US Navy Crew List

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USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 858 crew members registered for the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

King, AlanSHSN WHEN LEFT1991 – 1993S-3Well the old girl was my first ship. Ran the ship store. I am sure you guys remember the old store. Well I would like to know when there will be a reunion. Drop a line if you like.
Lodwick, BobOS11991 – 1993MWR/ChaplanRemember the televised Bingo Games while underway.
King, KerryATAN1991 – 1993AIMDI had a really good time on board and made some good friends who I hope to see again one of these days. I hope everyone is doing well.
Boult, RickCWO21991 – 1992"E" DivisionWorst ship I was every stationed on, no money, had a decom date, Great Crew !!!
Betts, DaleEM21991 – 1991ElectricalWorked with most of the 10 that pasted that day. Rest in peace "Ski"
Adair, JayOS 31991 – 1993OIFirst ship of many and loved every minute of it... miss my brother's from OI tight division. Shoot tightest crew I ever served with after Captain Ohearn left command.
Garcia, AlfredoABF1991 – 1993V 4Just wanted to see if I could get in touch with my old shipmates.
Duvall, Robert / ChrisAT3Jan 1991 – Jul 1993AIMD
Strauther, Lamonte profile iconAK3Jan 1991 – Aug 1993AIMDWow this is really something to be able to reunite with all my old shipmates
Pruitt, Mike profile iconBM3Jan 1991 – Jul 1993deckwhat up those who know me, does any one remember the airmen first class who lost his life in 92 on the flight deck
Theisen, WalterAC2/AC1Jan 13, 1991 – Jul 5, 1993OCAllot of fond memories, but also some bad ones as well. I was the last LPO of the OPS/OC division. (RIP AC1 Shawn Pace killed in a motor cycle accident 2003, Good friend and shipmate)
Dillapree, LeeE4/SH3Feb 1, 1991 – Jul 1993S3Shipmates! Greetings from the best Barber to sail the seven seas! Hope all is well! I cut a lot of hair on the Iwo.Better yet,I met a lot more brothers! I appreciate the amazing experience! Did you sit in my chair?
Ritcherson, Wes (Ritch)S2/QMMar 1991 – Sep 1991NavigationMy time on the Iwo was short , wish it could have been more Will always appreciate the people I met & the expieriances I had(even though most of it was tied to the pier).Hooya,Mr. Ginneti(great respect)best wishes to all
Goode, JohnMM2Jun 1991 – Jul 1993ENG./A
Anderson, RichET2Jun 1, 1991 – Jan 1, 1993OE
Avila, PeterLCPLJun 24, 1991 – Mar 5, 1992I spent the best 9 months of my life on the iwo . It gave me a newfound respect for the navy. Aside from the gulf war it was almost like a cruise with guns.
Nemeth, JohnAT2Aug 1991 – May 1993AIMDMostly Good crew. Hated that ship back then. Last trip to Mardi Gras prior to Decom was one of my best times in the Navy.
Espinal, RoqueAug 9, 1991 – Mar 10, 1993Airhey, this is Rico Espinal "Cono" The best time of my life! I do miss the old crew and the great friends I had while in there
Heath, Stacy profile iconHMAug 19, 1991 – Jul 18, 1993HMHAPPY AND RETIRED, working for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Athens, ga
Frohwitter, JoeCWO 2Sep 1991 – Dec 1992Eng/ A GangWorst ship I ever served on with the best skipper, Captain Zia. Thanks for you help Captain.
Holyfield, Joseph profile iconEM3Sep 1991 – Jul 1993Eng/E and MAAFirst ship out of boot camp. Briefly in E-Div before being sent TAD to MAA office until decommissioning. Retired after 20 years last May as an FC1.
Dixon, JimABH2Oct 1991 –V1Hey all, Iwo was my 3rd boat outta 5. Have to say i have some good memorys from the 92 cruise. Made some good friends there. If anyone wants you can email me. Retired now but still miss it.
Humphries, CamdenlcplOct 1991 – Nov 19912nd mar divlooking for someone to verify I was on board during the Boiler explosion I was 1 of 2 marines who came aboard to repair trucks in the well deck . We got off the boat right after the explosion please respond 9193390896
Tatum, Gene ChristopherABHANOct 23, 1991 – May 27, 1993V-1Great Times and a lot of Memories!! Crash Crew!!!!
Williams, Rodney profile iconazan1992 – 1995AIMDI remember just about everybody I came in contact with.. I try and keep in contact with all members.,, contact me at
Thomas, John R. "jt"HM1Jan 1992 – Jul 1993MedicalLPO and the Lab Tech of Medical until DECOM. Transfered to NH Portsmouth lab. Retired Mar '94.
Ornelas, JorgeE3/SNFeb 1, 1992 – Jul 14, 1993Admin DepartmentIt was my first and last ship, not a memorable experience.
Delagrange, LouisEWSNMar 1992 – Mar 1993opsall i have to say is thank you for the memories that i will take with me for the rest of my life
Hedetniemi, RobertE-3Mar 1, 1992 – Aug 1, 1994V-1
Clemandot, TomE-4/ETMar 1, 1992 – Jun 30, 1993OE
Lamont, MarcLCPL E-3Apr 30, 1992 – Nov 15, 19922MAR 2/2 1st platoonIt was a great time and met the best friends of my life.
Heiser, BradleyYNCS(SW)May 1992 – Nov 1992COMPHIBRON EIGHT - EMBARKED STAFFRetired YNCS(SW) (Oct 2005). Embarked Staff aboard USS IWO JIMA (LPH 2). Deployed on her final deployment. What a deployment! Thanks for the memories. John (Jack) Handley, J. Scott Terry, Darone Dancy and Bill Pennington... What's up?
Patton, JamesASSISTANT SUPPLY OFFICER - LTMay 11, 1992 – Jul 14, 1993Supply
Dancy, DaroneYNC/E7Jun 1, 1992 – Jan 1, 1995Hey guys, are you out there in cyber space, it's Dancy, I am in Portugal and have been overseas the last 12 yrs., headed back to DC in May, give me a msg. if you receive this. Take Care Dancy
Clare, Jr., JamesMM3Jul 1992 – Jul 1993MMiss the travel and long lost friends. Guess the old saying is true, you don't know what you have 'til its gone. I was part of the Decomm crew and miss my time on board her very much. It was best time in the Navy
Stout, NickE-1 / E-2Aug 1992 – Jul 1993Seaman / DeckCaptian Zia was the best captain I ever served under.
Bourgeois, MichaelE-3Aug 1992 – 1993V-4 Aviation FuelsWas part of the Decom crew.
Baldwin, AntonioANSep 1, 1992 – Jun 15, 1993V3I was young to the Navy, She was my first ship and marked an era of transition in my life from boy to manhood. This ship serves as a link to many situations in my life. (Here's to the good times old girl) I'll miss you dearly.
Schimmel, AaronHN (E3) at the timeSep 1, 1992 – 1993MedicalGot assigned to the Iwo in the middle of it's final cruise and stayed through DECOM. Still have the fancy Zippo lighter and plaque they gave us.
Dennys Iv, CharlesANOct 1992 – Jul 1993V-4
Staschke, BrianPN2/E5Dec 1, 1992 – Jul 1, 1993X1Served on the Iwo from December 1992 to Decom. I was the transfer PN so I was actually the last person transferred from the ship
Degraphenreed, MikoAIRMAN1993 – 1994V1I was on the decommissioning crew. Air department chock and chainer (blue shirt).
Seffrood, ToddE-4May 1, 1993 – Mar 28, 1995Currently teaching English in South Korea been here since 2003 and lovin it! ...check out a non-profit organization I co-founded here in Korea! Cheers! from the land of morning calm
Miller, Lawrence "Tennessee"AN-V1Jun 1993 –V1Have alot of great memories and fond friendships made while on this boat. I was part of the DECOM crew and feel honored to have been apart of the history of this ship. Everyone called me "Tennessee".
Viana, Chris2nd classMay 4, 2006 – May 10, 2010Marines

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

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