US Navy Crew List

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USS Long Beach (CGN 9) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Long Beach (CGN 9). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1164 crew members registered for the USS Long Beach (CGN 9).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1961 | 1962 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 – now

Gomez, RubenCOPORAL1969 – 1971marine detachment
Essary, JohnFTM11969 –FA/TAMiss the Gray Lady
Caliguiri, JoeFTM21969 – 1972TAOne of the most memorable experiences in my life! Many, many good friends who have been missed over the years.
Burgoon, JohnFN1969 – 1971AWhat ever happened to Al Thorton ? Rick Hawkins, where are you, still in Maryland ?
McCallum, DonaldETR21969 – 1972OEOne of many "FARTS" (Fixed Array Radar Technicians) who maintained the AN\SPS-33 Radar on the 07 level. Now an Amateur Radio Operator (among other things) Amateur Extra Class AF6ND
Fisher, RodneyE-41969 – Oct 10, 1970Ship Servicemen/Barbershop
Horton, TerryMM31969 – 1972MWould like to find Don Weller. Worked on the nuclear reactor in Engine Room #2 Went on West Pac
Summers, Fred profile iconMM11969 – 1973B #2 RCRI have learned to appreciate the training, experiences and responsibility I received while aboard CGN9. It has served me very well in many ways. I think about Doug Rood , Bruce Reynolds and Bill Larsen and wonder.
Allen, JohnETR21969 – Nov 1972OEwhere is Dwi\ght Bowers?
Roberts, MarkRMSM1969 – 1971ORI appreciate having served with really great shipmates on the Long Beach. Sadly, I am in touch with just a few. Would appreciate reconnecting with friends I served with from 1969-1971, both in Vietnam and US retrofitting
Stein, JamesE2Jan 1969 – 1970BMWas just turning 19 when I first joined. I boarded ship, our home port, my first time out to sea was on the USS Long Beach. I saw 1 Westpac Cruise & had some good times. Liberty in Sydney, Hong Kong, Honolulu & Subic. With lots of memory's
Swanson, LarryRM3Jan 1, 1969 – Dec 19, 1972ORHi to any Radioman and would like to hear from you. Today's date is March 20, 2007. Please email me.
Susuras, Don (Sue)IC3Jan 10, 1969 – Nov 15, 1972IC DivisionCurrently Retired in 2019
Davis, CharlesFTM2Jan 26, 1969 – Jun 16, 1971TEI made the westpac cruise and came back to dry dock at mare island. Some of us played football for the base team. I remember that GMM Jimmie Cotton was one hell of a football player
Gomez, RubenLANCE CORPORALFeb 1969 – 1971
Crutchfield, DawseyDSCSMar 1969 – Jul 1970OE
Colliflower, JohnBM3Mar 1969 – Dec 19721st and 3rd DeckProud to have served aboard a GREAT LADY. Hope I did her justice. Had some great times and made some life long friends.
Huntsman, JohnnySARGENTMar 1969 – Jun 1970Marine Detachment
Crutchfield, DawseyDSCSMar 1969 – Jul 1970OE
Caisse, ArmandGMM 2Mar 1969 – Aug 1972TA
Gabehart, JesseGMM1Mar 9, 1969 – Aug 6, 1971tegreat ship
Cotton, JimmyGMM3Mar 14, 1969 – Aug 13, 1972TAI enjoyed my tour of duty aboard the Long Beach and I am thankful to be a menber of this organization.
Curl, DonaldGMM2Mar 23, 1969 – Nov 8, 1973TAMany fond memories. Young boys grew into men quickly. It was aspecial time in all our lives.
Cotton, JimmyGMM 3Apr 1969 – Aug 11, 1972TA (Talos)I am proud to have served aboard the "Beach"....I met a lot of friends and made even more memories, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Olongapo City. And I'm proud to be a "Trusty Shellback." Taps Y'all!!!!!
Schumann, JohnDC2/HT2Apr 1969 – Nov 1972repair
John, JimGMM3Jun 1969 – Jun 1973TE
Mitcham, MichaelseamanJun 1969 – Nov 1970S3The storm three days out of New Zealand, initation as a Shellback, the fight in Okanawa (village 4 ?), Subic Bay and the bars, The Nam and the OPs. Capt. Huff was the "OLD MAN". These are my most vivid memories.
Vannatta, JohnLieutenantJun 1969 – Jun 1971FC
Hansen, GaryDKSN & DK3Jun 28, 1969 – Aug 16, 1971S-4Enjoyed working in the disbursing office and my fellow shipmates. Won't forget "West Pac 69-70". What a great ship and shipmates!
Kanat, TerryYN3Jul 1969 – Apr 1971ominteresting experience as the weapons dept yeoman.
Moreno, DanielRMSNJul 1969 – Apr 1971CommunicationsA great time in my life met and served with some great shipmates, and still stay in touch with several of them today.
Moreno, DanielRMSNJul 1969 – Jun 1971Radio
Berger, Anthony (Tony)CYN3Jul 1969 – Apr 1971ORA time I will never forget with a group of men that were dedicated to what we did. We were short handed but worked like a well oiled machine. Would do it again. Lets get together.
Newell, Edward JamesSTG2Jul 1969 – Oct 1971OEM
Thomas, MarkRM3Jul 1, 1969 – Aug 15, 1972ORI served with a great bunch of guys.It was a good time to be young, even with the war. My time on the Long Beach was one of the most important experiences of our lives, although we didn't realize it at the time. Where did all the time go?
Napatang, WilfredoSDSNJul 2, 1969 – Dec 31, 1973S-5Had a great time.
Edwards, BruceLTJul 28, 1969 – Aug 1, 1970H
Larsen, WilliamMM1Aug 1969 – Apr 1973MGreat ship, great crew, but westpac's did suck. left Navy in 73 as an E-6, entered reserves in 83 as an E-4, will retire this Aug at age 60 as an MMC. served with A squared, and CB White, and Hoffy.
Melling, PaulHM3Aug 1969 – Jun 1970HGreat ship and great crew.Sad to see what has happened to USS Long Beach.As of May 2009 it's just a hulk.Might be all gone now.
Boyle, MikeSM3Aug 1969 – Apr 1971OSRemember seeing the huge superstructure eyes got big and my heart raced
Lehnhoff, LorenFTM2Aug 7, 1969 – Jan 22, 1974FAAssigned to TALOS Dir 5. Great crew .. Worked hard . . Played harder . . Great memories of good men.
Goodwin, KennethFTM2Sep 1969 – May 1974FEAN/SPG-55A Terrier Missile Fire Control Radar - Directors 2, 3 & 4. Joined LB in Sep 69 during westac cruise. Took LB through refueling at Mare Isl. Westpac cruises in 72 & 73.
Gaitan, FrankFTG3Sep 1969 – Mar 1971OMGreat memories of WestPAc and Mare Island
Delong, SteveMM2Sep 1969 – Jun 1973MWas on the ship from Sept 69 to June 73, two WestPac's and one Refueling. Worked in Unit 2 Engine Room. I am currently a member of the USS Long Beach CGN-9 Association Inc. I recommend it. They have annual reunions
Watson, JamesFTM 2Sep 1969 – Dec 1973FAI worked in radar director room 6.
Burgoon, JackMM-3Sep 29, 1969 – Jul 19, 1970AGreat bunch of guys, always some card game going on.
Cadman, Gerald "Jerry"ETN2Oct 1969 – May 1972RC
Hummel, RobertOS3Oct 1969 – Feb 1972OperationsCalled her home for three years. Good time and bad but proud to have served on her. It breaks my heart to see photos of her being scraped.
Wheeless, KennethOS 3Oct 17, 1969 – Nov 20, 1972OITwo West pac's 69@72 So short of personel that I filled a 1ST class billet as a 3RD class,Some of the best days of my life. The Mole, Pearl, Subic, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore.Great ship Great crew NOT JUST A SHIP,IT WAS OUR HOME.
Sarno, JoeGMG3Nov 1969 – Aug 1973OMWorked on the 5inch gun mounts. Great bunch of guys both in the radar tracking unit and the MarDet unit that assisted with the 5 inch gun mounts. Great liberty ports and times with all.
Bennett, JimFTG-2Dec 28, 1969 – Aug 15, 1973OMWORKED ON THE MK 56 RADAR SYSTEM FOR THE 5 IN GUNS

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1961 | 1962 – 1963 | 1964 – 1965 | 1966 | 1967 – 1968 | 1969 – 1969 | 1970 – 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 – now

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