US Navy Crew List

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USS Seattle (AOE 3) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Seattle (AOE 3). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1377 crew members registered for the USS Seattle (AOE 3).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

Tucker, JamesBT20000 – Jul 4, 1975B I was looking up to find if the Seattle ,was still around. I saw where some old shipmates had sign on to this site. Walley Rich. Chris Bowmans no longer with us. Killed in car wreck in early 80s.
Zahringer, Robert /squirrelI C 3May 1070 – Dec 20, 1972EHello to all who served on the king of the med. with capt Keener{ keeners cleaners} and capt townshed IC 2 zahringer here ready for movie call. loved the pink panther/mission impossible/ star trek flixs.Even during all the movie marothons .
Rought, Steve (Rowdy)e1May 29, 1960 – 1978deckHello. This is rowdy.
Uss, SeattleRM3Dec 29, 1964 – Jan 11, 1967OCTo subscribe to the new USS SEATTLE Yahoo Group copy and paste the following to your browser.
Winterberg, Dennis "skip"1967 – 1971Plank Owner. Passed away January 22, 2009. Laid to rest January 26, 2009. Served as a barber on the ship. (Entered by Son)
Heighway, Richard(Rick)SNFeb 1967 – Oct 1968FirstPlank Owner, had great shipmates, Rosier, Pace, Robinson, BM1 James, even Lt Gimpy Norkus.
Doyle, Richard / DickMR2Sep 1967 – Jul 1971A
Hellberg, VicCS21968 – Jul 8, 1971SupplyI was the 4th crew member to report for duty at pre-commissioning school in San Diego. Hello to all other plankowners.
Norris, BillOS21968 – Jul 20, 1972OperationsPlank Owner
Pierce, RayGMG-31968 – 1972WeaponsPLANK OWNER
McConnell, DavidGMM-31968 – 1972WeaponsPlank Owner. Boy did we have some fun on the first few cruises. Stuff didn't work! Roy, where are ya?
Huber, TomPC21968 – Aug 1971XPlank owner and Postal Clerk 2nd class. Made one Mediterranean cruise, one North Atlantic cruise and a Carribean cruise. I had a great job on a great ship. Came back home, and can retire as Postmaster in our little town anytime! emails welcome!
Allen, Dave1968 – Mar 1971BGreat times worked for chief Hill in the forward hole and on the evaps
Kopec, TedSEAMAN1968 – 19712ndPLANKOWNER Remember all the good times on liberty in the Med and all those long hours at UNREP. Thanks to a great bunch of guys who made these memories possible.
De La Garza, Jesus H.MM21968 – 1970EngineringI served on USS Seattle's 1st Crew #1 Engine Room. I am a Plank Owner and was proud to have served aboard such a fine vessle. Would love to hear from some buddies who served on or about the same time.
Deily, DanCS-31968 – Jul 8, 1971Supply 2We had the best Cooks in the Navy. Plus the best crew of all times. Remember pulling into Norfolk for the first time. BT Division, over the side cleaning the black oil off the side of the ship.
Tyk, DonMM21968 – 1972"A" DivisionOn the Seattle from the day she was commissioned to separation, many good times and good friends.
Conrad, Kenneth (Kenny)Seaman1968 – 19712ndPLANK OWNER
Cleary, Thomas profile iconShipfitter metal 3rd class1968 –R DivisionPart of the original nucleus crew. Not long after shack down cruise I Made 3rd class and recived orders to the USS allagash AO97. Had to leave a new ship that I helped build to an old ship that was heading to mothball.
Koch, David(Cooky)MM31968 – May 1971MI'am a Plankowner, Precom crew, 1st crew #1 engine room ,Throttle man.Gitmo cruise,Med cruise. Brings back fond memories. I was disapointed I wasn't informed of the decommissioning.
Henderson, NeilYN31968 – 1971AdminJust remembering the good old days onboard the Seattle. Had many friends and memorable times. Now at this time in my life, being retired etc., would love to hear from anyone from back in the day!
Steve Koscelnik, KoshYN3Jan 1968 – Apr 1970Operationsbeat going to Vietnam & the sunsets & rises were pretty. I have one of those plank things
Duprey, PeteBM2Feb 1968 – Sep 19722ndDO YOU GUYS REMEMEBER bm1 Gray lol and ltjg riollo
Misenor, RichardDP3Feb 1968 – Jan 19703rd Deck - Supply
Cunningham, Philip W.Feb 1968 – Feb 1972OCI reported aboard when the Seattle was being completed in Bremerton, WA, commissioned the ship in April 1972, went through the Panama Canal to Norfolk, VA, left the ship in Athens Greece in 1972 to be separated from the Navy. Enjoyed it.
Smaldino, ChickRM2Feb 1968 – Nov 1971OCPlankowner-Was on board pre-commisioning, commisioning, April 5, 1969. Remained on board until my early out in November 1971. Was not notified for De-commisioning in 2005, I would have liked to attend. Had a good time.
Sylvester, RogerQM2Feb 1, 1968 – 1970OPSI was a PLANKOWNER and was a member of Pre-Commision crew. Loved being a crew member ever though it was not for very long. Any QM'S out there who remember me, feel free to contact me.
Schonborg, LeeE 3Feb 15, 1968 – Oct 15, 19691n StTighten those tie ties tight!
Richardson, DonaldBT-3Mar 1968 – Feb 1972BoilermanPlank Owner
Cardillo Sr, JohnEN3Mar 18, 1968 – Mar 19, 1971I served with many fine and hard working people.The one who stands out the most is Clifton E Andrews sea daddy.Andy done alot for me and I will never forget him.I was lucky enough to make the decomissioning of the seattle in Norfolk Mar1505.
Boutell, EarlEN3May 1968 – 1970APlank owner, pre-commissioning crew. Assigned to Hydraulics shop. Hello to Jones, Cardillo, Brown, BJ, Murf, Dolente, Filo, Thomas, and the original crew. Had a blast in Panama, Alcapulco, Haiti and Gitmo.
Haeger, Mark profile iconBM3Jul 1968 – Nov 19722ndPlank owner. I was in 2nd division the whole time except for the 30 days below the mess decks with 6 of my buddies
McGann, BrianEM2Aug 1968 –E DivisionOn commissioning crew. Plank Owner. Was trained on Fast Automatic Shuttle Transfer System. Was on the ship while being built in Bremerton Shipyard. Sailed thru Panama canal to Norfolk. A lot of great memories!
McVey, Don (Mac)MM2Sep 1968 – Mar 1972
Mitchell, Billy profile iconSK2Oct 1968 – Mar 1970Supplyway better than the heat and rain in Viet Nam--- Plank Owner
Stoakley, TomSK3Oct 21, 1968 – Oct 20, 1970SupplyPlankOwner
Duprey, PeteBM2Nov 1968 – Aug 19722nd
Terry, DonSK2Nov 4, 1968 – Nov 4, 1972SupplyServed at NAS Albany, Ga and Keflavik, Most of my boot camp comrades went to AOE3 Seattle as plank owners. Some A School people too.
Flaherty, JoeBT-3Nov 17, 1968 – Sep 4, 1972BMember of the nucleus crew starting out in the oil shack. Worked for BT-1 Ken Twigg (knew his shit). Great bunch of people. I have many great memories of our time together. Sorely disappointed she's gone. I feel like I lost a friend.
King, WayneBM2Nov 29, 1968 – Nov 9, 19712ndPlankowner Reported aboard to 2nd Div. as a seaman. I left in Nov 1971 as LPO of 2nd Div. I replaced BM1 Tom Gray as LPO of 2nd Div in Mar 71 after we returned from the Seattle's first trip to the Med.
Pierce, Raymond profile iconGunners Mate Guns 2Dec 1968 – May 1972WeaponsVice President USS Seattle AOE-3 Veterans Association
Norris, BillOS/2Dec 22, 1968 – Jul 10, 1972OperationsWas assigned precom crew then went to Bremerton, Wash
Orsag, FrankLtjgDec 29, 1968 – Apr 1971OEAssigned to commissioning crew. Served as 1st 3M Coordinator(coll duty). Would love to hear from crew members.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 – 1972 | 1973 – 1974 | 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 – 1990 | 1991 – 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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