US Navy Crew List

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USS Essex (CV 9) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Essex (CV 9). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 312 crew members registered for the USS Essex (CV 9).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1950 | 1951 – 1957 | 1958 – 1960 | 1961 – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – now

White, George (Bud)AMS 31958 – 1959Air Group VF-13Working on the flight deck when a BIG swell hit the port side causing her to lean 22 degree's. I lost my LOX cart over the side. At the time we had the F4D.
Gilkey, LarryLTjgJan 1, 1958 – Sep 17, 1960VAW-12Any of my oldtimers still around
Biorn, EmielCVQM2Feb 10, 1958 – May 9, 1962
Douglas, JohnFT2/FT3Mar 1958 – May 30, 1962FoxI still maintain control with friends with whom I served on the USS Essex. I retired from the Navy at the rank of Captain with six years of active duty and twenty-two years of reserve service.
Shane, Joseph WiliamSeamanJun 1958 – Jun 1962Boat DivisionI would like to find Alexander Kerr.
Barnes, JamesBT 3Jul 9, 1958 – Oct 1961B DivisonCame aboard in July of 58 while anchored in Naples as FR. assigned to "Oil Shack". Had a lot of GOOD times;Great shipmates ! Anyone remember crossing through Suez Canal,International Dateline,Equator ? 275,000 miles
Henkel, TomLTJGJul 11, 1958 – Jun 9, 1960RepairFor my first 120 days on board ESSEX, we were at sea for 103 and steamed 40,000 miles. I earned 21 years of active and reserve time and retired as CDR USN(Ret). I live in Chapel Hill, NC.
Messmer, Douglas profile iconEM3Jul 13, 1958 – Jul 16, 1961Engineering DivLooking for any of my father's shipmates. His name was David Messmer, EM3. I would like to hear from you if you knew him or served onboard the Essex at the same time.
Brail, GlennFIREMANSep 1958 – Sep 1960MMLooking for Hillyer, Conn, Ballard, Akahoshi or anyone from the aft engine room 58 to 60.
Ballard, James F. (Jim)MM3Sep 1, 1958 – May 22, 1960#2 ENGINE-ROOMI would like to hear from White, Schneider, Miller, Rufus,Fitch,
Farmer, Franklin R.IC3Sep 10, 1958 – Aug 1, 1960Electrical
Douglas, JohnFTG2Nov 10, 1958 – May 30, 1962Fox DivisionI still in contact with some of those with whom I served aboard the Essex.
Snead, JimmyMM3Nov 28, 1958 – May 15, 1962A-3Hello,to all my shipmates.
Guthmiller, Gerald (Jerry)SNDec 22, 1958 – Mar 15, 1962SupplyI was on deck force for about 4 months then to the Post Office. The ship was stationed on the Eastern Coast and sailed to the Meditteranian, Europe, etc. We were deployed to the "Bay of Pigs". Find Jim Sweenee.
Bennett, John D.QMSN1959 – 1960NavigationJohn Bennett was my father - he passed away in 1992. I would love to find out more about his time on the Essex from anyone that knew him, it would mean a lot to me.
Farrell, RobertSN11959 – 1961G-3Passed away 2015
Chirhart, Gary "Windows"SNJan 1, 1959 – Jan 20, 1961boatI drove the fastest 40 foot utility boat in the US Navy. With no lights on, I blew by a 3 star Admiral's barge in the dead of night in Barcelona. Special thanks for my stern hook, Minnea, who was a snipe in engineering.
Bowyer, JuliusICFN-IC2Jan 10, 1959 – Apr 27, 1962EThe Interior Communications gang still gathers and has great memories
Melton, JamesSK-3Feb 8, 1959 – Jul 2, 1960S-1
Lamb, Ed (Sheep)SNMar 12, 1959 – Apr 6, 1961Boat Div.Would like to here from any who was in boat div.
Feno, GeraldRD2Mar 15, 1959 – May 29, 1962OI
Epperson, James M.SEAMANJun 10, 1959 – Mar 10, 1961OI
Hickey, JimRD3Jun 15, 1959 – Mar 15, 1961OI
Lees, JoeSNJun 15, 1959 – Mar 15, 1961OI
Rhodes, Travis RhodesAM3Jul 1959 – Apr 1961V-4Looking for mrmbers of the fuel gang
Lawson, AlvinAircraft electrician 2nd classJul 31, 1959 – Feb 1960VF-13
Biles, FrankAE2Aug 15, 1959 – Feb 26, 1960VF-13Would like to hear from you.
Schroeder, LarrySNSep 1959 – Aug 1961Boat & NavigationI was in Boat Division for six months and then moved to the Navigation Division as Navigation Yoeman.
Thompson, WaltAVIATION ORDNANCE THIRD CLASSNov 23, 1959 – Nov 22, 1963GV
Himes, RichardS A1960 – 1962g 3trying to find some old ship mates . would like to find some photos of the time i was on the essex.
Natiello, Thomas1960 – 1961XInterested in discussing Bay of Pigs support in April 1961
Bureker, Robert J.AO31960 – 1961W DivMy first cruise on the USS Essex and I was a young guy in W div before the GMT rate came out. I have a YouTube video that I took on that cruise. Check it out
McRobbie, RobertAT21960 – 1962V-6 AvionicsSet up new Avionics shop in Brooklyn & Boston. Supported CAG Avionics. COD Aircrew. Ashore at Gitmo w/ Essex vehicles, motor pool driver, (troops, Cuban workers, base staff, munitions etc.) Oct-Nov during Cuban blockade.
Hendershot, William (Bill)AO31960 – 1963AOA great life experience
Tucker, Olin Ronald Ronnie Ole TuckIC21960 – Oct 1962E
Williams, TerrySFM2Jan 1960 – Sep 1963RCame aboard after boot for duty with my older brother Tom. (Big Skivs) Worked in the metalshop. Ran R-Vent div for about a year which was manned by tad personnel.
Perkins, FloydfnFeb 1960 – Feb 8, 1964A/3trying to contact old shipmates
Johnson, JohnBT2Feb 1, 1960 – Jan 1, 1966B
Dunlap, CharlesIC3May 1960 – May 1962E DivIC Gang
Hoffman, Nicholas (Nick)ICFNMay 1960 – May 1961Unknown?Nick Hoffman was my father. He served on board the USS Essex between May 1960 and May 1961. I think he worked in Communications. He later served on the USS Petrel. I'd like to hear from anybody who may have known him
Helmick, BrooksLTJun 13, 1960 –CICIf you want to know what really happened on the Essex between 19600-1963 when it was the Flagship for the, Bay of Pigs Crisis, Berlin Wall Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis go to
Papciak, BobSeamanAug 25, 1960 – Sep 12, 1962G Division
Cates, Julian (Jay)FNOct 1960 – Nov 1961E
Thibodeau, Peteseamen E3Dec 1960 – Oct 1962G1looking for Terry watkins. From tower city PA. Also looking for Freddie Hengle from New Rochelle, NY
Oswald, Donald profile iconQM3Dec 12, 1960 – Jun 12, 1964NavigationReported aboard as a SA in December 1960 and was assigned to G-2 div, three months later transferred to Navigation Division because of QM A school, made QM3 before transferring to the Tin Can Navy in 1964.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1950 | 1951 – 1957 | 1958 – 1960 | 1961 – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – now

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