US Navy Crew List

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USS White Plains (AFS 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS White Plains (AFS 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 746 crew members registered for the USS White Plains (AFS 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

Edmison, Stephen G.IC10000 – Sep 29, 1969E
Hunsicker, DaveLCDR. CHAPLAIN CORPS, USNJul 10, 1966 – Jun 5, 1970Admin.Came to the pre-com crew and worked out of the shack at Nat. Steel and Shipbuilding. Helped to plan the commissioning ceremony. Played on the softball team. Loved the family stuff, picnics, games, etc. LOved every minute, what a great crew, Capt.
Ries, Frank J.HMCJun 1967 – Jun 1969MedicalI Was the Division Chief for the Medical Department.
Diltz, JamesE4Jun 15, 1967 – Aug 10, 1970Ship ServicemenPlank Holder
Burbridge, RobertWO1---LTOct 17, 1967 – Dec 22, 1969S1/S6First member to report to Com 11 for duty in Precom crew. When I went to Nation Steel & Shipbuilding they provided the Precom Office and for funishings gave me a pair of sawhorses, 4X8 sheet of plywood and a chair. That was our start.
Ziegler, MiltonPC31968 – 1970AdminPlankowner. Made first WestPac. Later saw the Plains when stationed in Yokosuka and Guam. Loved the duty.
Bower, JohnET21968 – 1970SupplyPlank Owner-Worked on the Supply Computer
Kimball, DonYN31968 – 1970plankowner
Brenner, ThomasCAPTAIN1968 –.My grandfather, Cpt. Thomas B Brenner, USN Retired and Naval academy class of '47, passed away on Wednesday, May 25, 2011. The obituary:
Hunter, ThomasSEAMAN1968 – 1969FirstI was a plank owner. My First Division Petty Officer was "Perkins" - I hope he is still around.
Ruiz, RonSN1968 – 1969Deck, 1st DivisionAssigned out of boot camp, lived in barracks in San Diego. Trained, ship to Long Beach, shake down cruise,San Francisco. West Pac, 1st port Japan, transferred to Dental Tech school San Diego. Served in Europe, then D.C.
Berg, AlanCS31968 – 1972S-3
Olmo Jr., RafaelPetty Officer E4/ CS1968 – Nov 11, 1971SupplyWell guys I retired from the reserve in 95. Moved from New York City to Orange County, Orlando Fla. in 86 and retired in 2003 from Orange County Corrections in Orlando Fla. I was a cook with the Best.
Morse, WilliamEM2Jan 1968 – Apr 1969
Wilson, MikeBM3Jan 1968 – Dec 1969firstPerkins taught us a lot. We owe him.
Hintz, GarySNJan 1968 – Dec 1969Chaplain's Yeoman X DivisionIt was an experience I will never forget.
McMahon, JimJan 6, 1968 – May 6, 1971s-1Good memories on this Ship. Lots of good friends, Jim Cole and Treat and future guidance from Chief Orantes and Cmdr Kohl, both great role models. Now a civil servent retired and teaching logistics for Defense Acquisition University.
Grajek, Ken (Coach)RD-2Jan 20, 1968 – Feb 4, 1971OIPlankowner shake down crew member original 55 member crew "leader of the dirty dozen"
Grogan, DavidMM2Jan 20, 1968 – Apr 20, 1971M divOn the Pre comm crew, Plank Owner 1st of everything,great ship, great Crew, Like to hear from any of the old gang
Pettit, HalBM3Feb 1968 – Nov 19692ndPlankowner
Lipscomb, TomSK-2Mar 1968 – Jun 1970Supply S-2
Ficocelli, Ricke3Mar 6, 1968 – Dec 31, 1968second
Chadderton, Ron A.ka Dirty BillWHITE PLAINSMar 10, 1968 – Mar 10, 1970Fightin !st always can do. I was a plank owner on a brand new ship. And back then this ship was some thing to see. Our enemy back then was The Long Beach always got in fights with them and they always lost. We worked hard, played hard too.
Hodac, LouFTG-1Apr 1968 – Jan 19713rd Division - WeaponsI was a member of the commissioning detail and am a plank owner. Went through Sea Trials/ Shakedown cruise and served during her first 2 Vietnam/WestPac deployments. Great ship, great crew and many wonderful memories.
Chadderton, Ron A.ka Dirty BillLEADING SEAMAN E-3Apr 25, 1968 – Mar 20, 1970!st Deck apes Some damn good memeories and some really scary ones as well, The worst was a live 3"50 round on the deck , when it was supposed to fire. One guy grabbed it and threw it over board and boom. The uss Long beach hated us .Party on !!
Rea, Charleslt (jg) sc usnrMay 1968 – Oct 1969s-3Member commissioning crew (plank owner). S-3 division officer.
Olmo, RafaelCS3May 1968 – Nov 11, 1971S3plank owner from day 1, It was hell of crew that we all got along very well, it is sad to read the names of our lost shipmates. Living and sharing both homes Kiss. Fla. and Vega Alta Puerto Rico. Fully retired.
Galena, David I.DC-2Jun 1968 – Jan 1972Plank owner, great time hard work, Subic, Hong Kong,Singapore, became a shellback on second deployment
Emehiser, JoeE-3Jun 1968 – Feb 1970FirstEnjoyed my short tour of duty. I would like to see the old crew. Can't make this years reunion, but I plan on making next yer 08.
Ballok, AlexanderSK2Jun 1968 – Dec 1971S-1Great memories from Pre-Com Detail and first two WestPac Cruises. Made some Great friends.
Pierotti, VincentSKSN - SK2Jun 1, 1968 – Apr 30, 1970S-1 / S-3Pre-Commissioning detail at Natl Steel & Shipbuilding. Two hands on a broom. PLANKOWNER. Mess cook in Chiefs Quarters. Ship's Store Recordskeeper
Kopasz, Al (Allen)BM3Jul 1968 – Jul 19691stPlank Owner. This was my first duty station. Many great memories. Great guys. When I made the rank of BM3 I was transferred to CHB-2. Then when I made the rank of BM2 I was transferred to the USS Sacramento. 4 years & out.
Winters, JohnE-3Jul 1968 – Mar 5, 1970SUPP;YPLANK OWNER, S1 AND S2 DIVISION It was a job putting this ship on it's way. Alot of good memories and friends.
Graves, Larry (Gravy)BM2Jul 1968 – Mar 1970FirstPlank owner. I went aboard for shakedown cruise and was there for commissioning and WestPac tour. Great ship and a wonderful bunch of guys. I later served with CHB-2 in Guam and went to Adak, Alaska. Ended my service time in San Francisco on Proteus.
Sharrard, James/jimDP2Jul 1968 – Nov 1969S1Plank Owner; spent most of pre-comissioning at Fleet Assistance Group in downtown San Diego learning about supply computer. Looking for any other DP's.
Edmison, Stephen G.IC1Jul 1968 – Sep 1969IC Shop
Edmison, StephenICFNJul 1968 – Sep 1969
Edman, GlenPN2Jul 1968 – Dec 1971PersonnelI was on the Pre-commissioning detail and later a plankowner. I worked for PNC Wayne L. Todd, & Capt Brenner. We went on 2 WESTPAC cruises. I served from 1968 to 1971 and then to Mare Is. for shore duty.
Edwards, BillSEAMANJul 1, 1968 – Jun 1, 1970S-2I'm a plank owner,Had the best time while serving on the best ship in the Navy. great crew, hard work, but great times. got to see the World, and learned to take care business.
Edmison, Stephen G.ICFNJul 1, 1968 – Aug 15, 1969
Edmison, Stephen G.IC1Jul 2, 1968 – Sep 29, 1969
Edmison, Stephen G.ICFNJul 3, 1968 – Oct 8, 1969IC GANGI am the Founder and President of The USS White Plains ASSO. Po Box 233 Roy Utah 84067 Web Site
Simco, DaveSFM-2Aug 1968 – May 29, 1970Plankowner.....Worked in SF shop
Sweeney, RobertE4Aug 1968 – 1970S2Loved the experience I was a plank owner which made the assignment to the ship even more exciting
Evans, Paul profile iconE5 (Damage Controlman)Aug 14, 1968 – Jun 10, 1972R Division (Carpenter Shop)Hello guys. I am at Vogtle Nuclear Plant Construction) in Waynesboro, GA, and live in Kenosha, WI. My cell is 262-220-3414. I am a Welding Engineer retired from Westinghouse as a Fellow Engineer.
High, RichardFTG 2Aug 15, 1968 – Mar 20, 1970GUNNERY/FIRE CONTROLI am a plankowner. I was on the first WESTPAC cruise (Aug 69-Mar 70). The activities during the shakedown and underway training and the Westpac cruise were long and hard, but a real experience, especially during that time of political unrest.
Laib, BillETNSN-ETN3Aug 23, 1968 – Mar 23, 1969OperationsPlank owner. Did a short tour with the White Plains. When I received my orders for Vietnam, I realized that my orders for the White Plains were only tempdu instruction. Could have done better without the military disruption in my life.
Price, SterlingPN3Aug 30, 1968 – Apr 30, 1970AdminServing on the White Plains was a long time ago in a land far away
Ambrose, Stephan profile iconSeamanSep 1, 1968 –DECKI was the youngest seaman assigned onboard. Precomm. And went to Veit-Nam. Volunteered. Also worked the mess deck as the food supply person. Sent food up to the mess decks.
Cervantes, FrankYN3Oct 12, 1968 – Oct 14, 1970ADMIN
Hager, Ericcs3Oct 12, 1968 – 1970supplyPut my feet on soil on vietnam in 1969-70 we were all close I think all service men feel that way. I wish I could find my closes friend GW Walker. A real special guy I was glad to serve all should have that experience.
Driggers, CharlesBM3Nov 14, 1968 – Aug 26, 19722ndIt took 3 years to figure out how things worked in the Navy, stayed drunk so much I guess. Now I know it was the greatest time in my life. Wish I had stayed. Love to hear from some of yall. Live in Northern CA. now.
Treat, JimSK2Nov 23, 1968 – Aug 1, 1969SupplyI was Plank Owner on the White Plains, which was also my first ship. It was a problem child to get started, but served the country well. Was on the crew responsible for outfitting the ship and kept all the OPTAR records
Nelson, JohnQM-3Dec 15, 1968 – Dec 15, 1969Navigation

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 – 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 – 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 – now

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