean and would like to hear from anyone who served during the same period. Recognize some of the names. Best to all.
Missler, Kent_ ClarkARC-3Jul 9, 1969 – Feb 3, 1973engineringi was a throtle man , electrican mate i liked every moment i was on board , would like to talk to shipmates
Upton, George AllenRM3Sep 1969 – 1971OperationsI was a Radioman and have been trying to locate old shipmates. I remember Michael Conley who was a good friend of Dave Mundy,John Paulsen,Vince Bianculli(vinny)and Bruce Longfield. If any of you see this send an email.
Carter, CharlesSA/E2Nov 1969 – Apr 1971DeckHave never worked with a better bunch of guy's. It was really a great ship to be on.
Aldridge, EdCS1Dec 1969 – May 1972Food ServiceHello to all. This brings back some great memories. I went to Portsmouth Naval Shipyard last summer. Things change a lot in 27 years.
Curtis, Richardlt.j.g.Dec 2, 1969 – Dec 2, 1969EngineeringI had a tough time coming aboard fresh out of OCS six months after the last DCA left the ship. I remember getting something like a negative 1200 on our D.C. drills in Gitmo.
Stowers, GeorgeYN31970 – 1971Great Ship with a lot of great men on board. Enjoyed the assignment and have lots of memories. Was good friends with Doc (remember the sea gull).
Stearns, LarryMM31970 – 1971engineering /machinist matepanama was was hawaii,gitmo and roosevelt roads.wish i could do it again.hey whipple you still in new york?
Jones, BruceQM31970 – 1971OperationsI sometimes wonder what happened to all the guys I knew back then. We had pretty good duty as it went in those days.
Parisi, Charles R. (Chuck)SA/E21970 – 1971DeckI will say one thing, it was an interesting time! I did me a lot of people during my time.
Bianco, VinceradarmanJan 1970 – Mar
Beauvais, Robert (Frenchie)Rm3Jan 1970 – 1971Operations
Schroader, RonMMJan 1970 – May 1971ICHad a great experience growing-up with the crew. I was a Floridian sent to Portsmouth Naval Yard in Jan. Made great friends, Kent, Duck, Cat, Sandy, Cassy,Terry...miss the fun, Don't miss the tension in the Pacific...
Saunders, FrankSH-3Jan 10, 1970 – Dec 15, 1971SupplyI was a barber on board. I worked with Bob Caffery, Steve Craft, Tom Stout, Vin Lalli and Fred Fraize. I also remember Jim Bullard, Joe Grenda, Jim (Spike) Sheehy and Bobby Ahl.
Lalli, VincentsnApr 10, 1970 – Apr 14, 1972supply
Greenberg, RichRD2May 1970 – 1971OperationsGreat duty. Looking for Vinny Bianculli. I see the Aeolus now serves as an artificial reef off of Florida. Bob Beauvais, are you out there?
Coldiron, Lamont ( Doc )HM3May 10, 1970 – Aug 8, 1972MedicalThis tour of duty was really enjoyed by me. Had a lot of good times, and had many friends on board.
Coldiron, Lamont (Doc)HM3May 10, 1970 – Aug 18, 1972X-DivisonHi Fellows,from Doc. Panama Canal, Visited Hawaii Twice, Adak, Alaska, San Francisco, Acapulco, Halifax, Iceland, Greenland. Great Ship, + Crew. I enjoyed my time aboard, + wish I'd taken more pictures.
Atzman Jr, Donsr3-2-1Jun 1970 – Aug 11, 1972DeckI was too young to know how LUCKY I was to be there.The feeling of being out to Sea.the PORTS-Adak Alaska,Hawaii,San Fransisco, San Diego,Tiajuana MexicoMexico City,Panama canal,Miami,Ports.N.H.Smoking pot on the fantail
Legois, JohnRm 2Jun 10, 1970 – May 14, 1972CommunicatiionsWhat a trip. Spent 13 months in Iceland and then the Aeolus for two years. Saw many places and did alot of things.Lets say they were character builders. Looking for Charlie Craven and Vinny Biancolli.
Knox, Frederick M.HM1Jul 4, 1970 – Jul 31, 2971fknox70@yahoo.comHeaded Medical Department. Was underway most of the time onboard - Hawaii, Panama Canal, Caribean, Halifax Nova Scotia, Greenland, Newfoundland, etc. Great ship, best crew, wonderful memories.
Missler, KentEM 3Nov 15, 1970 – Mar 6, 1973ENGENERING worked as a em, and in engine room at speed controll, switch board. 12 hr cable ops were long! loved hawai, adak, panama canal when i left she was in dry dock at boston, walked by the intreped many times
Smelker, Tom (Smiley)ETR-3Dec 22, 1970 – Sep 8, 1971Im looking for shipmates during this time. Doc (HM3) and other ET's Dan Rutledge, etc. Anyone know how to contact them?

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1967 | 1968 – 1970 | 1971 – now

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