US Navy Crew List

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USS Long Beach (CGN 9) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Long Beach (CGN 9). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1164 crew members registered for the USS Long Beach (CGN 9).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1961 | 1962 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Chapman, LarryMR1(SW)1991 – 1993R DivIt was a good ship and command.
Davis, JohnEMFN1991 – 1993Electrical
Dyke, Colierm31991 –hmm
Raywood, RaumETC1991 – 1995RCGreat Ship, Great Crew. Miss you all. God bless
Stephens, TerrySTG-3Jan 1991 – May 26, 1992ASWWell, I wasnt the best sailor she ever had.. but I dont think I was her worst. Long Beach was a good ship.. the Command we had was probably her worst though..
Lane, RandyMMC(SW)Jan 1991 – Mar 1994M-1
Stephens, TerrySTG-3/E-4Jan 1991 – May 22, 1992Moody, you might remember me from Mes cranking, you were the PO incharge of my crank crew in the mess hall. Thanks fer keeping this kid togatehr as best you could!
Anderson, PaulE-3Jan 1991 – May 1994boat groupYeah remember Westpac 1991,the volcano eruption,MCdinnis bar in San Diego,going to Bremerton,Washington in drydock,also remember bars Cozy Corner,cheers to name a few,and the Bremeloes,LOL!Going to final cruise
Nolan, PatrickSNJan 2, 1991 – Jan 3, 19931stGreat times on the Long Beach
Machado, JohnE-3Jan 15, 1991 – Oct 10, 1992BG
Moore, BrianBMJan 15, 1991 – Sep 1, 19921stJust found this site and trying to find the good times again.
Morton, ThomasMM2Jan 16, 1991 – Dec 19, 1992A (Pump Shop)What happened to every that had a blast hanging out.
Kelley, BrianJan 20, 1991 – May 25, 1995B-2Rode the pig from Desert Storm to Decom! Ended in RT Div as Mechanical instructor.
Kelley, BrianMM1Jan 21, 1991 – Jul 1994B-2
Noyes, DanielDCFNJan 21, 1991 – Nov 24, 1992DCWhats up everyone hope everyone is doing well. CRAZY TIMES!!!!
Proctor, JeffSNFeb 1991 – Feb 19932ndSome of the best times I almost remember......
Schnabel, GaleGMCSFeb 1991 – Jul 1994CM DIV TOMAHAWKThe LongBeach was my last of 6 ships of service. My last op was durg ops in the med where I spent most of my time in CIC tracking incoming and outgoing drug flights from and in around the carab nations (55B radars).
Stinnett, JeremySNFeb 1, 1991 – Oct 1, 19921stWas an awsome time thanks to everyone I met!!! Catch myself thinking about the good ol days every now and then.
Burke, GregoryDS1(SW)Feb 2, 1991 – Feb 1, 1993OEThe Long Beach was my last ship and the most enjoyable tour of my three. I enjoyed the camraderie onboard, especially the times in the box, spent testing our geek gear.
Palmer, ParkerHM2Mar 11, 1991 – Jan 1, 1994MedicalHad a good time. Don't think I would want the cruiser life ever again.
Mays, RobertET1Apr 1991 – Apr 1995RCMy second tour aboard. It was sad to be a part of the decom and see her torn apart.
Thieme, KarlEWC(SW)Apr 1991 – Mar 1995OZHad some great times on the "Navy's Only Real Cruiser", great crew, great group of EW's. I'll bet she's still leaking "just a little" glow water!
Carter, DannyRM3Apr 12, 1991 – Apr 28, 1995OCThe best radio shack ever!! What's up Oz, Bilden, Wright, Workman, Raven, Swing, Michaels...and the rest..
Wood, BurtE-4 BM(SW)Apr 23, 1991 – Oct 10, 19931st & 2ndI also find myself wishing i could turn back time and make a great opportunity an even better experience, i met alot of great guys and wish i could have kept in touch better
Segraves, Paul Aka Sea ChickenBMSNMay 1991 – May 5, 19932ndIt is funny when your in the Navy you want out but now that your out you miss all your old buds. If any of you know me or know where some people from Deck Division are please email me. It is always nice to hear from the old gang....
Denney, RobertSTG E3May 1991 – May 1993SonarLook forward to hearing from old shipmates
Ryan, JasonDC2May 4, 1991 – Oct 31, 1994DCWhat a great boat!! Miss all the good times. Hello to the crew from 1991 to 1994.
Spearman, VerdisCTA1(SW)May 21, 1991 – Jun 15, 1994OZI had a great tour. Nothing but good memories.
Lapp, RandyCTI1(NAC)Jun 1991 – Aug 1991OZOperation Fiery Vigil. We had kids, and moms, and pets for two trips to Cebu after Mt Pinatubo erupted. 3 parrots in the CAPT's stateroom. One mother came up to me asking where the washing machines were. Good times!
Segraves, Paul Aka Sea ChickenBMSNJul 10, 1991 – May 15, 19932ndWassup boys... Sea Chicken here. Let me here from you guys in Deck....
Amabile, NickE-4Jul 17, 1991 – Oct 24, 1994A-GANGThe most memorable,fun time of my life. I can say that now...west pac,bremerton,drug ops pacific and carribean..
Jones, JasonE 3Aug 21, 1991 – Dec 12, 19922nd
Jones, NormanE6 ELECTRICIANSep 1991 – Feb 1995RE
Palmer, ParkerHM2Sep 1, 1991 – Oct 14, 1995Medicallooking for FN Lonnie Lee Morris (Colorado)
Thompson, BlairEM3Nov 1991 – Apr 1994Reactor ElectricalWhere are my old friends from CGN9? Zandi-dity, Bradt, Tyrone-dity Adams, Gates & Chiccito, Browning?
Martinez, RobRM3Nov 1991 – Jan 1993OC
George, DavidPN3 (SW)Nov 27, 1991 – Jun 14, 1992AdminWorked for CW02 in the Personnel office. While ship was in Bremerton for dry doc repairs, my tour came to an end and I separated from active service. Been looking for PNSN Michael Garavito.
Redmond, Brent "Reddog" ("el Pero Rojo")OS3Nov 29, 1991 – Jun 7, 1994OII had THE best times of my life on board the Beach! I think of you guys often and STILL drink a lot of beer! Thank you guys and please forgive me if I was a d--khead. It's cool if you e-mail me.
Redic, MarvinBM2Dec 30, 1991 – May 31, 19951st div / Boat Grouplook me up at
Smith, Christopher H.E-31992 – 1995Boat DeckStrike Hard,Strike Home Fella's The only real Navy Cruiser.
Work, ChristopherDC 21992 – 1993DCEnjoyed my time on the Long Beach. If you knew me please feel free to contact me would like to hear how your doing.
Rowland, JasonDC31992 – 1994DC
Savage, JonDS21992 – 1994Had a blast and my grand memories.
Rosser, ChrisYN31992 – 1995Captains Office
Marx, ChadDC 31992 – Jul 3, 1993DCHow is everyone doing? Would like to catch up with everyone. Email me, would like to hear from
Coleman, JamalE31992 – 1994Quartermaster
Montry, Kevinmssn1992 – 1994s-2did a lot of bakeing in the bake shop and drank a lot of beers with some of the best people i ever met im very proud to have served on the only real cruiser also was fun drills with the big guns my station was the 5 inch
Henderson, KennethMM21992 –EngineeringIt was an interesting time, it was a unique ship and I was surprised that the USS Long Beach wasn't made into a museum and sent back to California.
Corrigan, RobIC21992 – 1995E
Muich, TonyEM11992 – 1993RE
Hill, MarkQM1Jan 1992 – Dec 1993Navigation
Hedges, Kent02Jan 1992 – Mar 1995ASW/Guns/2nd
Wright, AaronRM3Jan 1, 1992 – Apr 28, 1995OCHey to the OC gang!! We had some great times on the beach. Send me an email, I would like to hear from ya. A shout out to Danny boy, Rave Dog, B, Ozzy, Jaws, etc.
Hilyer, DonE-6/RMJan 13, 1992 – Jan 16, 1994OC
Burris, Tyrone (Ty)ET3Mar 1992 – Jul 1994OEHad a great time on "The Beach". To all the boys of OE and OC divisions, "What's Up?".
Hayes, MichaelMMC(SW)Apr 1992 – May 1994B-1Counter drug ops, Panama Canal, sink them boats! Big drug bust, chase but don't shoot! Hi all you guys!
Stewart, BrianDC2Apr 1992 – Dec 1994DCGreat times aboard the Long Beach. Send me an email to catch up!
Wolff, MikeET2 / ET1Apr 15, 1992 – Apr 6, 1995RC01My first and only sea tour. Got out a year early courtesy of the fact CGN-9 was going to decomm and President Clinton and the feds were down-sizing the Navy at the time, and no other orders were palatable to re-up.
Eoll, KeithDK3Apr 20, 1992 – May 5, 1995S4Loved the Carribean and the Jolly Roger cruise. And who could forget that bar in Barbados. Anyone remember The Crow's Nest bar up in Bremerton? Good times...
Lounsbury, JonathanMR2 SWJun 1, 1992 – Jun 1, 1995We repair because we careI miss all the good and bad times, what fun it was!
Ewing, VictorCTO3Jun 1, 1992 – Jun 15, 1994OZCommunications Watch Supervisor.
Gribben, BobMR3Aug 1992 – 1994RShe was a pig, but man did I meet and serve with the greatest bunch!
Culley, ThomasDC3 / SERGEANTOct 1992 – Feb 1995DCNavy wasn't for me so now I'm in the Army and getting near retirement. Damage Control just didn't cut it, now I'm a tanker. Had good times on the Longbeach and was sorry she was scrapped.
Haase, AlMM1(SS)Oct 13, 1992 – Aug 4, 1993T-1It felt strange being above water. I had a great time in Curacao and going through the the "Big Ditch". Think of My Brothers in PC often, also. Last days in Navy were on board "Big Grey".
Allee, James Paul AlleeQM1Oct 19, 1992 – Mar 31, 19951st and NavigationMost fun I had in the Navy.
Best, John (B.a.)FC1Nov 1992 – May 1994CMHad a great time on the 6 month "crack-pac". Only ship where I had a full division. Good to see some familiar names out there.
Lattin, TimE3Nov 1992 – Dec 1994S-3
Hall, WilliamBM 3Nov 16, 1992 – Aug 9, 1994Boat GroupWill never forget my friends and the time spent aboard the Long Beach
Snedrey, JohnMM1Dec 1992 – Dec 1994B1Thanks all for having such a good sense of humor.
Nurmi, WayneHM3Dec 1, 1992 – Apr 1, 1994H

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1961 | 1962 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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