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The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Detroit (AOE 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?
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There are 1333 crew members registered for the USS Detroit (AOE 4).
Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now
Name | Rank/Rate | Period | Division | Remarks/Photo |
Muskauski, Charles | AK2 | 1986 – 1988 | S-1 | |
Lyon, Scott | BMSN | 1986 – 1988 | ||
Bechtel, Mike | QMCS | 1986 – Jul 1989 | Navigation | Finished my career on her, met some great people, and had the best group of QM's working for me that ever served aboard a US Navy vessel |
Cleary, William | bm2 | 1986 – Nov 1989 | ras | |
Dalberto, Alex | BMSN | 1986 – 1990 | RAS | |
Dutton, Blake | OS 2 | Jan 10, 1986 – Oct 15, 1989 | OI | |
Jordan Jr, Joseph | BM 2 | Jan 20, 1986 – 1989 | 1st | Hey shipmates, It is good to be reunited. I can be contacted at jjordan2650@yahoo.com. I hope to be hearing from some of you. |
Metz, Mitch | GMG3 | Feb 1986 – Dec 1989 | weps | it was fun times alot of good guys around then |
Roberts, Timothy | E-5 Rm2 (SW) | Feb 1, 1986 – Aug 6, 1989 | Operations | Had a great time on the Detroit, met some great guys, some I still talk to. Hope to find a few more former shipmates. |
Pagel, Dan | BM3 | Feb 17, 1986 – Feb 17, 1990 | 1st | Hey Guys..........nice hearing from some ya. Wanna say "HI" to Chris, Steiney, Dean , Craig and the rest of you guys. If ya wanna "shoot the shit" my e-mail is Danpgl@charter.net.......Take care all. |
Roberts, Tim | RM2 (SW) | Mar 1986 – Jul 1989 | Operations | Only a 4 yr. career, but was a building block for my transition from new high school graduate to becoming a man. Was a great time and fantastic learning experience. |
McManus, Gunner Mac | AOE 4 | Mar 25, 1986 – Oct 20, 2000 | CARGO WEAPONS | AOE's were the greatest of UNREP ships ever built. Dirty D' was a challenge and much more. I can't count the times she went cold & dark... and wondered if the E-Diesel would fire this time or not! Ship worked very hard, & hats off |
Julian, Kenneth | MM3 | May 1986 – Feb 1991 | RAS | Look back and enjoyed the times I had. Sometimes we spent more time in yards than deployment. It is always fun waking up in the lobby of the Philly jails not knowing how you got there. |
Knight, Anthony | SA | May 1986 – 1989 | 1st,RAS | Whats Up |
Beard, Derrick | HT2 | May 11, 1986 – Sep 21, 1988 | eng | Any body know were MM3 Simons is? E-mail dbeard1@roadrunner.com |
Pagel, Daniel | BM3 | May 18, 1986 – Feb 20, 1990 | 1st | I really appreciate hearing from some of you guys this past year...been 21 years now since I left...still look back and believe those were the hardest and best days of my life....take care you guys! |
Harwood, Dale | GMG3 | Jun 6, 1986 – Jun 6, 1990 | S6/WEPS | I remember being stuck dockside alot, especially in Gitmo, and then being placed on restriction. However the men were the best: Sikenga, BM1 Cobbs, "Big Bob" Avery, and so many more I could mention the names escape me but your faces do n |
Gamble, Pete | ET2 | Jun 18, 1986 – Apr 11, 1989 | Operations Electronics | I look back on my time there with very positive thoughts. Great opportunities, hard work, lots of really terrific shipmates. Everything from cleaning to repairing to the many countless drills and inspections, it was all good for me. |
Betsinger, Paul 'bets" | MS3 | Jun 18, 1986 – Mar 10, 1989 | S2 | Had a blast in S2 with all of my squid buddies.Dave Tasker, and Kevin Hanratty they were my road dogs Still tell sea stories to this day.I have a very fond memory of my days on the Detroit Email me |
Delarea, Anthony | MM3 | Jun 22, 1986 – Jan 4, 1990 | A GANG | My first ship,I have a lot of unforgettable memories. Liberty at Gitmo. Duking out with jarheads at the zeros landing. |
Roarks, James | MM3 | Jul 1986 – Jun 1987 | EMO2 | When I left "D", I left the Navy. Now I'm in the Air Force, and can honestly say, life is much better, and not quite so miserably hot. I recognize a few names...Hess, Infante and Guzman. Wake up, it's time for watch... |
Haggan, Steven | MM3 | Aug 1986 – Aug 1989 | A-gang | |
Rivera, Richard | RP3 | Aug 1986 – Feb 1990 | Admin | Remembering the good old days with friends u never forget. Looking for any reunion |
Pearce, Jesse(Steam Leak) | BT-3 | Aug 10, 1986 – Nov 3, 1990 | B-DIVISION | steamleak |
Colbert, Fredrick | E4/electrician's mate | Aug 26, 1986 – Aug 26, 1989 | Engineering | |
Rivera, Richard | RP3 | Sep 1986 – Feb 1990 | admin | worked in the chaplain's office, spent alot of time in the barbershop with john holland. see the ship in philly ship yard before it left to texas to be scrapped. |
Dippel, Michael | MM2 | Sep 10, 1986 – Mar 6, 1990 | Engine Room #2 | I am one of the old Mudhens also. I encourage any Mudhen or shipmate that remembers me to try and contact me...MM2 Dippel |
Kelsey, Al | EM2 | Oct 11, 1986 – Jun 23, 1990 | E | was work center sup of power shop. remember grinnel, bailey, phil conti, craig smith. also recall the day BTFN young died. spoke with him on the mess decks only moments b4 he was burned. also remember the helo crash. |
Kelsey, Al | EM2 | Oct 11, 1986 – Jun 22, 1990 | E | was power shop wcs. i remember grinnell, bailey, c.smith, pison, cimicata, conti, to name a few. also remember the day BTFN young died. chatted with him on the mess deck just prior to him being burned. also remember the helo crash. |
Pollard, David | QM2 | Nov 1986 – Jun 1990 | Nav | Best damn quartermasters on the planet! Never thought the Dirty-D would be laid down so soon. Awesome ship to drive when she was healthy! |
Foley, Joe | MM2 | Nov 28, 1986 – May 8, 1990 | M | Training PO in '89 after Eric Hatfield-a precursor to my occupation today.Paint shaft alley.Clean 2evap/fix 2A cndnste pmp hours apart (N. Atlntc)..Nrthrn Lghts.Midrats.Scribbling FWDCT/LOPS systems.My ECCTT coveralls(looked like pumpkin). |
Sholtes, Jim | BT2 | Nov 29, 1986 – Sep 9, 1990 | looking for other snipes from 86to90 drop me a line jjzr2man@yahoo.com i cant believe they scrapped the dirty d | |
Williams, Tim ![]() | Fireman | Dec 1, 1986 – Aug 1, 1989 | M | The DirtyD was an interesting experience to say the least. Made some friends (two who even attending my wedding). It was hard, difficult work in often dirty conditions in the engine rooms, but would do it again :) |
Benware, John | MMCS | Dec 17, 1986 – Dec 31, 1988 | M | Last tour of duty, retired from here. |
Bell, Antoine | E-3/Machinist Mate | Dec 25, 1986 – Jul 9, 1990 | RAS | Just seeing the names brings back instant memories some good some bad but overall I can say I enjoyed my time abaord the Detroit. You guys feel free to shoot me a quick note antoinebbell@hotmail.co. |
Taylor, Mark "Goob" | MM3 | Dec 27, 1986 – Jul 25, 1990 | RAS | Had some good times and remember alot of my old shipmates, Miller, Grif, Tex, Sparkey, Domingo, Flores, Okie, Jullian. What a mix engineers and boatswains mates ya had to be there to believe it ! |
Lambert, Michael | E-4/PC3 | Dec 30, 1986 – Sep 15, 1991 | 2nd/X/Supply | Remember alot of names listed here, brought back alot of memories.I had some good and bad times there, but mostly good. Mr To u were my Divo.Still in contact with DK3 Powell and YN3 Johnson.I retired in Sep2006, had alot of fun with u guys! |
Carter, Doug | EW1 | 1987 – 1987 | OI | HARD WORKING DIVISION. Wish I could have stayed. Medically discharged in August of 1987. |
Pisane, Vinnie | SN | 1987 – 1988 | RAS | 20 years gone by and I can remember that time like yesterday. Remember Lums diner in Norfolk with Warren, Steiber, Stagg, Kuhlman, McVicker. Remember midships lit up with glow sticks and standing the "balls to 4" in the North Atlantic. |
Coleman, Stacey | mm3 | 1987 – 1991 | m div/ a gang | Served aboard from 1987-1991 in division and a gang |
Williams, Williams J | SM3 | 1987 – 1991 | OPS | HEY its great to see so many shipmates fromthe dirty D SM2 flores SM3 TOMCAT SM1 KELLY GOOD GUY and so many more if you want to stay in contact kresten535353@yahoo.com take care. THE DIRTY D FOR LIFE |
Stewart, Mark | MM3 | Jan 1987 – Jul 1989 | M Engine room 2 | |
Howell, Michael | MM3 | Jan 1, 1987 – Aug 1, 1990 | A Gang | Would do it all again, but did not like it enough to stay. |
Valoroso, Vincent | MR3 | Jan 1, 1987 – Jul 1989 | Repair | Wow! Alot of names here I remember. I started off in MM#1, then too A gang, then to repair. God bless all of you and your families, and the sailors we lost during that time. A brotherhood formed that will never forget. |
Casiano, Darryl R. | DC3 | Jan 6, 1987 – Oct 3, 1991 | R | What’s up shipmates? |
Moore, Nicholas ![]() | RM3 | Mar 13, 1987 – Sep 3, 1990 | Operations | I would like to say thank you to the crew I served with on the "D". This is single most important period of my life aboard this ship and serving the command. It continues to shape my life to this day. Thanks USS Detroit |
Johnson 2, Rob "jojo" | QM3 | May 1987 – Aug 4, 1989 | NAV/X | I still keep in contact with BMSN Dean Poe, RP3 Rich Revera and SK3 John Holland. I would not trade my Buddies for the world. It is true that you make friends for Life. I enjoyed my time on the Dirty D. Contact me If you were on there too. |
Sandlin, David | SN | May 1987 – Dec 1989 | OPS | Met some great people and had some great times. |
Warren, John | SN | Jun 29, 1987 – Mar 12, 1989 | X | I remember Pisane, Stagg, Carlson and Kuhlman, breaking down in Gitmo, Metz blowing the line during emergency breakaway, Boatsn lighting a cigarette covered in DFM, Mullins hitting Drake, and watching Blazing Saddles in cuise lounge... |
Klingborg, Keith | GMG1(SW) | Jul 10, 1987 – Aug 15, 1989 | WEPS | Great Ship and crew. |
Klingborg, Keith | GMG1(SW) | Aug 1987 – Aug 1989 | S-6 | One of the best ships I ever served on. Got ESWS and made GMC onboard. CO was J.H.Findley Jr. |
Stieber, Edward | PN3 | Aug 11, 1987 – Jul 15, 1991 | RAS and X | Still remember a lot of good times. Keep in touch with CMC Vencill, SN Warren and SN Pisane. I miss it, but not enough to go back. |
Ron, Windel | SM3 | Aug 22, 1987 – Oct 28, 1989 | OC div | Good friends with Tomcat Barbour And Antolik. Remember that House Antolik had with a bunch of other guys. Whew what a party house. Lotta great memories. Lotta bad ones still miss( BTFN Young BM1Cobb and SKSN KINNEY RIP) |
Poe, Dean | BMSN | Sep 1987 – Jan 25, 1991 | 1st & 3rd | Still in contact with QM3 Rob Johnson, RP3 Rich Rivera and SH3 John Holland |
Poe, Dean | BMSN | Oct 1987 – Jan 1991 | 1st and 3rd | awesome to see some of the names again. alot of great times on the dirty d. time has flown by. anyone know me call 337-322 1841 or email me at cajunpoe1@yahoo.com. raise a beer to my fellow shipmates. sweepers sweepers amn your brooms. |
Steinmann, Walter "Steiny" | BM3 | Oct 1987 – Jul 1990 | 1ST &2ND DIV | HEY PAGEL,POE,GUNNIE AND ALL YOU GUYS THAT WHERE ON THE DIRTY D |
Scharold, Curtis | Bt3 | Oct 1987 – Jun 1991 | B | |
Wynkoop, David | FC3 | Nov 1, 1987 – May 1, 1989 | Fox | I really enjoyed my time on the Detroit. I liked all my shipmates and really learned a lot. It was a really cool bunch of guys that I worked with. |
Summerlin, Kevin | YN3 | Nov 1, 1987 – Jun 9, 1991 | X Division/Captain's Office |
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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now
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