US Navy Crew List

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USNS Butte (T-AE 27) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USNS Butte (T-AE 27). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 453 crew members registered for the USNS Butte (T-AE 27).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now

Wolf, TimOS-31974 – 1976OI OpsHad alot of good times. I was on watch in CIC most of the time while deployed. Wonder where the Operations crew ended up! Send an email if my name looks familiar! Would like to hear from some of ya'll.
Files, BrianE61974 – 1994n/aMy name is CRystal, My dad was Brian Files. He served on the Butte. I was actually born in Mobile,AL when the ship was stationed there in 86. Just wondering if anyone remembers my dad or has any stories of him.
Sallee, MikeSEAMANJan 4, 1974 – Sep 4, 19771st and 2nd
Dreiling, David-stringbeanBm E-4 sometimesFeb 10, 1974 – Oct 24, 1977Deck 2nd Div.Good times had by lots. Meet life long friends. Got to see the world
Chevola, John (Chevy)GMG3Jun 6, 1974 – Jan 20, 19773rdGrettings - Anyone know where Gunner Duryea is?? Chevy
Aronson, BruceYN2Jul 1974 – Sep 1977X
Wisdom, RodMA1Sep 1974 – Jan 1978X-Div (Admin.)My time on board "The Lonley Bull" was quite a learning experience and a challenge which I enjoyed.
Rogan, BruceFTG-2Sep 10, 1974 – Sep 23, 1974Reserves (Sterling, NJ)Sixth ship. Pierside only in Leonardo, NJ
Caravella, SteveYN3Sep 11, 1974 – Nov 2, 1976XThose of you who still remember me hello. My life has been good hope yours has been to.
Chaback, LarryQM3Nov 1974 – Jun 1978NavigationTurned out to be the best 4 years thanks to the likes of "Mitch", Chevy, Patterson and all the rest. Three Med deployments and they were all a blast
Robb, JimBM31975 – Sep 18, 1977UNREP ShopLittle did I know how much the experience on the Butte would mean to me later in life. I now enjoy fond memories. I started out on the Butte in 1st Div, working in the Paint Locker. Wound up taking Ski's place as Boatswain in the UNREP Shop.
Morrissey, PatOS/PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS1975 – 1979communications
Pepsin, JoeMM21975 – 1980A-GangJust spoke to Steve Burin. Great to hear from him. I have a video of our football game that Joe Patko talks about and the North Atlantic storm. I'll make copies for anybody that's interested.
Ligon, Lorenzosh 419751975 – Aug 21, 1976supplySome of my best budddies are fromthis ship,was the ship barber
Johnson, RaymondBT3Jan 1, 1975 – Jun 5, 1976BHad a great time with my shipmates. Would like to have another beer with them.
McElroy, PatEM3Jan 17, 1975 – Jan 17, 1979UNREP
Becker, AlanET-2Mar 1975 – Sep 1977OPSIt's funny that it takes this long to become nostalgic about my service aboard USS Butte AE-27! God bless all that served aboard the "Lonely Bull". God luck and good sailing to you all.
Hughes, EddieRM2Apr 1975 – Jun 1978OC Radio Central / Protestant Lay LeaderGreat experience! Would like to hear from Vernon, Piper, Rodriquez, Padilla, Melvin, Branham, or any of the radiomen.. also Fenton, McInturff, Fertig, Santistaban, Piquet, and the rest of the brothers.
Utgard, GaryCWO2May 1975 – Mar 1978MPA
Whittier, JerryFTG -2May 1975 – Sep 19783RD
Woodard, CarlQM 2Jun 1, 1975 – Jun 1, 1977NavAn interesting place and an interesting time.
Christenson, G. L. (Chris)BM1Jul 3, 1975 – Sep 2, 19771stMed Cruise '76-'77
Branham, TerryRM2Aug 1975 – Apr 1979OC DivIf only we knew then, what we know now. Looking back, it was great! Would be great to link up with Mitch Roger, Piper, Tucker, Hugh, Vernon, Layton, Davies, Rodreqiez, Moses, Pidilla, Taylor, etc.
Sims, Davidmm3Oct 18, 1975 – Jul 7, 1979m divisionBest times and lifetime memories were made on this ship. My youngest son is now serving his 7th year on the USS Enterprise during its final deployment before it is also retired thanks for all the memories
Talada, DanBT2Nov 1975 – Jun 1979BHad some good times. And rough ones. Ice in the north Atlantic. And Boiler #1 Going boom in Tormina, Sicily
Tucker, RichPN3Nov 2, 1975 – Jun 19, 1978admin/Personnell
Taffs, WallyPC3Dec 30, 1975 – Jan 18, 1978x navigationhi to all the men i served with on the uss butte i miss the days with the crew and yes i hope everyone is well and in good health
Valverde, Robert (Bobby)BMSN1976 – 1978Deckape 1st and 2ndBoat crew,Special Navagational Detail,Masterhelmsman.Mates well remembered"Gamby,Mook Mclure,Ozuna,Licon,Kanatzar,J.B.Oneil Riley,Duck,Gribble,Captain Harry K. Mckintyre. The Lonely Bull (USS BUTTE) FOREVER.
Fortun, Bryon ( Boomer )MM31976 – 1980mmsome of the best times in my life were spent abord her
Ralph, OrtizE11976 – 1979GmgGmg high times!
Finley, DaveMM21976 – 1980MThis was a great time not knowing it then looking back great time and great bunch of guys now that I am retired would be great to hear from you guys be great to hear how everyone made out smooth sailing
Gribble, StevenE-3Jan 1976 – Sep 26, 1978Deck
Moon, RichardQM 2Jan 1, 1976 – Nov 30, 1979Navigation
Locklear, JimmySNJan 15, 1976 – Sep 17, 19761st on the Butte for a little while, I was evac to the Nimitz. thought I was having a heart attack, but it was just Smitty dropping those bombs with that fork lift on cargo deck. Would love to hear for Joe Chilly(kenny jones&Mason) email me
Haws, TimothyETR2Feb 1976 – Oct 1977Operations Intelligence
Melvin, Daniel (Dan)E4/RMFeb 16, 1976 – Jun 16, 1979OC
Melvin, Daniel (Dan)E4/RMFeb 16, 1976 – Jun 16, 1979OC
Eberhard, GeorgeFNMar 1976 – Nov 25, 1978Rhaze gray and underway.Just say the words underway shift colors and watch MA1 Wisdom head for the rail to puke Ha ha.god those were the good ol days
Fenton, RussEM2May 1976 – Sep 1980ELots of great memories...the boiler explosion, the ship iced over in the N.Atlantic... Would be great to hear from the guys of that era.
Lyon, DavidBMSNJun 1, 1976 – Dec 12, 1976DeckI was only on the BUTTE a short time. Caught the ship in Rota Spain and was transfered to the west coast when we were in France. I do remember BM3 McQuade, Valverde, BM3 Ski aka Smoke break. Had a good time on the med.
Tribble, OwenMM2Jun 28, 1976 – Jun 20, 1980A-GangThose 4 years on the Butte were some of the best times in my life. I didn't realize it while I was serving on-board of course. Great time! Lots of fun! What a great experience in life it was.Great memories!
Kelbaugh, EddieE1Aug 1, 1976 – Aug 1, 1980LURCH IS NOW DRIVING A TRUCK AND RAISING A FAMILY!
Houk, DonFTGSNAug 22, 1976 – Jan 5, 19773rdi was only on board a short time but managed to see a med cruise and consumed mass amounts of alcohol and take in all that the cruise offered..a truly great part of my life
Hollis, DarrylBMSNSep 8, 1976 – Jun 6, 1978deckHad good time on the Med lot of fun with Wiggins Joe Chli Duck Gamby Elmore Byrd and Braxton,
Hollis, DarrylSEAMANSep 8, 1976 – Jun 9, 1978DeckI have fond memories on the Butte . Friends were Wiggins Gamby Braxton Byrd Duck.
Hollis, DarrylBMSNSep 8, 1976 – Jun 6, 1978deckGood times with Joe Chil Duck Wiggins and Gamby
Hollis, DarrylBMSNSep 8, 1976 – Jun 6, 1978deckGoodtimes with Byrd, Braxton, Joe, Chili, Suber.
Fortun, BryonMM 3Oct 1976 – Jun 1980

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1970 | 1971 – 1973 | 1974 – 1976 | 1977 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1993 | 1994 – now

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