US Navy Crew List

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USS John Adams (SSBN 620) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS John Adams (SSBN 620). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 181 crew members registered for the USS John Adams (SSBN 620).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1975 | 1976 – 1980 | 1981 – now

Williams, Gerald (Willie)ET1(SS)1970 – 1972RC
Borne, StevenFN1970 – 1972Seaman GangThree patrols out of Guam. Got no respect being a reserve. So didn't get any of the good training during off crew, so I hit the beach. Loved Hawaii. It was like a paid vacation for two years. Not a career for me.
Quillen, ArtET3(RO)1970 – 1973ReactorMustered out '74. Serviced medical imaging systems until 2018, retired.
Newton, Dennis (Newt)EM1(SS)Jan 6, 1970 – Mar 2, 1973Electrical6 Patrols out of Guam. Gold Crew under Captain Loposer and Chief Bartlett. Very Proud of my service under this command. A Very Professional arm of the U.S. Military!
Rannow, Markmm3Jun 1970 – Jan 1974auxilerylooking for fellow mates
Silvestro, Robert (Bob)MT2(SS)Aug 6, 1970 – Jan 5, 1972weaponsMy last assignment before separation. Different world!
Przybilla, August (Augie)TM3/YN3Sep 1970 – Jul 2, 1973Launcher Technician, then YeomanMade six patrols out of Guam, arriving for the ship's second Pacific patrol and leaving before the last. Ran around on the beach with that bum Steve Borne, above, and served with Mick and Danny Davila. Proud of all.
Jenkins, MerleMM2 (SS)Sep 24, 1970 – May 9, 1973MFirst boat assignment. Great Eng. Division Chief & Engineer. Enjoyed 5 patrols out of Guam, under CDMR. Peters. Many fuzzy, fond memories of the time aboard.
Bruhn, John "bruno"ET-1Dec 1970 – May 1975Navigation
Waisanen, Arvid "Eskimo" profile iconRM2(ss)Dec 1970 – Jun 1977RadioGreat memories. Started on the blue crew in the seaman gang went through the mid 70's yard period at PNSY then one Atlantic patrol on the Gold crew
Newton, DennisEM1 SSDec 1970 – Apr 1973ElectricalAttended Adams reunion in Groton Connecticut in early 2000, Most attendee were blue crew - I was only gold crew attendee. Enjoyed it Anyway!
Dubois, RobertSK1(SS)Dec 26, 1970 – Aug 25, 1975Supply
Devenport, JeffHM (SS)1971 – 1973Deck
Putt, GlennE61971 – 1975mm
Vredeveld, David (Dutch)MM1 (SS)1971 – 1976AuxStarted on Gold crew, went through overhaul Portsmouth NH, Changed to Blue crew, shakedown in Bahamas
Kruse, Heinz (Red Pup)MM3(SS)Apr 1971 – Dec 1973Aux.Great times with great people on great boat.
Price, JamesSTS3 (SS)Jul 12, 1971 – Mar 16, 1975Sonar And DeckStarted my time with fellow crazys Jeff Devenport and Jay Cronin. Sailed with a damned good crew that always pulled it out of the briar patch when needed. Especially when going up to shoot stars in a typhoon!
Kotan, RichMM2-SSSep 1971 – Jun 1973M
Skinner, LeeET1(SS)Sep 1971 – Oct 1, 1976RCI did the first startup on the new core in the 74-76 overhaul. Also saw the first non-planned scram (same watch!)
Taynor, BobMT1Sep 1971 – Nov 1975MissileReported on board the night before we flew out to Guam. Started as a MT3 non-qual and left as MT1(SS) having served as LPO. Later worked on many boats in the Holy Lock but this was the only one I served on.
Cronin, John profile iconRM2(SS)Nov 14, 1971 – May 21, 1974Seamem GangI made my first patrol at 17 years old. I could not go back past the reactor. Won Mrs JA contest. Got 14 days basket leave. Also after doing quals being up 24 hours. puilled flapper while blowing san's.showers were close
Olsen, Neil (Oly)TM3Dec 1971 – Dec 1973WeaponsCame aboard green as a TMSN and learned what it meant to grow up and be a team member. Enjoyed my time with the Gold crew.
Spoonemore, TerryMM1SS1972 – Jun 28, 1976M
Adcock, Ed (Chauncy)ET1(SS)1972 – 1977Reactor Controls2 patrols from Guam under CMDR Peters. Shipyard in Portsmouth, more radiation exposure in that cold granite dry dock than during patrol. On-board during missle trials off Florida. 1 patrol out of Scotland, that pond was shallow!
Harvey, WayneEM1(SS)1972 – 1975EMMet boat in Hawaii, one patrol then yards. Someone left cofferdam in Guam and rear escape trunk took on loads of water in Frisco bay! Willie and I topside taking off shore power and watching electric arcs on the hull!
Rains, Robert (Bob)IC2(SS)Jan 10, 1972 – Jun 26, 1973E (Fwd IC)I really enjoyed my time on the JA, I wished I would have extended to make the trip to overhaul... I switched branches and retired from the U.S. Army, (Armor & Aviation Branches) on 01Oct96 as a Master Sergeant/E8
Culpepper, RobertRm3(SS)Feb 1972 – Dec 1972Communications
Rambo, PaulRM 3Jun 1972 – Aug 1975Radio
Rice, MikeMM2(SS)Jun 1972 – May 1977AuxiliaryMade last pacific patrol and shipyard period at PNSY left the boat in Charleston.
Naylor, RickEM1Jan 15, 1973 – Oct 15, 1978EDivHad some good times, had some really good friends. I only met a couple as the years went by. Onan, Limbrick, Tom Lawson. I do remember that stupid salinity cell in Eng Room LL. And the Eng Asleep in his EOOW Chair!
Brough, JohnYN1Mar 1973 – 1975Admin
Pedersen, JerryEM2Jul 16, 1973 – Sep 22, 1975ElectricalWas on the Last Pacific Patrol and went to the shipyards with the boat, but discharged prior to completion of overhaul.
Koonce, MikeMM21974 – 1977A Gang
Faris, DaveIC2(SS)1974 –ICGood times in PNSY, H-23 what a barracks Holy Loch was a blast, lots of good memories.
Strong, Senior ChiefMM 1Aug 23, 1974 – Apr 20, 1978MTrying to reconnect
Bearly, KyleIC4Oct 1, 1974 – Aug 15, 1978I met the boat in the yards in Kittery Maine, did the deso ops and then did 4 or so tours out of Scotland. Looking for some old friends I used to serve with.
Delisle, SteveET2(SS)Nov 1974 – Jan 1978Reactor Controls
Wilde, WesleyQM31975 – Nov 2, 1976Operations Nav Gang
Perkins Jr, Richard (Rick)IC2(SS)1975 – 1979Forward ICChanged my life forever
Aversa, DannyFTB-1 (E-6)1975 – 1977Missile Control Center (MCC)Great to see fellow submarine sailors on list. It's been a long time for me.......but I still remember my days on the SSBN 620 and SSBN 630 like it was only a few years ago.
Perkins Jr, RichardIC2(SS)1975 – 1979Forward ICAs hard as it was to spend time away from family I still have great memories of serving on the John Adams.
Cauthen, JamesTM31975 – 1977Torpedomen/MissletechContact me for next reunion
Tanner, WesleyFTG2(SS)1975 – 1977Torpedo Fire ControlOne of the best experiences of my life.
Armstrong, WillieEM31975 –ElectricalIn Elec Div. Wayne Harvey was best bud. One patrol then crew went to one crew for shipyard. Lived in Seabrook while in yards.
Smith, Lee,smittyMM-3SSMar 11, 1975 – Oct 17, 1977mdoes anyone know where the door is?
Defore, RobertETN-2(SS)Oct 1, 1975 – Oct 15, 1977NavicationWas a great Crew comming out of the First yard period.
Koenig, Philip "Mitch"E-4Oct 28, 1975 – Sep 8, 1978MM A-Gang
Shuler, BillETN-2Nov 1975 – Jun 1977Navigation

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1975 | 1976 – 1980 | 1981 – now

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