US Navy Crew List

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USS Detroit (AOE 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Detroit (AOE 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1333 crew members registered for the USS Detroit (AOE 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

McGee, JohnET21978 – 1981OEOne of the best times of my life.
Stephens, EarnestRM31978 – 1990OC DivisionI am trying to reunite with the some of the guys to find out how they are doing and possibly have a reunion.
Hudson, DonaldMM2Jan 1978 – Jan 1983PropulsionA lot of memories, I can still lite off that plant
Politte, Dennis,little GatorQM2Jan 15, 1978 – Jun 16, 1982quartermasterliving in st. louis missouri now have a good time as always
Micklow, Timothy "toby" MicklowOS2Jan 29, 1978 – Jun 25, 1981OIWhat can I say....It would take a month of reunions and alot of beer....i can remember every nook and crany of the "dirty d"....every time i hear dire straits,frank welch,dave mason....i go back to pier 3 NOB .....what a me!
Mountney, CraigGMG3Feb 1978 – Jan 1980Weapons
Denierio, ChrisE-3Feb 1978 – Oct 19801stStrange days, But I would like to do 1 more med cruise
Bickford, DonaldOS2Mar 1978 – Sep 1981OIArrived in time for 4 Med Cruises during my 3 1/2 year tour.. Long hours and hard work but it's the best thing I ever did for myself.. Made some good friends along the way.. Was happy to see this site on here after all these years..
Rosien, JohnMS 2Mar 4, 1978 – Nov 9, 1981S2i met some of the best people i will ever meet on the Detroit.Some of the worse to haha. But after all these years it seems like they were all great guys.I did 4 meds which were hell then but piece of cake now.
Moran, MikeMM2Apr 1978 – Feb 1982A Gang & P1
Burchett, JohnnyBM3May 16, 1978 – Oct 20, 19801st and 2ndHey I guess it never did blow up and sink like I wanted it to . It really bring back memories seeing the list of names on this site. Has anyone heard from Bob that schmuck Bob Thomascheck.
Starzyk, RickE-5 BM2Jun 1978 – Jun 19823rdWell... I spent a lot of time back then saying I can't wait to get out... but looking back... I had some great times, and saw a lot of the world... just like Denierio says... I would like to do one more cruise...
Stagman, GlennQM1 (SW)Jun 1, 1978 – Apr 15, 1980NavigationMet lots of friends and had the honor of serving with my first LPO from the Detroit later on thru the years aboard another Vessel. I started out in deck department and struck for QM. We were a close pack.
Gary, GregOS3Jul 1978 – Mar 1981OIGreat memories and some great friends aboard the Mighty D
Lee, Johnson profile iconGMG3Jul 1978 – Sep 1981Weaponscould not wait for EOS date, had a lot of fun and crazy times, in hind site I would have done somethings different and explored the cultures we traveled to more
Oballe, Rudolfoen-3Jul 3, 1978 – Jul 3, 1978A gang
Malo, RobertMMCAug 21, 1978 – Jul 21, 1983PropulsionI was in the forward engine room for 4 years...and in the fuel gang..."A" Division the last year....great time on the Mighty D
Wolf, TimothyGMG 3Oct 5, 1978 – Sep 24, 1982WEAPONS
Massier, JdBT1Oct 25, 1978 – Jan 3, 1980P-2Nice Med Cruise, not my last AOE but it helped me make CWO-3
Brandao, JulianEN1Oct 28, 1978 – Aug 25, 1983AUX 1/ER04/A-gangI also missed the duty D and it's crew, had some fun times on the old D, miss the places we went, but not the long hours.
Bradt, JamesHT2Dec 1978 – Jun 1982we had the best times in r-div with some good friends and not to mention some of those crazy times with the pit snipes, don't mess with the engineering dept
Weyer, JosephPN2Dec 1978 – Jun 1981xBest ship in the fleet at the time. Made 3 med cruises. Learned alot. Met some real good people. Great life experience.
Mccraven, JamesOS11979 – 1984OICame abord as OS3 left as OS1. Great ship. Went on to retire from Navy
Horch, ChuckAOE-41979 – 19812ndServed with some of the greatest guys I've ever known. I'd list you guys by name but I might forget somebody as there were about 450 of us maniacs. lol
Blancaneaux Jr, Frenchy profile iconMM31979 – 1983A GangI Sure miss the Detroit and friends I made on her. I Miss "A" Gang pals. I'll never forget.
Terrell, JamesE31979 – 1982ETHaze grey and underway
Smith, Bob "Smitty"IC3Feb 5, 1979 – Oct 28, 1982ELooking for other Shippmates from the Detroit.
Howard, MarkSM2Feb 11, 1979 – Aug 11, 1982OcSome of the best times in my life. Med, Indian Ocean, it was all good.
Blanton, JimQM2Mar 1979 – Oct 1982navLiving life in the East Bay of San Fran. Please Rick Polite, you had better get hold of me. I sure miss some of those great talks we use to have. And I don't regret much about the Detroit. I met some of the finest, and the worse, but it's all g
Annis, GlennET1/CMar 30, 1979 – 1982OEMost intense experience of my career....could never plan more than a couple of days ahead had a great group of techs that made me look good. Made some good friends
Wood, Eric M.BT1Apr 1979 – Jun 1979B / AdminOrdered in because the BTC was Medevaced and then I was removed from the fireroom because I wasn't supposed to be released from Limited Duty for bad ears/hearing problems.
Gunther, JeffreyEM3May 1979 – Dec 1982EMiss the days on the Dirty D
Baril, Tom profile iconHT2May 1979 – Oct 24, 1982RFlight quarters one more time at 0430 anyone? Was a great ship. Good time overall. Met a lot of great people.
Garland, George "chip"DP3May 23, 1979 – Jun 17, 1981S-6Med cruise were the best. Worked hard but played hard too! Can't believe she's no longer steaming.
Bassnett, Bazzrm 3Aug 10, 1979 – Sep 11, 1983octhe dirty d was the best ship i ever served on and the crew the best dirty d for life
Mason, George (Mase)SeamanAug 30, 1979 – Nov 19811st
Etchingham, JoeIC3Sep 1979 – Nov 1981EHad good times with IC and third div guys. Remember poker games in ic shop. Also had fun dodging chief master of arms. Forgot his name, no hard feelings, we were young. I'm a grandpa now living in RI. Take care all.
Roberts, James "Eddie"E2Sep 1979 – Aug 1981
Shoop, KeithHM2Oct 1979 – May 17, 1980SickbayI was only on the "D" for a short time, to me was like livin' in a John Wayne movie. Met some great folks and it was not just a job - it was an adventure. Wanna thank Mike, Terry, Chief, and Dr. Chin for all their help
Cordoba, LuisPNc/E7Oct 1, 1979 – May 31, 2000EXECUTIVEHi guys; for the Shipmates that I served on the Deployment in 1992 I miss U guys. Please E-mail @ Thanks.
Haynes, TimSK3Nov 10, 1979 – Apr 15, 1983S-1 SupplyThe USS Detroit was my 1st ship. That one really stays with you. I saw a large part on the world on the D. And I became a ShellBack And due to the brotherhood I leared on the D. I stayed in the Navy and retired. So fair winds and following seas. USN.
Locke, Willard J JrE-2Dec 14, 1979 – May 28, 1980DeckI was onboard for five and a half months. I was awaiting "A" school in Meridian, MS., but I enjoyed my time aboard the Detroit, even though it was brief.

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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