US Navy Crew List

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USS Suribachi (AE 21) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Suribachi (AE 21). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 472 crew members registered for the USS Suribachi (AE 21).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1965 – 1967 | 1968 – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1989 | 1990 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Arnold, Frederick (Bill)BM 11968 – Nov 1970Deck
Danford, BobE51968 – 1972OPSServed aboard Suribachi from 1968 until 1972. Was in OPS as an ET. Would like to hear from anyone during that time period.
Voelker, William (Bill) profile iconBT31968 – 1971Boiler RoomPlease help me place my father on the Suribachi. He was a boiler room tech (BT3/ snipe) His name was William (Bill/Billy) Voelker. He was from Buffalo NY. My father passed away on December 25. Thank you!
McDonald, JohnIC2Jan 1968 – 1971EI remember taken a C130 from Rota to Suda Bay and seeing the ship in the bay below and thinking what have I gotten myself into, Hi. I made that rest of that cruise and two more, dry docks in Mobile, AL.
Smith, Paul Smitty/pdSURIBACHIFeb 15, 1968 – Oct 2, 1969Acaught the ship in suda bay feb 68, can't believe that i saw all those countries in the med sure , left in oct.69 i i got together with some mates in chicago,great laughs/ would love to here from u guys out there
Helton, JackieE3Feb 28, 1968 – Aug 1974K
Demarce, SteveMM3Mar 15, 1968 – Oct 1970MMI would like to hear from any shipmates on board 1968 - 1969
Milliken, Jimmiee4Jun 6, 1968 – Nov 29, 1970o i division
Britnell, RickGmg2Sep 1, 1968 – Oct 3, 1970K/WClerk for Gun/Weapons office 68-70' including Mobile dry dock and Med Cruise. Black Gun Officer Tevis called me Er Nell. Kept ammo inventory, SOP's, made watch list, Created invoices for ammo transfer, served shore patr
Haines, RalphFTG2Sep 7, 1968 – Sep 7, 1970WeaponsEnjoyed Med cruise especially Barcelona (great city) but Gitmo was too hot in summer. Hey, Thorton - got a picture of you reading Playboy! Loved the card games we all played at sea. Retired Tech now, married 25 years
Hensley, DoyleGMG 2Nov 22, 1968 – Jan 1972gunnery divisionI really enjoyed serving on board the Suribachi. I remember Thornton. By best friend was Ed Rice. I really remember Nice , France. I put in 16 years and got out as aGMGC. France was fantastic , Nice was the best !
Livria, LouisE4Dec 29, 1968 – Oct 29, 19692nd
Polston, LarryBM31969 – 19712nd
Sparks, ReggieBM21969 – 19712nd
Ramos, JoeQM31969 – 1972Operations
O'Hagan, TomRD31969 – 1971OPSJust spent 4 days working on The USS The Sullivans in Buffalo,NY.It brought back some good memories,so here I I am.
Rano, DennisRM31969 – 1970OC...interesting time in my life with Tom O'Hagan and others at Jax Beach. Glad I survived!
Voss, RodBM3Jan 10, 1969 – Aug 24, 19711STDJ i'll email
Morrow, RonEM2Feb 1969 – 1971E
Hundley, JerryRM3Mar 1969 – Oct 1969OCChanged name to Jerry L. Hundley in 1970.
Ross, DaleSK 3Mar 1969 – Oct 1970Deck/SupplyCame aboard during Mobile AL drydock. Made 12/69 - June 70 Med cruise. Spent time on deck force and supply dept. Worked in GSK and commissary records. Remember guys from Philly.
O'mara, MichaelE-2Mar 1969 – Sep 1969gunners matehey if you were around in 1969 drop me a line at
Owens, BillETR3Mar 1969 – Dec 17, 1971Operations
Donaldson, RussellYN3Mar 1969 – Oct 1, 1970XMade rate while on 69-70 Med cruise. Would love to hear from any ship's office people from that era. Now retired from civilian life and feeling nostalgic!
Weiss, DonYN3Mar 1969 – Jul 1971Captains Yeoman
Phillips, TedE-3Apr 9, 1969 – Dec 1, 1970KlOOKING FOR SHIPMATES WHO SERVED WITH ME
Clausen, RodneyE-3Jun 1, 1969 – Nov 11, 1970was a cook for awhile then a deck hand
McTavish, RobertEn2Nov 1969 – Oct 1971A-division
Thomas, ManigaultIC3Nov 10, 1969 – Sep 1, 1971EI served aboard The Suribachi from Nov. 1969 until Aug. 1971 just before its Vietnam deployment. I made two Med Cruises but left the ship in Souda Bay, Crete. because I was being discharged. HAD LOTS OF FUN!
Hale, SteveMR-2Nov 20, 1969 – Jun 11, 1970EngineeringCame onboard just prior to the 69-70 Med Curise, transfered to MR-A school in June of 70.
Higdon, TomEN3Dec 21, 1969 – Aug 1970A
Primeau, SteveRMSN1970 – 1971RadioMy first boat!
Lasalvia, SamEM2Mar 1970 – Nov 1972E- divisionlooking for some of the guys from E gang. have tried to contact cousins and esfeller with no answer
Hogan, DennisSNApr 5, 1970 – Apr 27, 1972DeckI was Deck Department Yeoman. Still have the cruise book from MED cruise 1971. Still have all those memories of the ship and crew. Remember losing our anchor in Haiti. Hope to hear from you guys.
Neal, Darwin SamSNApr 10, 1970 – Apr 19722ndGreat memories! Served with some really good young men
Zbikowski, JerryGMG3Jun 1, 1970 – Aug 26, 1972K &WJust surfin the web page, Looking through names remembered T Thorton (gunners mate). Thorton, look through those old pictures youll find me. I was gun captian on mt31 and mt32
Kepner, NormE-4Sep 1970 – Jul 1974E-DivisionWould like to make contact with shipmates who served with me on the Sur. Three vacations to the Med. and one working vacation to Vietnam. Married 36 years to Chris three kids and four grandkids.
Esfeller, JodyE-5/EM2Nov 1970 – Nov 1972EWould like to hear from any I served with especially E Division.Fuller,Lasalvia,Bielby.Manegault,Martin,Cousins,Breslen,Evans,Lanigen.Kepner, Penyak.Jernigan.Emborsky,Polvi,
Proctor, Gerald/ DocHMCNov 14, 1970 – May 31, 1974Medical/Admin/SupplyProbably the greatest ship in the fleet. If people now think they had a mean CO, they didn't know Roy Edwin Goldman. The meanest but probably one of the greatest CO's ever. Hell, he did things that CO's now get relieved.
Lanigan, BillE3Dec 1970 – Nov 1972E IC I saw a lot of the world on the Bachi Boat. In less than two years, Virgin Islands, two Med Cruises, Gitmo Cuba, thru the Canal, Hawaii, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, Philippians. The bus trip and over night to Bagiuo in the Pines, Great Party!.
Reynolds, AllenRM2Dec 10, 1970 – Dec 3, 1973OCMade the 1971 Med Cruise then the West Pac deployment. While in port, either Mayport or New Orleans I was the guy assigned to take the comm load to the beach. Served under Captains Morris, Goldman and Grove and with a lot of great guys.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1963 | 1965 – 1967 | 1968 – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1989 | 1990 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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