US Navy Crew List

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USS White Plains (AFS 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS White Plains (AFS 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 746 crew members registered for the USS White Plains (AFS 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

Wetsch, ThomasRM21973 – 1975OperationsEnjoyed my two years on the plains.
Shearhod, GregIC21973 – 1978Interior communications but spent all my time working on the automated propulsion system
Hatley, Garland "gene"AMCS1973 – 1973HC3 Airdet 106Iwas assigned to the Airdet 1973 and 1977
Moss, JerryE21973 – 1975EDivi cried when i found out they sunk her and i bet i was not alone she was a good ship i had a lot of fun worked hard made some friends and some not so friends she will always be in my heart.
Wheeler, Michaelmm3Mar 1973 – 1975mHope all of my fellow shipmates are still "Truckin" had some great times, does anyone remember when in 73 or 74 we moored out in Guam?? Peace brothers!!
Cooper, JohnAE-2 AircrewMar 1, 1973 – Mar 3, 1976HC-3 DET106When I saw this,it brought a tear to my eyes. This was one hell-of-a ship. I loved her and the time spent aboard her will forever be in my heart. God Speed White Plains...
Mitchell, AllenE-3Apr 1973 – Apr 1975Qm's i worked with , Heidi,Randall,anthony- the best
Rippard, Michael RipE3Jun 10, 1973 – Jul 4, 1977SECOND
Malzahn, JohnIC2Jul 1973 – Jun 1976First Ship, went from FA to IC2
Ewing, Richard (Dick)LTJul 1973 – Jul 1975Stock Control (S-1)Great Supply Department under Cdrs Powell and Craft. I wish more of my fellow Officers and crew attended the Reunions. Off to Nashville on Wednesday !! Y'all come?
Gow, Galesdsn/ms3Aug 1973 – Oct 1976wardroom,co-cook,crew messthe best times in the navy. was sad when she was laid to rest, however she still lives in my heart. damn she was a good girl
McCall, LeonE3Sep 1973 – 19752nd divisionI enjoyed serving on the USS WhitePlains AFS-4 visited a lot of ports covered a lot water sailed all over.I’ve seen rough seas and also seen snow going into Sasebo Japan in December 1973.Made a snowman on the main deck
Laucella, DonEM-3Sep 22, 1973 – May 30, 1975ElectricalWarrant Officer John Witkowski, Chief Pete Mularchuck, EM1 Goslinowsi, Al Podgornik, Laine C. Withers, Moss, Stream gang EM1 Gillette, EM1 Don Watalla
Anderson, RaymondRM 2/1Oct 1, 1973 – Oct 1, 1976OCGreat time on this ship. Made 1st class and had a big party in CABU.
Lovett, Lawton / DaveGMG 3Dec 28, 1973 – Dec 9, 1975WeaponsServed on board the White Plains, would like to here from some of those during that time. I've seen some names I remember on the White Plains and this site.
Bleth, JackHT3Jan 6, 1974 – Nov 25, 1976RAnyone remember when we broke the screw, and went into dry dock in Subic for repairs? I was sound and security watch and found several inches of JP5 in the aft hold. Had I followed orders, we would have all blown up.
Ragan, RobertPN3Feb 1974 – Sep 1975XMost memorable moment was when the ships' 1MC came on one day while sailing in the South China Sea and Nixon was resigning.
Woodbury, ChuckIC2Feb 1974 – Sep 1976IC/ElectricalArrived a SR, Left IC2
Peat, Jack L.SNMar 25, 1974 – Apr 19, 19762ndOn My first ship, I grew up alot and learned about real life. And I made friends for life. I still think about it alot.
Letourneau, LarryE3Apr 10, 1974 – Nov 1, 1976firstI started out in 1st division and then became a cook. I loved traveling the orient on the white plains.
Smith, MichaelEN 3Apr 15, 1974 – Nov 28, 1975Stream TeamGood Duty, Great bunch of men to work with. Had a great time.
Nelson, DaleE-3Apr 28, 1974 – Aug 22, 1975ElectrialDose any one rember who turned the ship off in 1974 miss all the guys I worked & drank with,Moss,Wilkens,Becker(little ski)Popcorn&really the hole crew.
Morris, MarkGMG3Jun 1974 – Oct 1976WeaponsHowdy Ya'll
Dumas, ChristopherBT2Jun 8, 1974 – Jun 6, 1976BI enjoyed my tour on the White Plains, and all the ports we visited. It was a shock to hear of the fire in the boiler room.Th White Plains delivered alot of good groceries to our men at sea. Hope they build another to replace her.
Martin, RobertGMG2Jul 23, 1974 – Jul 24, 1977WEAPONSLot of good times remembered, lot of bullshit forgotten
Morris, MarkGMG-3Aug 1974 – Sep 1977Weapons
Miller, JesseDPCAug 10, 1974 – Aug 10, 1977S1It was a good ship, but 3yrs was enough. Ret. in 82.
Mason, ButchBM3Sep 10, 1974 – Jun 10, 1977SecondLiving in Portland.Married three boys doing well.see Greg Shloesser now and then.Petrillo,Lemay good to see your names.
Hall, VernonENFNOct 1974 – 1976a gangfirst ship out of boot,and what a ship!served again from79-81.the first tour was the best!worked for mmcm ganley,en1jones.where are the rest of you?jones, martinez,talley.drop a line
Forbes, CarlSNOct 1974 – Aug 19771 stHello shipmates!
Becker, BruceEM 2Oct 1974 – Jan 1978EWelcome Along Side - White Plains at your service. Look forward to hearing from anyone who served during this period.
Godoy, AnthonyE-3Oct 1974 – Dec 1976E
Wrynn, BarryIC1Nov 1974 – Oct 1976E Division
Garner, DaveE-2Dec 1, 1974 – Sep 1, 1976SupplyI was a cook when the ship and crew were escorting other ships carrying the refugees from Vietnam to Guam. Also became a shellback when we crossed the equator in Indian Ocean in 1975.
Hurst, RobertENFN1975 – 1976Would like to hear from shipmates. I miss all you guys
Clink, DonGMG2Feb 12, 1975 – Aug 7, 1978weapons
Ramos, Mario profile iconRM2Apr 1, 1975 – Nov 1, 1978OCGreat times, sailing the far east. White Plains was definitely gaze gray and underway a lot . . .
Floyd, CharlieEM2May 3, 1975 – Jul 13, 1977Ships Companyhell of a ship...if I had this ship ...with my first ships crew...I'd still be in
Lemay, ChuckQM3May 6, 1975 – May 4, 1977NavigationSlippin the meat to the fleet.What a great ports of call ship. Sixth Sense bar in the PI, and the Snack Drum in Yokuska
Slack, BrianBMJun 26, 1975 – Jun 22, 19772nd DivisionWent from the U.S. Navy's all-time biggest doofus to entrusted media member of the NFL and U.S. Pentagon! Any of you guys serving in '76 remember when we were surrounded by the Russian Pacific Fleet?
St.clair Sr., JohnOS3Jul 4, 1975 – Jun 1977Operations/RadarHated too see her get sunk with alot of memories.Best Duty ever .WOW was it that long ago?
Murphy, Brian DavidHT3Jul 27, 1975 – Aug 7, 1977RepairDCC(SW)Retired, This was my first ship I served (The Orient Express!)and my best. ONBD helped carry the expired officer to the reefer flats.Retired in Pearl (Ironic?) Godspeed ......
Gruen, PaulSEAMANAug 1, 1975 – Aug 31, 1977SecondI had a great time in the Navy and Second Division. Anyone who remembers me, drop me a note.
Krathaus Jr., AlbertIC2Aug 2, 1975 – Aug 1, 1978E
Presa, Nestor "Ness"SK3Aug 15, 1975 – Oct 14, 1977S-2 (Cargo)Breakout! Breakout! Brealkout!
Ciba, Dave profile iconMM2Sep 1975 – Feb 1977Stream Division'Would like to hear from fellow shipmates.
Petrillo, DennisGMG3Oct 6, 1975 – Jun 6, 1977WeaponsLooking back, there were some pretty good times on board, not counting all the stupid "boot" officers. Like to find some old friends if your still alive, get in touch...Peasley?, Pricket? I'm up in Seattle area for the next couple years a
Schloesser, Snowshoe/gregSN3-2-3Oct 21, 1975 – Jun 23, 19771stLiving in Hou working International Space Station - Boeing, Co.
Burnette, KeithBTFNNov 1975 – Jul 1978BBack in the Day! We had some great times, hit me up, let's talk!
Howell, Joseph Aka KenEM1Nov 1975 – Dec 1977Electrical/AuxiliaryI was an auxiliary electrician. I stood watch in the engine room, but I also worked on the unrep equipment. I repaired the winches, fork-trucks, pallet jacks, the 5 stage I-R air comp. that supplied high-pressure air for the highline ram.
Hicks, Andrew (Randy)ETR3Nov 1975 – Nov 1979X
Logsdon, RichardSKSA to SK2Nov 7, 1975 – Apr 25, 1979S2Does anyone remember the 1976 and/or 1978 White Plains collisions with other ships as well as the incident about the drug overdose in 1976/77 onboard in Hong Kong? If so, please send me a message. First and best!
Flaherty, JoeSN/FNNov 15, 1975 – Nov 15, 19772 ND./StreamHave alot of good memories. Drive my wife crazy with old sea stories. Saw a ,few familiar names: Mason and Peters. Peters, I saw you, a few years back, on the tube. Would like to hear from any of my old shipmates.
Smith, SteveSK3Dec 18, 1975 – Dec 1, 1977S2 CargoGreat ship, great shipmates, and great memories.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

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