US Navy Crew List

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USNS Butte (T-AE 27) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USNS Butte (T-AE 27). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 453 crew members registered for the USNS Butte (T-AE 27).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now

Bresnihan, Patricket11983 – 1986oelooking to get in touch
Van Allen, MichaelHT1983 – 1985R DivisionLooking back to those days bring many memories. I hope this finds all my past shipmates well and in the best of health.
Meek, Charles / CharlieGMGSN-GMG1 CONVERT MA1(SW) - MAC(SW) RETJan 16, 1983 – Sep 18, 19863RDWhat can I say about the USS Butte?She and her crew were a prelude to my successful career in the US Navy.Things I remember most were the men I served with, gettin stabbed in the ass and couldn't wait to leave.Good or bad I wouldn't change a th
Hayes, RikMM1Feb 1983 – Jul 1984MAs ships go it was pretty good, some good ports, drank a lot of olys on the pier, it was one cold pier in nj,
Staley, JimBM3Feb 12, 1983 – Oct 3, 19862ndwhat a great time
Copeland, DannyMS-2May 29, 1983 – May 29, 1985Supply S-2
Smith, NevinMM-3Jun 1983 – Feb 2, 1988mreading some of the comments from shipmates brought back some great memories. it would be great to hear from guys like rick lamb, cliff campo , joe pizzino, doug leas, memo badillo. had a great time on med cruises
Holmes, DawaneGMGSNJun 1983 – Dec 19863RD Div.I meet alot of guys from different places. It was fun and we all did some crazy things together.It was was hard work and long hours with friends.
Howard, RobGM3Jun 2, 1983 – Sep 15, 19853rd Gunnery
Theiring, Charles (Wheezer)Aug 1983 – Jun 19843rdI was so young but she was my home. I feel like I grew up on her. She will never be forgotten for all the good times I had. I miss the guys I served with. She served gallaintly.
Britton, WilliamGMG2Aug 11, 1983 – Jan 10, 19873rdThey say the first command is the best and I believe that to be correct. I learned a lot on the USS Butte. The division was tight and the best in the fleet. It was the begining of a fantastic navy career.
Emmert, MikeGMG3Oct 28, 1983 – Oct 30, 19853rd
Hayle, FrankEM31984 – 1987Stream
Nigro, FrankBM11984 – 19861stHey guys!
Blevins, Joey "Blee"DK31984 – 1987Supply/S4Some memorable times. Anyone ever hear from Bob Brown? Steve Pick?
Kennedy, SteveMM31984 – 1985ENGINEERING
Kalyan, TimEN21984 – 1986A-DIV.worked in the filter shop and the boat shop, also was on the helo refueling detail.
Giles, KenBM2Jan 1984 – Jun 19872ndHey Downey, Staley, Trotter, Green, Todd, Fella man Hughes, Sarek, and all you other deck apes from 2nd div. Hope ya'll are doin alright.
Barker, Scott (Spaz)E-4Mar 1, 1984 – Oct 20, 1988STREAMHey, its been a long time. Still remember a lot of the names. Feel free to email if you want
Walworth, LarryIC2Apr 1984 – Apr 10, 1987ESaw the ship this past Sept...She looked good, but unused! Now, where the hell is everyone?? Let's get a re-union going!
Lima, BillMmApr 1984 – Nov 1987M
McClendon, JaySNMay 1984 – Dec 1987StreamThose were the days. Remember all the good times, and bad. Still looking for some people, like Frank Hayle and Sean. Dean where are you? I remember helping Jim in the machine shop with some special projects. Anyone know where Fernando Rosa is?
Mavity, ChrisSM3Jun 1984 – Dec 1987opsHello to all my ship mates.feel free to drop me a line and tell me what you've been up to these past years.
Serpas, TerryHT3Jul 6, 1984 – Feb 2, 1988Repair
Sisk, JamesE-4Aug 1, 1984 – Jan 1, 1986O-IJay, Redbone, Mikey B., Glenn W.,Dave S. Pete G.,...are you dead? OS's ...probably in jail.
Simpson, JackCMD/MCNov 1984 – Nov 1987Command Master Chief
Buchanan, GarySM2Nov 20, 1984 – Apr 22, 19881st Division/OC DivisionHello former shipmates, it's been a long time, you could say I learned a lot about life being on board the Butte. From our 11 months in the yard in Mobile Alabama, Gitmo Cuba, it was tough it made me who I am today.
Hall, James/opie!BMSN1985 – 19881st/ StreamI often reflect back on the times we had on board. I wished I had stayed in contact with my shipmates. MS2 Keane, SN Thompson, Jay McClendon, Ty Wagner , Rozo, Renz, BM2 Jerry Martin. So many others . Oh Gary Reed.
Dornan, SteveBM2Jan 1985 – Apr 19882ndIt is amazing to think the old Girl is gone. I miss the days of MED Cruises, liberty botas, Capt. Davis and Dixe the dawg. Those were good time with great guys. Miss you all.
Potter, MattEM3Feb 11, 1985 – Feb 10, 1989STREAM
Copeland, Pee-weeE-4Feb 18, 1985 – Jan 19, 19882ndwhat a great time with all the guy's i served with lookin to catch up for the last 20 some yrs with mutch vanvelete.giles,david stewart.renz,baily,oh hell everyone on board
Bradley, TonyQM3Jun 1985 – Nov 1987NAVCame on board via a split tour (also served on the USS Dubuque. If anyone remembers me, drop me a line!
Darnell, MichaelSK1Jul 1985 – Nov 1989Supply S-1Met the worst officer I ever served under and the best chief that I served under during my tour.
Davis, Charles W.m.SK 3Sep 15, 1985 – Jul 17, 1989SK3I will miss serving on the ship...alot of memories. I was sad when I heard she was sunk of the east coast.... USS BUTTE AE-27. May GOD be with you...always
Luling, MarkLTDec 31, 1985 – Apr 1, 1989DCA, A, E, R, Stream, Ops
Kozlovsky, BenE4/OS21986 – 1989OII remember 2 Med Cruises and two trips to GITMO for two Battle "E" awards.
Challis, RobE21986 – 19893rd
Thompson, Gary (Booter)AD31986 – 1988STREAMTo this day, some of the best friends that I have ever had or known, Fernando Rozo, Ty Wagner, Al Urban, Mike Mutch, Glenn Frye, and to many more to list. Miss all you guys, Wish I would have never left, Hope all has went well in your lives
Gagnon, TimSM11986 – 1991OCI had time on the Butte and met some unforgettable people. The last I knew Victor Jamnik was still among the missing. I am on facebook feel free to friend me.
Petitdemange, PetieSN1986 – 1989Stream
Strada, TonyFm31986 – 1989A gangHad a blast and a lot of ladies overseas
Hodges, JamesBM2Jan 1986 – 19882nd
Wagener, Willard ToddPNSNJan 1986 – Dec 1987X/ Admin
Brouillard, RodgerGMG2Mar 10, 1986 – Mar 10, 19903RDI miss that Tub. And all the shipmates that I called friends. I was sorry to hear that they sunk her.
Lea, Joe {dogman}MM1Apr 1986 – Sep 1991eng rm/mhad a blast with everyone,{except ens shekels} i love my butte "family" alot. wish i could see mmc howard, 2dog, stoney, nipplehead, the ladies that served w/us in the eng rm too. mike deyoc gibson and all the b-div guys too. btcs lewis, everyo
Fernsler, Howard profile iconET1Apr 1986 – Jul 1989OEMed Cruse 1987 & 1989. Gitmo 1989 (?).
Sassone, Mikeht3Apr 4, 1986 – Apr 3, 1990rremember murphy's depot inn.
Vogel, TimothyET2Jul 4, 1986 – Jul 30, 1990OE01Calling RMs into the ET Shop and having a box of foam peanuts spill on them was a fun pastime. And Spades tournaments. "You fly, I'll buy." 'Cranston Snord' movie reviews.
Riehl, MarkE-4 /MMAug 1, 1986 – Oct 1, 1989Had a lot of good times on the butte. Would love to hear from some of my old ship mates in M and B div. I served during Med cruise 87 and 89
Riehl, MarkMM3Aug 1, 1986 – Nov 1, 1989MI had a lot of good times with my fellow ship mates on the Butte. I would love to hear from the Guys in M and B Div. I talk to Jim Goloversic (nipple head) every once and a while.
Morrison, ThomasSM2Aug 10, 1986 – Nov 10, 1989OPS/OC02Hello to all former crew members. The Butte was a "hell of an experience". I learned alot about what to do or what not to do. We had some crazy days inport (Jersey) and out to sea. I'd love to hear from you guys.
White, RobertGMG2Aug 11, 1986 – Dec 26, 19893rd / ArmoryPart of the brat pack. Seen the old Navy, change to the new Navy. Meet some great people, and some bad. Overal Menerable!
Peck, GregoryEn3Sep 1986 – May 1989A-gang
Singletary, Kendall/singMS2Sep 30, 1986 – Aug 22, 1987S-2Freddy Wilmore where are you?
Madigan, KevinEM3Oct 1986 – May 1990streamInteresting time. Two Meds, Two Gitmos, etc.,etc. Miss ya Ty, Boz, Al, Matt,Frank,Cecil, Carl and Jim. Don't miss Rodney R. at all.
Makuch, BarryQM3Oct 1986 – Apr 1988I really enjoy my time on the Butte
Williams, KellyGMG2Oct 1986 – Mar 19893RDHad some good times and meet some amazing people.
Urban, AlBM 3Oct 17, 1986 – Jun 9, 19901st and STREAMThe best and the worst times of my life! I will never forget the great friendships I had while aboard this ship, and I miss those guys greatly! The Butte is a part of my soul.
Beatson, TomBM-3Nov 1, 1986 – Jun 8, 19901stThe Navy was a great time, but not enough a great time to stay in. Four years was enough.
Sherman, StephenMM1Nov 7, 1986 – Jun 26, 1989MHad some great times in the hole. Don't miss the 6 on 6 off and a work day during the Med cruise of 87. Still an active reservist just passed 22 YRS. Miss MM1 Howard, Ron Ross, Ed, Troy,Willie (lump lump), the mercado brothers.
Cardenas, JoseLcdrDec 1986 – May 1991Cheng

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now

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