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The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USNS Butte (T-AE 27). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?
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There are 453 crew members registered for the USNS Butte (T-AE 27).
Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now
Name | Rank/Rate | Period | Division | Remarks/Photo |
Buck, Anthony / Tony | IC2 | 1977 – 1982 | E | Work Center Supervisor EE03. FZ Maintenance Team Leader. I have to many memories to list. Buttes nickname was the Lonely Bull. We always played Herb Alpert & TJ Brass coming in to home port. I have a lot of pics if anyones interested. |
Newman, Roger Dale ![]() | E2 | 1977 – 1979 | deck | I am looking for my 'ole shipmates, from yrs ago. Would like to see how ya'll are doing! Thanks, Dale NewmanE2 |
Buck, Tony | IC2 | Mar 1977 – Apr 1982 | E | |
Grelle, Mike | BM1 | Mar 1, 1977 – Mar 1, 1979 | First | |
Mitchell, Roger "Mitch" | YN3 | Apr 1977 – Dec 18, 1978 | X | After dropping out of NROTC, it was a privilege to serve as an enlisted man on USS BUTTE. I definitely heard the pop when my head came out of my ass. Thanks for the memories, Boots,Moe,Peanut,Aronson,Chaback, Gamby,Mooc,Branham,Ashton, and Sponse. |
Heinz, Brad | EM3 | May 1977 – Dec 1978 | Engineerimg | |
Baker, Ron | E-4 | May 8, 1977 – Aug 28, 1979 | communications | I only remember to good days. It is hard to believe it has been 25 years since I left her. |
Padilla, Rudy | e4 | May 12, 1977 – Jun 29, 1979 | radio operator | miss all the guys in ops. we are all getting a little older these days . looking for martin jimenez from quincy ma. every one take care of ur self . life is pretty hard . hang in there.i see u on the otherside bye f |
Suiter, Jessie (Spanky) | MS-2 | May 15, 1977 – Aug 24, 1982 | SUPPLY S-2 | |
Patko, Joe / Buck / | MM3 | May 15, 1977 – May 14, 1981 | A Gang | Think about you all from time to time. Bobby Buckskin, Nugent Bros., Tella, Cle,TTTTT,Hawaiinapple,Spence, Pep,Steve, CRASH, the Med., the broken anchor, the football game in Spain,good times they were. God Bless you all |
Miller, Jeff | DK3 | Jun 1977 – Dec 1980 | Supply | |
McElroy, Richard/rick | QM-2 | Aug 1977 – Mar 1979 | NAV | |
Nugent, Jim | HTFN/ HT3 | Sep 1977 – Jul 6, 1979 | R | Great Ship and great crew. Terriffic Med cruise in 1977 and 1978 |
Strates, Jim | AMS2 | Sep 1, 1977 – Apr 30, 1978 | HELO Det | First shipboard duty. Young and dumb. Was one heck of an experience. Never went pierside..always took them damn liberty boats. Med cruise in the winter(yuk). Worked hard and played hard! |
Rubadue, Dan | GM2 | Sep 18, 1977 – Sep 17, 1979 | DECK | I'd sure like a second chance at a European Cruise! I've paid for cruises since, & for what they ask... that was a deal! N. Atlantic... What a ride! Sounded like that Ol' Tub was gonna bust in two! |
Embrey, Francis | RM1/RMC | Oct 1977 – Jun 1981 | OC - Communications | Made RMC while in yard period in Brooklyn. Glad I found this site. |
Scheer, Tom | E5 | Dec 23, 1977 – Oct 18, 1981 | admin | Had some great times onboard Butte, hard to believe it's been 29 years ago. A little piece of me died when I saw her sink. Hello to anyone who remembers me. |
Covey, Ken | RM2 | 1978 – 1981 | operations | what's the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story? |
Clemons, Greg (cookiejar) | MM 3 | Jan 1978 – May 20, 1981 | Engineering | I can't believe they sunk her. Dry dock episodes: Rivets in hull falling out when struck with ball peen. Someone liberating pumps from a nearby ship cause ours were the wrong ones. Hiding other liberated items in bilges. Any others? |
Doty, Randy | SK1 | Jan 1978 – Apr 1979 | S1 Division & Supply Dept LPO | |
Garth, David | SM3 | Jan 7, 1978 – Sep 19, 1981 | OC | I did 3 Med cruises and 1 yard overhaul in the Brooklyn Naval Ship Yards. My tour on the Lonely Bull was one of the best in the 20 years that I have served in the Navy. |
Cruse, Boyce | SR THROUGH BM2 | Jan 26, 1978 – May 12, 1983 | 1st and 2nd | I think about my shipmates and great liberty ports often. I've been retired now for 6 yrs. I made it to Command Master Chief. The Butte is where it started. If any of you old farts out there remember me, bump me at crusin4@roadrunner.co |
Bruce, Russell | BM2 | Jun 9, 1978 – 1981 | 2nd | I'd like to hear from any of my old shipmates. Looking for Brian Keefe or anyone from the ship at that time. ie quote unquote.Email me at marble_cat60@yahoo.com. |
Rutledge, Gary | MM2 | Jul 1978 – Nov 1979 | WINCH | |
Smith, Rodney | HM3 | Aug 10, 1978 – Aug 10, 1980 | Medical | The best years of my naval career were aboard the USS Butte AE 27, indeed an honor and pleasure to serve with such a great group of men. Rodney Smith CDR ( USNR RET ) |
Bash, Bill | FN | Aug 31, 1978 – Aug 30, 1982 | Stream | I had a lot of good memories onboard the Lonely Bull. |
Edsberg, Dave | BM2 | Nov 1978 – Aug 1982 | Deck | Was sent to her when she was in dry-dock at brooklyn navy yards in '79. Had alot of good friends and good times aboard her, 2 MED cruises, Athens,the Pyramids,21 days in Lisbon Portugal.Things I would'nt ever have seen without her. Thanks AE-27 |
Pueschel, James | SN | Nov 1978 – May 1981 | 3RD | Had a great time for a first tour of sea duty. This crew was very good and we all had a blast. Learned many things from people that knew what they were doing. No regrets. |
Bash, Bill | FN | Dec 1978 – Aug 1982 | Stream | A lot of good memories on board that ship. Experienced 3 med cruises and wouldn't trade those memories for anything. My mouth still waters for the pizza served in that place in Naples |
Vance, Ray | BT 3 | Dec 7, 1978 – Aug 15, 1980 | boiler room | Looking for any fellow shipmates who served between 1978 & 1980 aboard the USS Butte AE27 |
Bottitta, Vincent ///vinny | SN3 | 1979 – 1981 | deck /os | not a lot of people sighned up ? but the day after I reported on the butte she took off for the MED , It was a good cruse. that was about 1980 or so can't rember the first Lt name on the security force that I was on had some good friends , |
Craig, Randy | ET2 | 1979 – 1982 | ops | Just curious about what happened to the old girl. Saw a lot of familiar names. Brought back some memories I had either buried of just forgotten |
Greg, Sullivan | MM3 | 1979 – 1980 | M | |
Holland, Kevin | HT2 | Feb 19, 1979 – Aug 15, 1981 | R | Had a lot of good time on board. MR2 Brodowski, and OS2 Slain and I have remained great friends all these years.I now live in Tx. RM2 in Ma. And OS2 lives in NY. Our kids grew up as family. They are my best friends. |
Strong, Larry | FN | Mar 25, 1979 – Sep 10, 1981 | m | was in m. div. till 81 than went to a gang did a/c work |
Avella, Richie | BM2 | Apr 22, 1979 – Oct 17, 1981 | 1st/Stream | To any of my old shipmates out there who want to drop a line email me at r60bonesy43@aol.com "Go Lonely Bull" |
Johannesen, Roy | HARD TO SAY | Jun 15, 1979 – Jan 15, 1981 | & A-Gang | To all who served aboard the Butte, I salute you. During my service, I was privileged to receive the finest education available from all the officers and crew of this ship. Thanks Dave, for keeping us off the rocks at GTMO. RJ |
Riley, Timothy | IC3 | Aug 13, 1979 – Aug 13, 1982 | E | |
Eaton, Raymond | mm2 | Aug 18, 1979 – Nov 13, 1981 | m division | had a lot of fun good bunch of guys |
Rudenga, Gary | SN | Sep 10, 1979 – Dec 31, 1981 | Deck-1st | I came from a sub... so going to the Butte was a big change for me. Met a lot of good people, went to some places I never will be able to go to again. I think we were a part of one of the first task forces sent to the Persian Gulf in '80. |
Champion, Kenneth/sparky | GMG2 | Oct 15, 1979 – Jun 4, 1980 | 3rd Division | To all my shipmates I served with on the" Lonely Bull" and especially in 3rd Division I had a great time with you all and would do it again. We did some crazy shit. |
Gonzalez, Eddie | GMG2 | Dec 6, 1979 – Apr 14, 1985 | 3RD DIVISION | A true experience of great meaning in my life. I will never forget the good times and the bad times. Would never change a thing. |
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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now
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