US Navy Crew List

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USS Nitro (AE 23) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Nitro (AE 23). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 367 crew members registered for the USS Nitro (AE 23).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1972 | 1973 – 1976 | 1977 – 1981 | 1982 – 1985 | 1986 – 1989 | 1990 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Gallagher, JohnBMC/BMCS (SW)1990 – Apr 19951st,2nd ,RAS and SupplyServed in many capacities on board but I remember when CDR Moore came aboard and made me LCPO of RAS division I remember staying up many nights fixing equpiment before going alongside
Robinson/switzer, Scott (Robby)DC2-DC11990 – 1995R- DivMemories are so many with Menard, Comitte, Greg, Petaway, Simulis, Pee Wee, Davenport, Wegner, Finske, Boudreau, DCC Coldwell, Prest, Rose, KIemko, Nelson, Vorhoff I could go on for ever. I miss you all, loved the ship
Dean, WayneEM21990 – 1995E-divEm2/3 worked e division and worked allot with bt side..
Humphreys, ChrisIC11990 – 1991EPersian Gulf War Desert Storm
Smitha, DeannaLT(JG),CHC,USNRJan 1990 – Apr 1990Command ChaplainAlthough a very short-timer due to an injury, I feel a very strong connection to this ship and its crew. It has been a privilege and pleasure to serve aboard with these outstanding sailors. BZ!
Minard, Catherine profile iconDC3 - E-4Jan 18, 1990 – Jan 23, 1994B Div then went to DC DivHello found this web site. Seems like a lifetime ago!! I have learned so much in life since then. I am Married with a daughter and pets. Life is good. Glad I had the Navy thing it taught me alot about people and how to enjoy life.
Dorwin, CherylLTFeb 1990 – Mar 31, 1992Engineering-MPA, Ops-CICO
Bill McIlhenny, MacOS 2Feb 1, 1990 – Sep 1, 1995OIO1 - OPSJUST LOOKING FOR SOME OLD FRIENDS
Holloway, MikeET2Mar 20, 1990 – Mar 20, 1994OPSJust looking for old friends.
Selfridge, EricEM#May 1990 – Jul 1993EGreat memories. Really miss the "Burboun Five".
Odom, John "odey"SNJun 11, 1990 – Jun 10, 19932nd then moved to crafthad some great times on the old girl. made a bunch of good friends. Miss traveling all over the place. Drop me a line or two God bless you all
Odom, John. Or. Odey profile iconE1Jun 11, 1990 – Jun 10, 1993Deck DivisionMy 3 years aboard the Nitro was incredible. I meet so many great people and partied our asses off in New York City. Was a great time being out underway. Miss all you guys. I do keep in touch with a few of my shipmates
Ayers, RichardDCFNAug 10, 1990 – Jun 6, 1993R Damage ControllHad some good times with some good friends. Im not getting out of my rake. Remember fast trips to P.A with Steave Weindner.And who can forget Robbys HAM SHOTS.Or are shellback intro. Hey Pettaway I still know.may not miss it.sure miss r-divison.PEACE
Maiocco, Padre JoeLtAug 10, 1990 – Aug 1991ChaplinMy son-in-law Joseph Maiocco was Chaplin aboard the USS NItro with numerous Atlantic crossings servicing Desert Storm. He was aboard the memorable USS Nitro/Duke of Earle 28 Dec90/ 30April 91. Proud of "Royal Heroes"
Cowman, JosephMS3Oct 1990 – Aug 1992SupplyWas onboard during Desert Storm,and was onboard till we went to Brooklyn,New York to start Decommissioning
Washington, GregoryBM3Dec 18, 1990 – Jul 21, 1991first
Monk, RobertE-3Dec 22, 1990 – Jun 29, 19912ndMy first ship, reported to her and left the next day for Desert Storm.Had so much fun all the places we went( Diego Garcia was the best).Sorry I had to leave.Broke my ankle when we got back to stateside.Then got sent to PhilaNavHosp were I stayed.
Gallagher, JohnBMC/BMCS1991 – 19951st 2nd RAS Supply for Decom CMAAI truly enjoyed taking her from Never Intended To Really Operate to the Best AE in the Fleet remember our trips to ROTA and to Scotland Served with BMCS Lucca, PNC Thomas Lt Davis and MMC DeGroat,Bosun Adams and the all the rest
Maloney, TyromeE-31991 –Div 3Good times, lisbon, and spain suez canal crazy
Cranston, Shawn profile iconENFN1991 – 1993A GangJust looking for any and all shipmates fro 91 to 93. What a great time and those Gitmo runs!
Pate, Michael / Hollywood profile iconMM3Jan 1991 – Dec 12, 1993RASNEC 4295, Ras Division, Honorable Discharge (TPU Philadelphia)
Lecuyer, JeffreyMM2Apr 13, 1991 – Mar 14, 1995BJUST LOOKING FOR SOME OF THE OLD CREW FROM THIS PERIOD.
Larkin, Jeffrey J. Lark Or Big LarkHT3May 1991 – Jul 1994R Bsinging cristmas songs in the pit with BT2 Big AL and all of b div. crazy times in rota, scotland, gitmo! Sailing right through the middle of what we now know as the perfect storm. great friends pettaway minard ibarra fenski robbi ms1 aeyer
Larkin, Jeffrey J. Lark Or Big LarkMay 2, 1991 – Jul 7, 1994R
Adams, Duane The Bos'eLT (LDO)Jun 1991 – 1995DECK DEPJust look for some guys hay gunner moor I hop you see this. Boy I miss you guys
Lemaster, James (Little Doc)HM11992 –X DivisonSenior Hospital Corpsman. Loved the people hated Jersey. Last Ship.
Hodge, Eddiemm31992 – 1994m div
Aunkst, JohnEN3Feb 1992 – Mar 1995A GangLooking for old shipmates from this era.
Marrero, DavidSNFeb 6, 1992 – Jan 24, 1995DECK & RASI was on the Nitro Deck Division and RAS division from Feb 1993 to Jan 1995. After that went on to the Seabees NMCB 74 then got out and went to the Marines 2/5 H&S Comm plt. 4 4 years. Im currently in the Army National guard serving in Afghanistan
Jamison, JohnEM3Mar 15, 1992 – May 20, 1995ee01i had a great time on the nitro !!! i miss all the great friends i met and remain in touch with.
Meyer, MichaelMM3Apr 1992 – Apr 1995MMy home email is Made some great friends on this ship. Definitley some memories that were made.
Tedder, Randolph (Randy)DC3Apr 1992 – Feb 1994DCAlthough I was only there a short time, I remember meeting so many awesome people. Helping establish a ship's softball team was the highlight of my time. Going to GITMO too often and being DITW was some low lights.
Pfeiffer, Jonathanem3Apr 4, 1992 – Apr 28, 1995RAS
Blayne, AdenE-1Jun 1992 – Aug 1993deck seamanWas a good time with some exceptions. Everyone out to get each other. Got a lot of goood people booted off for no good reason. Lot of infedility and and shaddy shit going on.
Sands, JimmyE-3Jun 10, 1992 – Mar 20, 1994DeckLike BM2 Correa said, I left and was only able to get a job selling, not quite, I stocked shelves :)
Polnaszek, MarkLCDRJul 1992 – Feb 1994XOLast sea tour. Great crew, Scotland, Spain, Cuba. Towed into Norfolk.
Bodnar, PeterE-3Jul 12, 1992 – Jan 8, 1994deckwas on deck with the infamous Bm1 wright..miss all his crazy stories... had fun..if anyone remembers pete bodnar send me some mail... lates
Moffett, ShirleenRM3Aug 1992 – Sep 1995BM/RMI don't know if anyone remembers me....I had not thought about the military in years. I was having a garage sale and I ran across my military I got on the web and here I am. I hope everyone is doing well :)
Moore, Clark (Pappy)CWO3Oct 1992 – Jul 1994Cargo
Williams, Jason Aka Lil WillyMMFROct 1992 – Aug 1995MAhh my first ship, the best hard lesson of my life, remember all the good folks on there in my division, wankie, 50 cash, monroe..who beat the hell out of finch..this was the best ship.and who can forget big al. been in 14 now, 6 left. thnx
Lance, RoyHT3Oct 1992 – Apr 1995RMany memories on this ship. I think this is what made me a man! No air conditioning in Gitmo and no hot water in Scotland! I almost froze to death during decommisioning on that hated barge! I proudly served my country!
Wells, ReggieYN3Nov 12, 1992 – Apr 28, 1995AdminI wanted to see if I remembered anybody from the old crew. I am stationed at Naval Special Warfare Group TWO in Virginia Beach. I can be reached at
Thomas, FredBT3Dec 27, 1992 – Mar 1995Engineering I enjoyed my time aboard this fine naval ship, to be able to starte my naval career aboard her. She gave me the privilege to take the time to be come a leader and the priviledge to decommission her in April 21 1995.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1972 | 1973 – 1976 | 1977 – 1981 | 1982 – 1985 | 1986 – 1989 | 1990 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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