US Navy Crew List

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USS White Plains (AFS 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS White Plains (AFS 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 746 crew members registered for the USS White Plains (AFS 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

Osborn, Ted "Ozzy"HT31985 – 1987RHad the best time of my life aboard the "PIG". The people I served with were the best I've ever worked with. I sure miss "Zippy", "Fuzzy", "Johnny the Wad" and the whole bunch.
Trebus, MichaelMMFN1985 – 1987M and A-GangMy first ship in the navy Guam was ok but it was the port calls that made I realy loved. After I transfered off I made it back to Guam ^ years later on the Uss Holland AS32
Pryor, TomBM31985 – 1988RACEwork'n mans ship to say the least - good to see some names i've never forgotten
Harris, MichaelHT31985 – 1987RBest ship and hardest working crew I was ever associated with. Been looking for some buddies, Fuzzy, JR, Ozzy, IC2 Jim Boger
Kratz, TomBM31985 – 1987DECK/RASEI miss the West Pac Warriors. I was the bad boy that retired BM1(SW/AW/SCW/CC) Figured i would of gotten busted again for 112A. R-3 Rocked
Kincaid, Rick profile iconSM11985 – 1987OC
McLaughlin, RandyE31985 – 1985E3First ship and man was it a great time. Dry dock in the PI,the fight with the guys off the Jason,the ship almost tipping over,liberty in Australia. Those were some good times that I will never forget. RIP White Plains
Henderson, JeffHM31985 – 1987medicalI gave many shots, I won't say who got them.
Jezewski, John Aka SkiBM21985 – 1987deck/raseGreat crew Great Ship Great times
Gibson, John profile iconEN31985 – 1987A-GangFirst command. I worked in A-gang and met a lot of great people and had a lot of good times.
Taylor, JerryEM21985 – 1989E DivMy most favorite ship/command after 22 years of service. A lot of good times and some very rough times. I learned a lot about being a electrician on this ship. Damn good shipmates. Who could ever forget WOG DAY.
Richards, Rich / Richie RichMM3Jan 1985 – Dec 1986M \"Hole Snipes Rule!!!\"Many memories flood my mind, Hangin out under the vents, being towed into P.I., Diego Gargia, Hong Kong,Thialand, Pusan, Mid-Rats, WOGDAY!!, 6 and 6 shifts, all the guys I worked with, partied with, EMAIL ME!!
Mozey, JamesEMFNJan 2, 1985 – Apr 12, 1987B & EFirst ship/command out of boot camp. Had great and bad times. Just like your first car you'll always remember your first ship. Miss all the travel and meeting new and interesting people. Guam was an interesting place. Owned a guam bomb. Miss
McGinnas, Bob / MickeyEM 3Jan 15, 1985 – Aug 15, 1988EGreat memories, plenty of sea duty. Some of the greatest memories I have were on the "Pig". Craig Eddings, Brian Eggerman, Bob "Krafty" Kraftician just to name a few of the good men and fine sailors that I had the honor to serve with.
Garza, EdwardMM1Mar 20, 1985 – May 20, 1987mServed onboard with BT2 Gonzales,aka Gonzo, the A team mm3 catron,pena,williams,guggenhiem the wild one,alicio,The italian stallion clopine.and mmc mac. for the good times at lad 13, kelly was a good lay.Rip and god bless those lost at sea.
Rey Halili, ReySKSN/SK2Apr 14, 1985 – Mar 14, 1987CARGO/HOLD 3/DEEP FREEZEWork Hard Party Hard
Owens, MarkSM2May 1985 – Mar 1987OPSI had a lot of fun on board the "Mighty War Pig" I remember a lot of the names that I see here. I would like to get in touch with Ken Mayfield.
Trebus, MikeMM 3Jun 1985 – Jul 1987M DIV A DIVMY FIRST COMMAND
Finney, RaymondE-6Jun 15, 1985 – Sep 30, 1989S-2
Marcheterre, DavidBT3Jun 15, 1985 – Dec 16, 1989mp1st ship,went on to stationary engineerin
Thomas, James (Beastmaster General)SN / E-3Jun 22, 1985 – Jun 21, 1989First / Deck YeomanI really enjoyed every minute I spent on the Oriental Express. Even the time I was restricted for 30 Days (lol).During that time we had one hell of a crew. I would give anything just to relive the experience. God Bless.
Cooley, DonSK1Jul 1985 – Nov 1987S1Last command, worked with some great people, like SKC Wayne Merritt, LT Alden Salcedo, DP2 Dirk Beach, SK2 Kevin Bryant. Made some great friends, some that I still see 26 years later.
Stangland, Marty / Mr. NoseIC2Oct 31, 1985 – Sep 27, 1989EGreat port calls. Remember when the Capt. anchored us out right off hotel row to clean the ship. That sucked.
Herron, RandyOS3Nov 1985 – Nov 1987OIHad some good times and bad times.I will remember her always and my shipmates. Hated to see her used as a target. So long White Plains.
Dozier, RonMS2 (CPO Retired)Nov 1985 – Jun 1989S3First command and the best in my 20 years of service. Meet a lot of good people. We definitely worked hard and played harder.
Worrell, JeffSK3Nov 10, 1985 – Nov 1, 1987S-1It was a great ship and a working ship which made it fun because we went out to see a lot. I also did some time in R-Division as Engineering's Storekeeper and it was great. Those guys worked hard and played hard.
Bryant, KevinSK2Dec 1985 – Jun 1989Supply S-3 & S-8
Goodner, RobertEN3Dec 1, 1985 – Dec 1, 1987I JUST SAY ONE HELL OF AN EXPERIENCE
Brady, Michael (Mike)RM11986 – 1988
Parks, Mike/ SparkyBTFN1986 – 1988BHad some really good times on the old pig, seen alot of ports. I was sad about the main space fire that killed 6 of my shipmates. They were really awsum guys. Also the others that helped fight the fire. R.I.P. White plains
Dewey, JoeET31986 – 1990OE01OE div rocked, first in line for liberty in every port. On watch on the bridge wing was the fire hit and the smoke from the stack was unbelievable, prayers to those lost. It sucks they sank the white pig.
Luna, RichardSH2/SH11986 – 1989Ships StoreFirst a prayer to our Fallen Shipmates. Missing my Buddys. Hope to hear from you. Looking also for PO1 Leblanc.
Ricketts, Davidseaman1986 – 1988deck
Irizarry, Abraham "Izzy" profile iconOS21986 – 1988OI
Williams, SamuelBT 3Jan 5, 1986 – Feb 8, 1988engineeringI often sit back and realize how bless I truly am, I was on board the plains for 2 yrs and I just miss that fire,somewhere in my heart, if I were on board the time the fire took place I may have died also.God is truly good,my prayers go out to all.
Bennett, RossPN3Jan 15, 1986 – Aug 1, 1989AdminFirst ship I served on was the White Plains. Had some great liberty and met some interesting characters to say the least. I'll always remember the shipmates who passed away in the main space fire. Other ships were never the same. Take care
Thomas, VeroneOS3Jan 15, 1986 – Mar 10, 1988OperationsThis was my first ship in the USN. On my tour we seen the orient lands many times. Buddies: RM3 Thomas(DT) RM3 Johnson(DJ) BT3 Ball, BM3 White, RM3 Peterson, YN3 Watson BM3 Dugas My # 951-301-9671 Holla
Smith, Donald {smitty}EN2Feb 1986 – Jun 1989
Guggenheim, JohnMM3Mar 1986 – Jun 1988MPMy first ship, and the one that all others were measured by. 11 years in, she was the best!
Flaherty, BobSNMar 1986 – Jul 19871sthope all my old shipmates are all doing well, had alot of fun on that ship.I would like to hear from you.
Cuenta, DennisMS3Mar 1, 1986 – Jul 13, 1990SupplyServing on board was definitely an adventure. Stationed in GUAM for 2 years. So many memories of WESTPAC. They were definitely great times.
Jeffries, Jimmy "Thumper"OS 3Mar 2, 1986 – Mar 16, 1988Does anybody remember when the XO went for a dip in Singapore. Or laid out on the streets of Pusan? Animal,Ricketts,Izzy,jim"guitar man", Sure was an unbelievable time, very sad our shipmates were lost. Hope all the ol'shipmates are doing
Parks, MichaelBTFNApr 1986 – Apr 1988MPI worked down in the engine room as a Boiler Tech.
Sizemore, John AMS2Apr 15, 1986 – May 19, 1989S-3I Cane to the ship as a deck Sr left as an MS2. I grew up and I enjoyed life
Smith, Donald {smitty}EN3May 1986 – Nov 1989MP/Amade alot of great friends.had alot of good times in the P.I,lost some great friends on that horrible day."tuesday's gone"
Brand, BillieSKSRMay 15, 1986 – Jan 14, 1987SUPPLYI had a ball on this ship. It was short but fun. Calles thanks. Herbert Williams was my boy . I grew up a lot, and traveled a lot. Heard about the fire sad to here it. Luna what up
Selage, MitchellBT1Jun 22, 1986 – May 20, 1990BMy best and worst tour but would not change a thing. Sorry to hear she was sunk. god bless those guys in the hole they performed a miracle or 2
Del Rosario, MarioSK1Jul 1986 – Jul 1989S6It's been an honor to be with my shipmates
Ignacio, AlFC 3Jul 1, 1986 – 1990FC's who served with me drop me a line,
Kennedy, JosephSK2Aug 10, 1986 – Sep 8, 1989S-1 SupplyHi gang from the period I was there. I worked out of hole#2 Remember" I was there for the fire, when we left Hong Kong, I worked out of Repair#2 Hello to Sk3 Bryant and Sk3 Amores, write me if you get this. I did the time and the work
Patnode, RickbmAug 15, 1986 – Aug 15, 1988raseMiss my buddies even you bm1 baldwin
Patnode, RickyBM2Aug 16, 1986 – Aug 15, 1988rase(stream)Had fun met some great people thannks Randy Herron for beining my best man Tonia and I are still married
Bauleke, Brett/bullHT3 - HT1Oct 1986 – Oct 1990RBest sea duty ever
Isbell, Mike(salt)BM3Oct 10, 1986 – Jan 25, 1989rasei loved serving on that ship,have plenty of memories
Santos, MichaelE4/ MS3Nov 1986 – Jun 1990S-3I was sad to hear of her demise, had alot of good times on her and made some good friends as well. She was my first and only command that I served on and she will be missed, long live the White Plains.
Del Rosario, MarioSK1Nov 1986 – Feb 1989S-6This is the most memorable and enjoyable experience in my life. I pay tribute to and honor my friends who perished in the fire. I fly the Navy colors in front of my home to remember and honor them.
Freet, DanMS2Dec 1986 – Jun 1990SupplyI had a great time serving aboard the White Plains. Made many great friends and saw some amazing places. Perth, Singapore, Japan, Subic Bay.....oh the memories!! RIP to our 6 fellow shipmates.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

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