US Navy Crew List

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USS L. Y. Spear (AS 36) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS L. Y. Spear (AS 36). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 952 crew members registered for the USS L. Y. Spear (AS 36).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 | 1980 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 | 1988 – 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – now

Moore, EdwardHT31980 – 1982R2Hay I saw a name I know. Mr Rutter. I really miss the times we had on the spear. When I read that they was going to sink her my heart hit the ground. The old girl held alot of memoreys for me those where the days my feriends we days will never forget
Koch, JeffHT31980 – 1981R-1would like to here from any old shipmates I now live in Delaware Married since 1985, with 2 kids
Wheeler, Michael WheelerE-41980 – 198139A RepairServed For a great time, but short lived on the Spear. Left with a severe back injury. 3 Major Back operations later. I now live in Florida with a lower back full of metal. Patty Pyatt Contact me at
Seller Resler, Chelley profile iconMoulder Fireman1980 – 1980unknownMy brother, Jeffrey Sellers, served on this ship. I am trying to get copies of pictures or any memories from anyone that had the opportunity to know him. I can be reached at Thank you
Blasinsky, Thomase51980 – Jun 1981R1i got to ride the spear to diego garcia. we made history with the first women shellbacks. i made some great friends and lost a couple of good shipmates. may they rest in peace.
Osborne, Kyle D. profile iconTM1980 –WeaponsWas on board from Jan 1980 - June 1980. Looking for John Sexton (TM)
Huffman, FrankEM31980 – 1982E-DIVJust wanted to say hello to anyone that made the cruise to Diego Garcia in 1980.
Batnag, ChristineMS21980 – 1982SupplyI was aboard the Spear for two years and I enjoyed my time aboard her and I made pretty amazing friends .
Parsons, TeresaE-3Jan 1980 – Jan 1981DeckMan what a walk down memory lane. Can't beleive it's been*gulp* 31 years! Always gonna remember the times and people I met. Feel free to email me at
Pelletier, Stephenmm3/ mm2Jan 1980 – Nov 1981R-8 Chem LabRelieved MM1 Stolks in R8 Chem Lab went to Nav Research CTR pioneered Sub battery electrolyte Analyses afloat. TDY to B div oil king in Diego Garcia never lost fires while i was on watch. Great Crew I learned a lot.
Scott, HutsonBT3Jan 1, 1980 – Aug 24, 1981BI kept 3 worn out air compressers online.Had a new1 dropped on helo deck,took apart,took it down,got er online.I was only non-PO to get letter of commendation on D.G. Cruise.
McMullen, Harold profile iconftg2Jan 1, 1980 – Jan 1, 1984W2 (Fire Control/Armory)Great Div, boss and and shipmates(Wager, Wilsey, Durnal, Godshall, Isbell, Patton, Dyle and more.)Remember when we had 2 NTPI's when only W2 passed? Remember Nassau? You all are in my prayers!
Steele, Michael/mikeyHT1 RetiredJan 2, 1980 – Aug 15, 1985R-1 56A / R-8 NDT LabReported a htfr and left a HT1. We worked hard and partyed even harder. Great command and GREAT people. Miss the heck out of you all. If u remember me please get in touch.
Welch, JohnasMM3Jan 30, 1980 – May 29, 1981M RoomHard to believe its been 25 years! Best memories are of Diego Garcia,,and knowing some of the finest people I will ever meet! I wonder if that painting of the Do-Da Sailor is still in the ER? I'm the artist!! If you have a picture of it,I'd lov
Houllion, Marlowe FPM 3Feb 1, 1980 – Feb 1, 1983R6
Prewitt, RichardGMT E-5Feb 10, 1980 – Aug 9, 1981WeaponsI was GMTSN Prewitt during this time before I transfered to the USS America and I worked with Melinda Loyst and a host of other people. I wonder what happened to Jane Steamn...that firery redhead.
Lawson, AnnetteE-4Feb 23, 1980 – Feb 23, 1983XKnew her as USS Neversail and Bldg 36. Sailed to Ft. Lauterdale and Philadelphia Naval Shipyards. Got sea sick when underway. Miss only some of the memmories.
Stallone, JakeET2Mar 1980 – 1983R4Checked onboard around 11;50 PM the night before she left for Diego Garcia. Woke up the next morning haze gray and underway. I was told at my last command that the Spear was heading to St. Thomas for 2 weeks.... SURPRISE!
Schatzberg, TedMM3Mar 31, 1980 – Aug 12, 1980MI was transfered to the LY Spear from the USS Shenandoah 1 hour before she departed for the Indian Ocean cruise.. Turned out to be a great cruise and I met alot of great people.
Konitzer, Robert E.MM1Apr 1980 – Oct 1984RAE-Mail me sometime
Christensen, Eric Aka "Chris"HT2/DVMay 1980 – Oct 1981R-6 LockerCame on board in Diego Garcia along with HT2 Mike Wiener. Met Momma Boats and Heidi Hooker first day. Luv'em both. Sorry to hear that Spike is gone. I laughed thru shellback initiation on the way home,thanks to FIFI dog! Hurray for WEASEL #1 Boxer
Scanlon, WinET1 - ETCMay 1980 – May 1982Rad Con R-5
Fink, GlennE-3May 1980 – Feb 1984X-1stSaw Sully,Ed Moore and Annette Lawson were on here.
Thomas, James (J B) Or (tom)LTMay 1980 – Jun 1982XShip's Admin Officer
Brunello, Marty GuidoE4May 7, 1980 – Aug 19, 1983R3 Motor Rewind / Outside RepairA shout out to all my R3 and Repair shipmates, we worked hard, partied hard and kicked a__. Oh the stories I could tell. It's hard to remember all the names, I'm better at faces, but I reconize some. Retirement next.
Collins, PaulML3Jun 1980 – Oct 1981Repair
Dyle, SonnyGMG2Jul 1980 – Aug 1983W-2Worked it the armory, traing most of you guys and gals to shoot
Houllion, Marlowe FPM 3Jul 1980 – Feb 1983R 6
Sheldon, JeffreyGMT1Jul 3, 1980 – Feb 21, 1981W-3Rode her back from Diego Garcia, Was not aboard long, but had some good times on a fine ship.
Krager, DonaldBM3Jul 6, 1980 – Aug 6, 1982Crane crew
Jackson, Clarence (Jack)E3Aug 18, 1980 – Aug 18, 1984ETOne of the best times of my life, miss my ship mates
Tommy D Hightower, Tommy D HightowerEM 3Sep 1980 – Aug 19843 rd. / 2 nd.
Cardenas, HamletE4Sep 10, 1980 – Apr 23, 1984EngIt would be great to re-connect wih old shipmates. I was on board the LY36 for 4 years, from 1980-1984. If you remember who I am, please drop me a line.
Jones, DannyBMSNSep 11, 1980 – Sep 11, 1984DeckTons of fun we need to have a reunion
Jordan, BernardE-4/EM3Oct 1980 – Sep 1982E (to start...)First ship-with Lighting Shop, then Weps, finished w/Crane & Elevator Shop (w/the Deckies). Got married on board 11/14/1981. Even the(now)ex- was bummed when I told her the boat was headed for the deep six.
Rountree, RafeBMSNDec 1980 – Mar 19841stHello to all I had fun with, man we had some hellaious times on that ship, Chris Saville let me hear from you okay and anyone else that remebers me, Rafe
Duncan, DaveHT2Dec 1980 – Jun 1984R1
Young, NealDK2Dec 1980 – Sep 1983S-4 DisbursingI used to hang around with the people in S-3 Division or the ship servicemen and some SK's
Johnson, Charles THT2Dec 1980 – Jun 1984R 1Went by Pete. Worked in R1 Pipe Shop.
Ulrich, DavidML2Dec 18, 1980 – Jun 4, 1981
Saville, ChrisBMDec 22, 1980 – Feb 7, 19842NDCRANE OPERATOR , ETC...
Patraw, RickMR2Dec 25, 1980 – Jul 17, 1983R2A/31AWhen I left in 1983 i didn't know how much i'd miss .that place and all i served with. Hopefully i' ll get to see some of them at one of the reunions.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1978 | 1979 | 1980 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 | 1988 – 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – now

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