US Navy Crew List

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USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 858 crew members registered for the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

Hooper, James JrBM31975 – 1976Decklots of great memories and i was honored to serve on the Iwo at the same time as my Dad
Howard, DonMM31975 – Mar 1979M
Kelly, DarrellHM21975 – 1976MedicalWheels!!! Good liberty-Mardi Gra. July 4, 1996, in the Med, on the flight deck having a cookout, playin frisbee. Russian escort watching. Heck of a deal. Enjoyed Italy TAD. On board was my Bro-Mike Kelly. I'm a nurse now
Harrington, John A.k.a. HarryBT 3Jan 1975 – Sep 30, 1977B snipeHay anybody remember the madi gra of 1976.Retubing the fire box and going on liberty? Funny,Iwas underway pumpman when it lists the 1976 Carribean boiler casualty.The remote water level sight glasses malfunctioned on boiler#2had to shut it down asap.
Dwyer, TerryRM2Jan 1975 – Dec 1976CRMany fond memories of the Iwo Jima. These include port calls to Spain, Italy, and France. Onboard when we crashed into the USS "Crashville." Had plans to visit the Iwo Jima one more time with my family. Sadly, it never happened.
Carroll, Wayne profile iconMMFNJan 1975 – Apr 1976M
Honeycutt, RonaldDT3Mar 1975 – Sep 1975TAD Medical/DentalServed on board in the Medical/Dental Dental Department - assigned to 32 MAU - for west Pac Cruise
Creek, EdMMFAMar 15, 1975 – Apr 30, 1976Mgreat time Med Cruise (75)!!!
Greene, ChrisHT3Jul 1975 – Jan 1977RDid not want to make a career out of the military, but you could not have paid me a million dollars for the experience. Kind of sorry to hear that the "Iwo" went to scrap.
Gawne, JohnLCDRAug 1975 – Aug 1977NAV
Clark, Don profile iconABF2Aug 4, 1975 – Aug 4, 1979V-4Nothing like retirement!!
Mike, KnottsE3Aug 31, 1975 – Aug 31, 1979print shophad a grate time / the brige is still alive in south Texas,i have the tape of the bob hope show to see from time too time , the year books too.
Cusson, BruceGMG-2Sep 1975 – Dec 1980FOXGreat memories, Lots of good friends, Got to see some of the Med.
Preston, EugeneMM1Oct 1975 – Jul 1980MMust admit, had alot of great times. Met alot of great people. Drop a line.
Rausch, DavidLTJGOct 1, 1975 – Dec 1, 1977Supply Department (S-6)Youngster tour as the Aviation Stores and PMCC Coordinator. CARIBEX, MED Cruise "Wasted Days & Wasted Nights" at Kithira. Great shipmates. SUPPO Wootten set me up for a successful 31 year career.
Megan, Gerald T.MM2Nov 1975 – Apr 7, 1979M
Booth, JimBMSNDec 1975 – Feb 19791st,2ndCaribbean76, mardis gras,Med 76, Beirut,Bicentennial at sea, Great shipmates,BM1 Rhodes thanks for everything.Chiefs are the backbone.God Bless you all.
Sanchez Jr., Inez A.SK2Dec 2, 1975 – Mar 1, 1979S-1 Division
Carranza, MonteSNDec 9, 1975 – Dec 9, 1978decki was the deck dept. artist... i painted all the rat guards...i painted designs in the foc'sle ...the anchor chain covers..the ship's slogan on the forward bulkhead...and other nautical designs as well as was needed
Meyer, PeterSK3Dec 29, 1975 – Jul 24, 1977S1It was a good part of our lifes to be there and meet a great bunch of guys in S!. Sometimes I wonder what and where they all are. Someday maybe I will find out. Thanks
Raber, MikeE-11976 – 1979Combat CargoLooking for old friends, also looking for a cruise book from 77-78
Mullins, RichIC31976 – 1979ESpent 3 years on board -Two MED trips Great bunch of shipmates.
Swan, JamesIC31976 – 1977Admin
Roonan, Joe profile iconSN1976 – 1978Boat
Helm, KeithABHJan 1976 – Oct 1980AIR DEPT V-1 AND V-3
Leveling, KevinHM2Feb 1976 – May 1979MedicalLooking for old shipmates who worked in the medical department
Creel, BobSNFeb 1976 – Dec 1976E DIVOnly SN in E div Worked lighting shop
Roye, PhilAZ3Feb 1, 1976 – Oct 2, 1978AIMDCurious where everybody is at?
Carlo, MichaelHM-3Feb 1, 1976 – Sep 17, 19762/8 marines Hospital CorpsmanThey were good days
Babula, LenEM-3Feb 1, 1976 –E-Div
Sergo, DavidAG2Feb 10, 1976 – Nov 10, 1978oamed cruises barcelona, valencia, rome , naples, the hey joes, kithira yacht club, lebanon, haiti, east ocean view, ny bus rides, sailor specials, chief lyon , foster, go away, kim cline, palma de majorca, mardi gras, good times, 1978storm
Perez, JohnSN SEAMANMar 16, 1976 – Oct 22, 19771st didision then food serviceServed aboard the Iwo Jime1976 and 1977 .We participated in the evacuation from Beirut. actor Jay North who played Dennis the Menace came aboard.
Neurohr, Regis "Reggie"CPLApr 15, 1976 – Sep 30, 1976H&MS-26 (New River NC)AIMD Avionics AFC - Beruit Evac: Door gunner in CH53 "Flying Eyeball from Hell" w/LTCOL Allison. Looking for old friends, Pat Murphy, Bill Jekot
Wolpin, RichardSA - SK3May 23, 1976 – Aug 1979DECK/COMBAT CARGO/S-1MADE FRIENDS WITH JAY NORTH
Ganster, PatrickCPLJun 1976 – Dec 1976HMM263 HMH362+461 CH-53 bubblechaserI tracked down the salvaged IWO JIMA island&bridge near College Station, TX. In 2008 The [Museum of the American GI] was reconstructing the island , but I fear they have sold it for scrap and killed the project. Regrets
Dds, Jim KarlowiczLTJun 1, 1976 – Dec 10, 1976DentalOne of the greatest experiences of my life! I still dream about it.
Williams, Ross (Willie)AC-2Jul 1976 – Dec 1979OperationsA Place I stopped in my life. Some good times, and some strife. Great friends I made on this mission Poor ole' Iwo--Now decommissioned
Killgore, JamesAZ2Jul 7, 1976 – May 20, 1977AIMD Data AnalystCan't say I have fond memories of this ship. Previous duty stations VP-16, AIMD Cecil. It was a memorable experience
Balch, Danny profile iconBT3Aug 1976 – Nov 1980Bretired Machinist. Was a BT in the Navy aboard the Uss Iwo Jima lph2. 2 years in Iceland and then 2 years at SIMA Norfolk. left in Nov. of 84. interested in connecting with old friends.
Kelly, MikeABH-3Aug 12, 1976 – May 11, 1979V-1Met a lot of good people on the Iwo. My fondest memories is that I was on the Iwo with my brother....Corpsman Darrell Kelly. I liked sitting on the fan-tail and laying on the flight deck at night time. what a wonderful sight.
Peace, JamesE2Aug 22, 1976 – Sep 28, 1977aviationworked on flightdeck as a chalker then went to smash and crash redshirt moving helios around
Hall, BrianABFC (Ret)Sep 1976 – Sep 1977V-4
Jones, MikeETR2Sep 1, 1976 – Dec 17, 1979OEBM1 Rhodes. ET2 Christoffersen, ET3 Green, ET2 Robert D Shene, ET2 Stephen Lawrence Crow. SGT Peter Campot, my email is Drop me a line.
Dunlap, Robert (Bob)DP1Sep 10, 1976 – Sep 1, 1979S7Last command at sea before returning to shore duty to retire four years later.
Sadlemire, Jim(kid)BT3Sep 13, 1976 – Jul 13, 1979BoilerI had my nickname as kid met the ship in Roda Spain one month left to the med in that year went on a med tour in 78
Beeler, PaulIc3Oct 1976 – 1980FiremamWas in ice for 4 med cruises Gitmo Cuba. Bob.hope in New York Scotland and England cruise states in Portsmouth shipyard before deploying.
Young, Malvin "Bama"ABF3Nov 1976 – Sep 0008V4The guys I served with are some of the best friends I ever had. Wish I could see them all again.
Mahaney, ShawnE-4/YN3Nov 1976 – Jan 1980Air/Eng/AdminfArrived onboard Nov 76 ship was in Barcelona, made 3 Med cruises, a ship overhaul in 77 at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Refresher Training in Gitmo Mar 78. Did Bob Hope Show in NYC May 79. Met Jay North (Dennis the Menance) the day he checked in.
Terpenning, Thomas (Terp) profile iconABF1Nov 1976 – Dec 1978V-4What a tour of duty!! After leaving the "IWO", I had tours of duty on the USS Nimitz and USS Inchon before retiring as a Chief in 1993. Have been employed as operations manager for a Petroleum company based in WI.
Harvey, Robert (bob)SNDec 1976 – Dec 21, 19771st

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

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