US Navy Crew List

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USS Sand Lance (SSN 660) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Sand Lance (SSN 660). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 220 crew members registered for the USS Sand Lance (SSN 660).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1975 | 1976 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1989 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Barnes, William/billST1(SS)1969 – 1972SonarFond memories, even though it's been over fourty years ago. Hello all.
Fisher, RalphMM 1Oct 1, 1969 – Feb 1, 1972m elt
Burkhalter, James B BurkhalterRM1(SS)Oct 19, 1969 – Sep 20, 1971CommunicationsGreat time. Left 660 for Robert E. Lee.
Croom, Sherryrm1Oct 23, 1969 – 1971communicationLooking for my step brother. James Burkhalter
Freligh, BillQMCS/SSJan 1, 1970 – Jun 15, 1973QuartermasterGreat Boat , Great Crew , Great Times . What more could one ask for . Boy did you all miss a Great One in Charleston in 2011 .
Alexander, TjMM2(SS)Feb 5, 1970 – Jun 6, 1973MCommission crew, Nuke in M Div. New construction in Portsmouth, NH, went on sea trials in the Caribbean, transferred to Charlestown and one long cold patrol in the North Alantic/Artic Ocean.
Carmean, PatRM3(SS/DV)Mar 1970 – Aug 1973Communications
O'Neill, BernardIC3Mar 1, 1970 – Aug 15, 1972
Berg, LowellETR2Mar 24, 1970 – Dec 22, 1972RCT.J., Bernie & I helped build this baby in Portsmouth. So, we're glad there are so many fond memories down the road. I have the dubious distinction of being the RO on duty for our first incident report; a very minor scram during start-up.
O'Neill, BernardIC3Jul 1, 1970 – Jul 30, 1972Interior CommunicationsFirst Enlisted crew member to be awarded Dolphins. Plank Owner. "Miss those days like crazy, great crew, great boat and many fond memories". Pre-Commissioning Crew Re-Union: October 22,23, 2005 New London, CT.
Mays, JohnMM1(SS)1971 – 1975melt
Lepage, PeterSTS-2 SS1971 –Weps - SonarStill have very vivid memories of our times at sea. Living in Tampa Bay Area of FL. Working as a software consultant.
Bueno, Joseph R.ETR2(SS)1971 – 1974RCStill proud to be part of Sand Lance commissioning crew. Miss everyone, especially the Engineering types. Spending all those hours in maneuvering (port and stbd watches) made for some great stories! Did we ever sleep?
Crandall, MartinQMSC/SSFeb 1971 – Apr 1973Navigation
White, David "stores"SK2Apr 15, 1971 – Jan 10, 1973StorekeeperLiving in WA State, Working for Boeing
Williams, ThomasE3Jun 15, 1971 – May 15, 1975StorekeeperIf any of these old Sand Lance folks are still around, look me up, give me an e-mail
Huffman, DougIC-3(SS)Aug 1971 – Apr 24, 1975EAboard just prior to commissioning Went to work at CNS retired as Shift Test Engineer 0989-028-5000 in 95 I was the only civilian on the pier on the day 660 left CNS for PSNS and being broken. WR of CNS officers, John Ross, Randy Slack, friends all.
Lewis, BobEM1(SS)Oct 10, 1971 – Jun 20, 1974Came aboard just after the boat moved to Charleston. Made the back to back Norther runs and the quicky pass on Naval Reactors inspection so we could join the war in the Med. Great Crew. GO BIG RED
Williams, ThomasSK3Oct 18, 1971 – Jun 1, 1975Storekeeper
Carson, DennisPO3/SONARMANDec 1, 1971 – Mar 1, 1973Sonar
Patterson, CharlesMM1(SS)Jan 1972 – May 1974M
Jimison, PaulEM2SSJan 1972 – Aug 19, 1975Electricalwas that Michael Roy Bares? I have some great pics 73-5 of crew and ship including eng spaces if anyone is interested + wors to "Old Bar-Graph" I'm retired in Utah. MIA"s; Al Ocorn, Jose Bueno, Randy Ertzberger, George Bears, all o
Wright, JohnRM3 (SS)Jan 1972 – Aug 1, 1975RadioI remember a lot of you guys. The extended deployments, Yom Kipper War, Bar Graph Bob and the Sandlance Entertainment Night with "Rockey Top".Currently working as a defense contractor at FT. Leavenworth, KS.
Nardelli, MichaelMM3(SS)May 1972 – 1975A=GangDid a couple of overextended Northern Runs and Caribbean Weapons testing. Crew was great and very tight. I still keep in touch with a couple of them.
Jonson, Dennis/ JonSDIIIMay 2, 1972 – Jul 18, 1975Nav.Great time on board. Fun Med. cruise. Best friends Mike Brown TM2 and Danny Rumons QM1. Would like to here from them.
Hastie, WilliamLCDRJun 3, 1972 – Jun 10, 1974XOLooking for individuals who served in the Engineering Department during the time I was onboard.
Smith, Jim (Jr)MM2Jul 12, 1972 – Jun 15, 1977AThe greatest boat and tightest crew in the fleet. I miss those guys and would not trade a second of my time aboard even those under BarChart Bovie. Manuvering control panel in Smithonian. Here is link
Patton, James E. The GeneralSN/SSNov 20, 1972 – Apr 15, 1976Deck/WeaponsHey Shipmates! I was there for All those first northern runs, and remember wild times back then. Anyone want to email me, feel free, as I can still B/S with the best of you.Hey JR, Willy/Williams, Ellwood, Bare, Mayes. I'm still a pirate.
Duarte, VicQMC(SS)1973 – 1979NavigationWow, what a good crew and boat. Had a good time but was glad to go to shore duty COMSUBLANT then retired in 1982. New career fixing aircraft with US Airways until 2005. Now semi retired in Norfolk Va.
Bares, MichaelMM1SSJan 1973 – Aug 1976What a ride!! Great times and Great people. Gene Labs, Al Kildahl, Skip Edmonds, Steve Werness, Fred Elliot, Larry Gay hopes this finds you well. Been a long time would enjoy hearing from y'all.
Labs, LeslieMM1Jan 7, 1973 – Jan 7, 1977EngineeringShe was a good old girl. I was really suprised she stayed in service so long. We must have taken pretty good care of her in the 70's. Glad to see there are still a few of us around.
Bares, MichaelMM1/SSFeb 1973 – May 1976MWhat a ride!! Lots of good people on board. If I had to do it again I wouldn't change a thing. Doug Huffman are you still driving Porches and Leslie Labs How have your Cornhuskers been doing?
Elliott, FredMM3/SSSep 1, 1973 – Jun 1, 1975mgot off the boat just before it went to the yards in Norfolk, cuz I couldn't pass the color blind test, had some good times, go to for pics of the sandlance and some of the will love them
Cobbin, Cornelius L. "reese"IC1 (SS)1974 – Sep 23, 1977Forward IC Gang
Barada, TimMM1 SS/DVJun 1974 – Sep 1978M -Wow - it's been 30-years! I remember most of the guys listed during my time on-board. What a trip down memory lane!
Williams, DonMM2Jun 20, 1974 – May 1, 1977
Kildahl, AlanMM2/SSJul 1974 – Jun 1978MI am always glad to find shipmates. I have pictures from some of the Med runs. I heard that the Con is now in the Smithsonian. Can anyone confirm this.. RSRD
Edwards, DougEM1SSOct 1, 1974 – Aug 10, 1978ElectricalHad some good times in LaMadelina and Palau Italy. ORSE Boards were fun. Anybody heard from Engineering Officer LCDR H. Parker Consol?
Barnett, MichaelEM11975 – 1979Electrical
Foster, TerryTM2 SS/DV1Jan 9, 1975 – Nov 15, 1975Torpedo RoomSaturdays Sundays and Nights
Fischer, Michael 'Mike'MM2Feb 1975 – Sep 1976EngineeringI enjoyed spending time with the other members of the crew and playing ping-pong on the barge while in dry dock - but getting a transfer was great.
Richard Ellwood, RickTM1/SSMay 10, 1975 – Sep 3, 1983TorpedoThe best boat I ever served on. From the Great Bahama Bug Hunt to our Instant NTPI I enjoyed those closing days of the Cold War.
Sutherin, JimET-1 SSJul 1975 – Oct 1975RCOnly on for short period after being on SSBN645 till discharge. Had a great time while on board.
McGee, DanET2 (SINs tech)Jul 31, 1975 – Jul 1977ETI remember playing Ace-Ducey with Teddy Barr (QM) in the ship's library. And did Doc Price try to reattach Dutch Volkert's ear after it was bitten off in the galley..? Liberty in Ft Lauderdale and St Croix was sublime.
Price, Douglas DocHM2 (SS)Oct 1975 – Apr 1978MedicalEnjoyed my time on board. Had a lot of fun, a lot of good memories,and some very interesting times. Never understood Capt. Bovey and his hang-up with showers.
Falconburg, Rich (Walt)STS2/SSDec 1975 – May 1981SonarGreat boat and great crew. I have a lot of fond memorys of those days.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1975 | 1976 – 1981 | 1982 – 1988 | 1989 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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