US Navy Crew List

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USS Detroit (AOE 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Detroit (AOE 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1333 crew members registered for the USS Detroit (AOE 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

Petiya, JohnIC31976 – 1978E
Abbtiello, AbbyBT31976 – 1977B mp1this was a hard ship out of the 3 i was on
Baker, ThomasMM31976 – 1979P-2 DivRemember Bath Maine and many nights in the Yankee Clipper.
Seney, WilliamSN1976 – 1977deck
Fry, KennethSERGEANT AT ARMSJan 10, 1976 – Oct 9, 1979
Peters, DanielOS3Feb 1976 – May 1979OPS
Herndon, William M.BMCSFeb 10, 1976 – May 28, 1977First Officer & Leading Chief Deck.Best overhaul ever in Bath Ship Yard. Retired off the Detroit in 1977 Capt. Guy Cain a reat Skipper Great crew.
Brennan, JerryEM3Mar 15, 1976 – Jun 28, 1979E DivisionMainly in the engine rooms except when acting as duty electrician which meant everything .. DC central when inport. Probably the most handsome guy in the division at ..that time. Ask the girls in Bath, Maine.
Welch, ChuckSM3Apr 1976 – Aug 1979OCThe days on the "Dirty D" are something I will carry with me forever. I enjoyed serving on her with a great crew. Bath Me was great. I ended up meeting a nice girl and comming back. This is where I live today. Sigs out.
Stahlmann, Robert / Lurch Or StahlSEAMAN//SK3Apr 1976 – Jan 5, 19792nd and s1my first ship. had a great time and learned alot.met some great friends.remember the elliot house aka the idiot house in bath .looking for juan garza or hankey or anyone else.908-240-8360
Petiya, JohnIC3Apr 1976 – Dec 15, 1977EGood Memories, good friends
Petiya, JohnIC3May 1976 – Dec 24, 1978EWhere's Coogler ?? Had a great time on the Detroit, made some good friends
Keller, MichaelEM3May 1976 – Sep 1978EGood memories of my tour on the "D". Would like to hear from crew members who remember me or served at the same time.
Zamorski, HenryEM3May 3, 1976 – Feb 16, 1980EWHERE'S THE FEARSOME FOURSOME?
Yaeger, DaveET3Jun 1, 1976 – Feb 8, 1980Operations ElectronicsI enjoyed the travel and my fellow ship mates.
Page, WilliamFC2Jul 15, 1976 – Mar 3, 1977Weapons
Tomey, RichardRMSN - RM2Sep 1976 – Feb 5, 1980OC - RADIOMade 2 MEDs & GITMO Shakedown. Enjoyed most of it. Met good people - made good friends! Hated "War Games". High Hope! e-mail me:
Keares, PaulRM3Sep 1976 – Jul 1978communicationsHello to the Crew from 76-78. Memories that shall be with me forever. Bath ME a partying time. Norfolk, Harrys' Bar always hopping, Gitmo, cigars outstanding. Glad I took pictures of all places and people. Ugly faces, but outstanding shipmates. HA
Purcell, John CBT2Sep 1976 – Mar 28, 1980B-P1to all the steaming DEAMONS : I MISS YOU ALL
Johnson, MichaelBT3Sep 17, 1976 – Feb 8, 1977forward boiler BI ariveved petrified as a push button E4 out of a school, had a fire in the forward lockers my first duty night, I didn't hav a clue. I made freinds and hunted with a 2nd class Bt named Ron. I would enjoy talking with hi
Mahaney, MichaelHT 2Oct 1, 1976 – Oct 22, 1980R -It's hard to believe she's not steaming. I grew up on that ship and learned to trust people. Sail on Detroit.
Echevarria, WilsonBT2Oct 19, 1976 – Jun 11, 1980P1Great time in Bath Maine during overhaul. Not so great during the following shakedown in Gitmo. Made 2 0r 3 med cruises. Several underway periods while stateside. Completed an OPPE. Met some great guys and don't regret any of it.
Page, LayneSeamanOct 21, 1976 – Oct 21, 1978Chaplains Yeoman
Shydlinski, MichaelOS3Nov 1976 – Aug 19802nd / OIGreat memories of my first ship when sailors where sailors of old. A smile and nod to my SNIPE friends who shared with me the woundeful meaning of a "BT Punch" and "TACK N on a CROW".
Key, JohnMM2Nov 1976 – Jul 1978J DivisionWhat a wild strange trip
Pickering III, EdMM3Nov 15, 1976 – Oct 24, 1977mm P-1got on in bath got off when done with rebuild and got back to norfolk. missed alot of good friends
Zinnel, Douglas (Zig-zag) profile iconBMSNNov 20, 1976 – Dec 1, 1976First divisionI truly miss those great times on the ship and would like to get together with my old ship mates to relive the fun spread throughout the ship.
Zinnel, Douglas (Zig-zag) profile iconBMSNDec 1, 1976 – Oct 2, 1979First division
Henson, JamesFTM SNDec 10, 1976 – Aug 21, 1978WEAPONS
Perryman, Dwayne KDec 22, 1976 – Oct 26, 1980
Wesley, AndrewBM2Dec 28, 1976 – Aug 8, 19801st / 3rdI can honestly say Detroit was the best ship I ever served on! I should know, I retired in 1995 as a Chief Boats. Long days and nights replenishing every ship in Norfolk or should I say the East Coast.
Chavez, David JIC31977 – 1981interior communicationssome fond memories
Hlavaty, JamesEM31977 – 1980EThose were the days, what's happening these days? Call me at 260-609-1103.
Ryals, RexEN31977 – 1979A
Demaray, RonaldSKSN1977 – 1980Supply / S-1
Miller, EricQM31977 – Nov 23, 1978NavigationLooking for some old ship mates. Delton collette, Ken Foster, Eddie Jimmenez. It has been 32 years since I left the Dirty D. Whatever happened to QM1 William Perry,and Ken Fry? I suppose they retired from the Navy.
Berube, John Bee-bopfa1977 – Dec 10, 1980P-1 DivOhhh the yankee clipper.great memories,awesome group of sailors and friends.had some bumpy roads but wouldnt change a thing.3 meds,gitmo and war games(will never understand those.was we blue or orange...or both)
Miller, EricQM31977 – 1978NavigationLooking for old Navy buddies from the USS Detroit 1977-1978
Jaronczyk, JoeBM21977 – 1979DeckLots of good times! Can't believe that it was almost 40 years ago.
Henderson, JackEN 31977 – 1978ASpent a lot of hours baby sitting the Emergency Generator during UNREP detail. Really enjoyed my time on the ship and all of the great liberty ports.
Clements, Brent profile iconQM-51977 – 1981Navigation
Ellefson, Daniel. ElfeBm31977 – 1980Dao3Really enjoyed my time aboard. The people and the duty. Looking back, I wish I would of made a career in the navy
Cornell, MarkE41977 – Oct 1980P1Miss my old friends and I would love to do it all over again,going to get some people together in 2017 for a reunion so if you're interested let me know !!!!
Riggleman, Martin (Ed)SHJan 1, 1977 – Jun 11, 19801ST, J (STREAM), S-3HAVE MANY GOOD MEMS OF DETROIT AND CREW. RETIRED USN (really!!)JAN 1995.LOOKIN FOR FN STEVE RENNER.
Marino, William CHT-3Feb 1977 – Dec 1980R-DivThe time I spent on the Detroit were some of the best. I'll never forget you guys.I'm proud to have served with each of you. The Navy changed my life for the better. Best wishes to the "steam'n demons" of the "DIrty D".
Kuertz, MikeMMCFeb 2, 1977 – Apr 20, 1981AHard work---great memories.
Cornell, Markbt3Feb 9, 1977 – Oct 23, 1980p-1the ol dirty D was a good ship seen many places while serving aboard her. Many good sailers came aboard.I miss my shipmates and would like to get back together someday in Bath Maine -yanky clipper
Schimmel, PaulYN3Feb 12, 1977 – Apr 15, 1980XGood memories. Always loved to hear "Security Alert, Security Alert" and running around like a wild man! Doing well living in North Carolina. Got Grand kids now and white hair. Hope you all are doing well.
Cole, CarlBOATSWAINMATEMar 4, 1977 – 1981The best time I've had in my life. All the friends I made and all the places I've seen are some othe best memories I have.
Hope, BobRM3Apr 1977 – Mar 1979RadioMade the Med cruise in 1978 on the "Dirty D"...had a good time for the most part, except for Port and Starboard watches !!..Hey Tomey, are you out there? What about Paul, Rich, Ortiz? Bath Maine was a good time..nice little town.
Chapman, JimSeaman 3rd classApr 1977 – Oct 14, 1980J divisionJust trying to reach out to anyone in E or J division around 1977 to 1980. my number is (615) 429-2582.
Ottaviani, DanielIC1Apr 1, 1977 – Jan 29, 1982Interior Communications / ElectricalToo much sea time, but lots of good times.Lot of hard work.
Aguilar, JohnBT2Apr 1, 1977 – Apr 1, 1980P-1Been a good tour. Memories of Bath Maine at BIW, Med Deployments, steel beaches, and being stuck in Naples overnight sleeping in the cubbyholes of the Motor Whaleboat due to bad weather.
Varela, SteveYNSNJun 15, 1977 – Mar 17, 1981A GANGHad a good time on the the "Dirty D", 3 Med cruises, 3 trips to Gitmo, a lot of good friends ! Could not have worked with a better crew then the people in "A" Gang.
Collins, JohnMMJul 1977 – Dec 1980foward engine room3 meds $ io
Holdren, MichaelE.N.F.NJul 15, 1977 – Mar 16, 1979A. Gang
Muff, Larry "Muffdiver"3RD CLASS BMOct 10, 1977 – Jul 15, 1981Deckmiss the old girl, alot of hard work and alot of friends
Jacque, TedEM3Nov 1977 – Jun 1981E-divI started my tour in 2nd div, did not like grinding and painting so I strike for electrician, best move i made it changed life. stayed in for 20yrs, retired as EMC. met some great friends had a great time .
Beauvais, Joele-4Nov 4, 1977 – May 8, 1981p-3any one of the pit snipes
Haskins, RandyHT2Nov 14, 1977 – Jul 2, 1982R Dirty D .Spent alot of hours welding in the boiler rooms. 4 meds,4 caribes and an io.Shellback so pogs beware! Made some good friends,and was exposed to some real idiots.Lots of good memories.Was a good ship always got us home.
Riordan, KevinE5/PN2Dec 27, 1977 – Jun 6, 1980X
Stephenson, DennisSM3/SM2Dec 27, 1977 – Jun 1, 1979OC

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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