US Navy Crew List

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USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 858 crew members registered for the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

Grimes, Otto , IIIASM21988 – 1990AIMDLots of fond memories!
Springhart, Frank1988 – 1999V-1
Goodwin, DouglasMM21988 – 1990M
Kaiser, TimOS31988 – 1991OIwould like to hear from former shipmates please email "remember the 10"
Kerns, KenMM-31988 – 1991A-GANG I served onboard during 1st gulf war...lost 10 shipmates in steam explosion. I have great memories of Daniel Lupatsky. He was a great electrician and friend. I spent lots of hours hiding in his shop. Fred Stier contact me please.
Springhart, FrankGRUBSTUB@HOTMAIL.COM1988 – 1990V-1/Hevyhedupdated 06.20.2008 Looking for Keith Jones, Shawn SULLY Sullivan, Stack Gaddis, David Dnice Morton and anyone else im not thinking of.
Mansfield, RogerRP31988 – 1991X-1 ChaplainI miss the old ship and those brothers that lost thier lives onbaord her. Capt O'Hearns and the chaplain Carpenter were the worst officers ever to serve in the Navy. Karma will eventually get them. God speed to all.
Philipp, James profile iconRM11988 – 1991CR
Parks, CoreyABH31988 – Oct 1991V1 Air DeptMemories on the Iwo I have never forgotten look forward to hearing from of my shipmates.
Kerns, KenMM 3Jan 1988 – Jan 29, 1991A- Gang I had some good times while onboard the Iwo. I will never forget the sacrifice that my 10 shipmates gave with their lives. Daniel Lupatsky was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. We spent alot of time hanging out in the motor rewind sh
Espinosa, EricHMC(SW/AW/FMF)Jan 1, 1988 – Dec 31, 1989MedicalGood old times.
Harris, JosephSH2Feb 1988 – Feb 1990S-3I transfered to the Iwo Jima from the Caloosahatchee AO-98. I worked in the Ships Lundry, Ships Store, Bulk Storeroom, Records Keeper and Barber Shop I have a lot of fun memories.
Verducci, DonHNFeb 1, 1988 – Sep 15, 1988MedicalSurgical Support Team 2 from Bethesda Naval Hospital
Bader, PeteMMFNMar 1988 – Mar 1990MI have a lot of good memories abord this ship, and our various ports.
Bader, PeteMMFNMar 1988 – Mar 1990MI would like to find some of my old friends. We were all kids then! Good times, great guys.
Gerbracht, ToddHT2\R DIVMar 1988 – May 1992RDiv red shirtsBiggest piece af floating crap ever but many many good frinds and memories.I now own a ranch in SD go to sturgis every year hunt and ride everyday 3 grand kids. had tony after i got out hes 13 now love to talk to anyone
Jones, KeithOS3Mar 16, 1988 – Nov 16, 1990OIWith few exceptions,I have to say the men of the Iwo were some of the worst people I had the (dis)pleasure of meeting.Would still like to hear from Tim Kaiser and Frank Springhart.
Tanner, BryanBT3Apr 1988 – Jul 1990Bhad lots of good times, made lots og good friends. will miss the 8 who died in october of 1990. it was a tragic accident.
Norris, David (Chuck)AKANApr 1988 – Oct 1990AIMDHello to all my fellow shipmates. I enjoyed my time aboard the IWO. I met so many great people from all over. I hope everyone is doing well.
Wortman, MikeairmanApr 10, 1988 – Nov 5, 1991v-4my time on the iwo was rough,but i had so many friends it helped me remain sain and get through the bad times(which were many)
Gunther, JeffreyEM1May 1988 – Oct 1991ENever forget the guy's we lost due to Capt O'Hearns stupidity
Crandall, LincolnASE3May 1988 – Mar 1991AIMDHad some good times hope all of you are doing great
Gunther, JeffreyEM2 - EM1May 1988 – Oct 1991Engineering / ENever forget them LT John Snyder, BT1 Robert Volden, BT2 Mark Hutchinson, BT2 Fred Parker JR, EM2 Daniel Lupatsky, BT3 David Gilliland, MM3 Michael Manns JR, MM3 James Smith JR, BTFA Daniel McKinsey & BTFA Tyrone Brooks
Thompson, Tobysk3May 5, 1988 – Jan 15, 1991supply
Miranda, MikeGMG3May 17, 1988 – May 17, 1992Weapons
Potter, MichaelHT2May 29, 1988 – Jun 30, 1992RI can't believe I actually miss some things about the Navy. Especially the ten that died. I should have been the eleventh, thanks for not giving me a pen when turning over the watch Kenny England.
Dick, ScottPH3Jun 1988 – Oct 1990AdminLooking for Doug "TC" Cunningham
Merchant, Senior ChiefAKCS(AW/SW)Jul 1988 – Nov 1992SupplyHappily retired and am working as a College President in Roanoke, VA. Remember the 10 shipmates that passed on Oct 30 and the absoulete worst CO, iron Mike O'Hearn, that the Navy ever put wings on. Great times
Dean, AlphonsoABF/2Jul 11, 1988 – Jun 11, 1992V-4Would love to here from some of my shipmates from Airdales to Supply. Holla atcha boi....
Webster, PaulFC2Aug 1988 – Feb 1993Fox WF02
Giroux, GlenAG3Aug 1, 1988 – Dec 10, 1991OA DivisionI wouldnt mind to know if I could communicate with and Chief Corrigan and AG1 Bosco and anyone else that was in our division.
Meyers, JohnRM3Aug 1, 1988 – Sep 15, 1991Comm/RadioWas on the IWO back in the day. Lot of good and bad memories. RIP to all that perished.
McCoy, KevinRM2Aug 12, 1988 – Aug 26, 1990CRLiving large in the Rocky Mountain Empire
Presley, Randal Aka ElvisIC2Aug 28, 1988 – Nov 1, 1991EMy best time and worst time after 23 years of serving. I'm a CWO3 now and helping to make changes in the positive direction. Send an e-mail. GOD Bless.
Sykes, Chad (Dirtywater)BM SASep 1988 – Sep 19892nd
Myers, David LEM3Sep 1988 – Sep 1991E div/engineeringjust decided to join & reconnect with old shipmates...
Proffit, Mark profile iconFC2/E5Sep 1988 – May 1990FoxCIWS Tech. On MARG 1-90. Went to Guantanamo Bay, Puerto Rico, Mediterranean. Enjoyed my tenure serving on the Iwo Jima.
Jensen, MikeAZ3Sep 12, 1988 – Mar 16, 1992V3/AIMD
Kneifl, DanielPS2Sep 13, 1988 – Sep 12, 1991ADMIN - PERSONNEL OFFICELots of good and bad memories. I sure miss those days in the PN office with Clark, Zavate, Fritze, Butts. PNC Thornton was the best Chief onboard. I'm still on Active Duty in San Antonio, NOSC. trying to make PS1. God Bless, Take care
Slater, ChadAMS3Oct 1988 – May 1991AIMDServing on this ship was truly an adventure to say the least. Think of all my old friends in AIMD wedmer ,lish ,abner, big todd,eddie & tony,butz ...if I left out your name sorry...Jose where are you??? Back home in Pa..
Bade, DennisE8/MMCS (SW)Oct 1988 – Jul 1991ENGI have many memories of my days on the Iwo. I regret the lost of my shipmates and they will always be remembered in my mind.
Law, GeorgeE-5/BM-2Oct 1988 – Apr 1992Deck
Riley, William (Bill)ABF3Nov 1988 – Dec 1989V-4For the most part I had a good time. Certainly a life altering experience. Some good lifelong friends.So long LCDR Kertley(Sep '89).
Hughes, MarkDKSNNov 4, 1988 – Sep 13, 1989S-4 DisbursingI remember taking the 32 degree roll during hurricane Hugo off the coast of SC - was nearly crushed by pots and pans while performing mess-cranking duties in the scullery.
Patterson, GregGMG2Nov 30, 1988 – Dec 5, 1990G
Rivers, JoeYN3Dec 1988 – Jul 1992ADMINWhat up fellas? Hard to forget all that we went through on the IWO. Would love to hear from some of the guys, still talk and hang with Jeff Dickens (JD) from OPS all the time. Get at me....
Ll.m, J.d., Jennings, SinclairAEANDec 1988 – Aug 1991AIMDI had so MANY great times with John Jackson, Kevin Jordan, Mario Robinson, Eric Baynes, Issac Washington, Chambers, Beard and Hubbard. I remembered, I use to eat midnight rats with "Smithy" and those who died. GOD BLESS!
Luper, RonaldSH3Dec 10, 1988 – Jun 10, 1993Supply
Worbington, RobertMMDec 29, 1988 – Apr 1, 1993AI had a lot of good and bad times cruising on the Iwo. Always remembering those who died in Oct 1990 and those who continued on after that experience.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 – 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

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