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USS Dewey (DDG 45) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Dewey (DDG 45). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 430 crew members registered for the USS Dewey (DDG 45).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – now

Frey, SeanOS1988 – 1991
Hall, ThomasOS31988 –operations
Lynch, Thomas/mike/sidewalkOS21988 – 1989Operations
Brown, DonLT1988 – 1990SupplyDEWEY was the best Department Head tour I had in my career. Retired in 2000 as a CDR but always remember the DEWEY crew and and the Supply Department miracle workers. My e-mail is
Rice, Don/big Donbm21988 – 19911stlots of good times and great memories i'd like to bullshit with some of the old buddies
Squire, Jason/squidmanET31988 – 1990OEWould do it all over again!............minus Pivarnik.
Weaver, JeffOS1(SW)1988 – 1990OI
Coyne, ChrisMS31988 – Aug 31, 1990S2Well I retired from NAS Oceana in 06 as CS1(SW). had a good time on the dewey. Yeah the Navy changed the rate name form MS to CS.
Ogliastri, GonzaloBM31988 – 19891stMy time in the USS Dewey DDG-45 5 was the best time of my life. I made some good friends. This is where I met one of my greatest love in Charleston SC. . My time station there was awesome.
McDowell, JamesbmsnJan 1988 – Jul 31, 1990deckbest experience I ever had my best friends were Reed Richardson, Carl Price, and Scott Vorhees . Capt. Coleman was the best co ever .
Keefe, JohnENSIGNFeb 1988 – Oct 1988A-GangMy driving skills cut my tour short, but a lot of good memories - Med '88 kicked ass.
Hopper, TimothyBT2Feb 18, 1988 – Aug 2, 1990BoilersWhat ever happened to Fruit loops?
McDonald, StevenHT3 E-4Mar 1988 – Aug 31, 1990R- DivisionFirst ship I was stationed on and I think about it regularly. Enjoyed my time. Came aboard in Cavalier, France after a 24 hour train ride from Sicily. Enjoyed the Persian Gulf in 90. My best friend was Em3 Mann (DJ).
Watkins, CassiusDC3May 9, 1988 – Jul 27, 1990R-DivWhat a wonderful ship. It was my first cruise, and the ship last. Meet some great people on board that ship. Hope everyone is doing great.
Gilmond, JoeDK1 (SW)Oct 26, 1988 – Dec 19, 1989SS04Best crew Best ship to have served on. If it hadn't been for that ruptured appendix, it would have been my best shipboard tour. Wife Debbie always taks of the Dewey being her best Ombudsman tour.
Gomez, TomENSDec 1988 – Jun 1990OIRelieved LT Craig Payne as CICO and relinquished my half of OE Division (DSs) to CWO3 Bob "BoBo" Rhea. For the information of CWO2 Barnhart, cheeseburgers are now being served in the wardroom.
Steven Hill, PenitentiarySN/SM3Dec 1988 – Jul 1990Deck/SigsOne help of a ship. Capt was a walking deity. The only reason I didn't lose my mind on a ship that could make water. Where we took steam showers and unrepped every three days. Hurricane Hugo and everything else. Hammer.
Harper, Donald CraigOSC1989 – 1990My first ship on her last tour. Great crew.
Dennis, AnthonyOSSN1989 – 1991OI
Day, JohnFireman1989 – 1990The HoleBest Navy post I ever had. Commander Router was running the command back then and has since moved on to Rear Admiral. Officers and enlisted were all great guys and it was the only command in which I felt like I was part of a large family.
McKiddy, PatrickRM11989 – 1991OCGood crew to work with
Kibic, FerdinandLCDR1989 – 1990Weapons
Pratka, MikealEM3Jan 5, 1989 – Apr 15, 1990Electricians mateIt was my first ship at 19 years old I grew and was taught so much. Best crew and leaders
Guraleczka, BillSTG3Jan 7, 1989 – Aug 1990SonarGreatest Ship afloat, hated to see her go, and glad she will be back. I am in the Reserves as a CB ( just a note for CDR Route)
Guzman, Vicente (Guz)SNMar 1989 – Aug 19901STFirst ship i served on and did one major deployment to the Persian Gulf (Magic Carpet Ride). Great crew and i really had a blast. Good memories.
Cudd, RichardENFNMay 5, 1989 – Aug 1, 1990I came to the USS DEWEY as an undegsignated fireman. I left there as a man and a Enginemen. It was great. My first ship my first cruise. Thanks John Wayne, Wolfe, Schillings and Mcquilken
Wyatt, RichardDK1Jun 1989 – Mar 1990SS04I enjoyed the short time I was on her.
Gierman, JasonMM2Sep 1989 – Aug 1990#1 engine roomDId a cruise to the persian gulf. Great time with some great guys
Daughtry, CurtisOS2Sep 1989 – Jan 1991OperationsJust trying to reconnect with some old Navy friends.
Budd, ShawnSNOct 1989 – Aug 1990DeckFlew to Baharain at age 18, what a shock!! But was actually start of a very exciting 4 years a service. What happened to the Microwave Pork Rines and Hot sauce?? That is what made me get sick in the Persian Gulf. Got me sea legs quick!
O'neal, SidneyFC3Nov 20, 1989 – Jun 30, 1990Great ship!! Jeff, Jay and Tommy taught me alot.I only made the Gulf cruise then Decom. I had a great time, my first time as a missile FC. I'm still active, stationed at CSCSDahlgren. Anyone wanting to chat drop me a line.
Martinez, Joseph "marty"BM3May 1, 1998 – Aug 10, 19991st Greta time, great ship. Weres Voodoo, Big Don Rice, J.D., Pete Willie Williams, Greg?
Luedtke, JimHMCSMay 2004 – May 2007MEDFirst of it's class. Great NATO Cruise.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1967 | 1968 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – now

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