US Navy Crew List

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USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 858 crew members registered for the USS Iwo Jima (LPH 2).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

Hand, LeeOS-21970 – 1973OII often wonder if I would have stayed in the Navy if I had not ended up in the Hospital. I made several good friends aboard the ship. Sorry I have lost contact.
St.john, Stevee-3Jan 20, 1970 – Dec 20, 1971a division engineringhad a lot of fun in a- gang get in touch im in kcmo
Sanford, Walter. SteveSNFeb 1970 – 1971Deck Dept/Dental
Tutorow, DennisSH3Feb 6, 1970 – Feb 5, 1973S2I was the barber on the ship.
Siciliano, VinnieDC3Mar 10, 1970 – Aug 14, 1972Damage ControlFire Party for recovery of Apollo 13
Clark, DavidseamajnApr 1970 – Sep 1971damage control
Hicks, FrankSeaman 1 CApr 4, 1970 –CommmunicationI was responsible for all Television and Radio audio from the Iwo Jima for the recovery of Apollo 13 KPRC TV audio engineer 1950--1994 I served in WW II U S S Andromeda AKA 15
Merritt, DennisRM2Jun 1970 – Jan 1972COMMReplaced RM2 Rodney Karr as he went to WPAC with Comphibgru-1, where I was staff... embarked on Iwo as embarked staff, then later went as ships company where I ETSed in Long Beach while Iwo was in drydock. My boss was RMC Boldt.
Wareham, HarryO-4Jul 15, 1970 – Aug 15, 1972Supply Officer
Hobbs, RobertSM3Aug 2, 1970 – Feb 1973CSDid a WestPac and a Med cruise. Went through the Panama Canal. Great memories. Graduated from CSUF and eventually became the controller for a Diesel engine company. Still friends with Len Rodriguez.
Dinnel, DavidCWO4Sep 1970 – May 1974XServed as Personnel/Admin/Legal Officer.
Friddell, JamesSgtSep 1970 – Sep 1971Aviation Supply : HMM-165One of the best periods of my military term of 10 years. Made some good friends and try to keep in touch with the ones I can locate. Would like to find more info on the LPH2 during the 1970-1971 period.
Claphan, RonnieCPL.Sep 4, 1970 – Sep 4, 1971HMM-165 USMCI WAS SHIP COM. SUPPLY
Bunton, WilliamABH_#Sep 15, 1970 – Feb 22, 1972V-1I was the fly 2 Po on the west Pac and we left around Nov 2 1970. anyone remember the 46 that did not make it to us and crashed about 200 yards out And our Navy bird got all 22 out alive I anyone has a pic from a crusie book i would love 1
Paul, WoodATCSep 20, 1970 – Nov 24, 1972AIMD
Wheeler, LeoETR4Oct 1970 – Jun 1974operationsi was one of the last real 'wogs'. Chain around my neck, held by the biggest Coreman on the ship. Didnt lose a single 'wog fight' . I remember freddie mac working on 'live" eqmnt. Broke the dock in Seatle and got reborn
Garner, Brent WETRSNOct 14, 1970 – Sep 14, 1973OPS
Handley, RalphPNC1971 – May 1972OI
Terwilliger, Wayne profile iconMM31971 – 1973EngineeringBoarded the ship in drydock and sailed on her through the Panama Canal to Norfolk Va. Later we did a Med. cruise. Served with a great bunch of guys.
Young, TedABF2Jan 1, 1971 – Aug 28, 1973V-4The ship's transition / transfer from San Diego to Norfolk with all the families and personal cars and belongings on board was really something. It looked like a cruise ship except there were cars on the flight deck instead of helicopters.
Grotenhuis, Billabh3Jan 30, 1971 – Aug 1, 1974v-1Made 71 Westpac and did the transit to Norfolk plus 2 meds retired abcs in 91.
Conniff, AnthonySNMar 1, 1971 – Nov 1, 1972ADMIN, DECK, OPERATIONS, COMBAT CARGOGreat Duty! went in as an E-3 left as an E-3, 46 ranks below admiral. did a Westpac and Med cruise all good!
Deckert, FredANApr 1971 – May 18, 1972V-4 FuelsWorking with Helos vs f-4 fighters is an experiance. A purple shirt from a brown shirt. Great people to work with.
Stanczyc, Walt (Stan)AGCJun 1971 – Dec 1974OA
Vander Ploeg, PhilSM3Jul 1971 – Nov 1974csWent through the Yards in Long Beach when stationed on the west coast. Went through the panama canal and made 2 mediteranean cruises on the old Iwo. Sure would like to talk to fellow shipmates that know me.
Banning, JamesSM3Aug 1971 – Jun 1973CS
Rosenberg, Joseph GMG3Aug 1971 – Jan 1973FOX
Wilcott, Will (Bill)HM2Aug 19, 1971 – Jan 26, 1973MedicalLooking for mates this era, Pacific, San Diego, transition to Norfok, Virginia, Med cruise.
Johnsen, DallenPC3Oct 15, 1971 – Nov 19, 1973XVery proud to be a past crew member ofthe IWO
O'Dell, David. OdHT 2Nov 20, 1971 – Nov 20, 1975R DivShould have stayed in could have had anise retirement
Shropshire, Jiml/cplDec 1971 – Apr 1972h.q. battery 12th marines naval gunfires/sgt doyle clyde burke a bunch of great sailors and marines.
Wicker, NickMM3Dec 26, 1971 – May 31, 1972EngineeringMy assignment was short but interesting. This was my first ship. You never forget the first time for anything.
Vaughan, SonnyEN21972 – 1974Engineering
Polizzi, WopSGT./ E-51972 – 1973HMM-263
Russell, JohnYN3Feb 1972 – Apr 1975X Division
Richmond, SteveMar 1972 – 1974i was on the iwo when the ship was sent to de-mine the suez canal during the yom kippur war between egypt and israel. that ship was my 2nd assignment. my 1st was the uss chevalier DD 805. i went to vietnam for a year on that tin can.
Erdmann, JimSK3Mar 1972 – May 1974S1Met a great bunch of guys while stationed on the Iwo. Made 2 Med cruises with them. Lt. Forrester, Chief Popa, Mac,Cupid,Frantz and Scully.
Orsino, FrankABH2Mar 16, 1972 – Jan 15, 1976V-1Rescue and Salvage specialist. Salvaged Helo ashore, Viet Nam.
Landis, Terrence "Sky"AC2Apr 10, 1972 – Mar 15, 1975OIA.K.A. "Sky-4" (highest gunmount) and "Cloud buster" because of my height. Designed artwork for HDC and painted insignia for "Operation Nimbus Moon/Star" on island structure.
Hatch, TimAG2May 1972 – Oct 1975OABest ship I served on. Reported onboard as a kid and departed as a man. Three Med cruises in a row. Loved Norfolk. Head down, Med bound. Loved Naples, went there at least eight times in three years. Demined Suez Canal.
Price, Robert WHM2 HOSPITAL CORPSMANMay 10, 1972 – Jul 12, 1973HospitalPharmacy Tech
Kess, JerrySeaman E3Jun 1972 – 1974Ship’s serviceI served two years on the IWO JIMA 2 Med cruises we de mine the Suez Canal had some great ship mates and marine buddies. Also served on the USS Stinker DD214 I was the barber in the officers barber shop
Savor, BruceABH3Jul 1972 – Aug 1974V-1 DivFly1 PO. May 1974 I watched the last aircraft I ever launched "CH-46" go down in the water 100 yards from the beach. All got out ok. Retired 1993 AS1
McEver, Wendell (Mac)SGT./E5Aug 1972 – Jan 1973HMM-263Attached to AIMD
Bisutti, DavidMM 3Aug 1, 1972 – 1974M divisionI believe that my time in the Navy and particularly being on the Iwo was one of my most memorable and life forming experiences. I think all young people should, in some capacity, serve our country as we did. Good times
Brown, Curtis WayneFIREMANOct 1972 – Jul 1975B
Barb, NickPR2Oct 1972 – Jan 1974AIMDI made two Med curises, I rermember the last curse (73) when we only had 4 day to get every thing back on board. I think I got 4 or 5 parking tickets picking up parts and equipment from a very nice base policeman.
Tillman, JohnChief Petty OfficerOct 11, 1972 – Jun 21, 1975EngineeringThe Boilerroom Crew was the best I ever had the privilage to serve with.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1962 | 1963 – 1965 | 1966 – 1967 | 1968 – 1969 | 1970 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 – now

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