US Navy Crew List

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USS Detroit (AOE 4) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Detroit (AOE 4). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 1333 crew members registered for the USS Detroit (AOE 4).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

Hollandsworth, Donald0000 –
Kulik, Eugene - Cool ManMS 3 - E4Jan 5, 1901 – May 16, 1994Mess specialistI was the Russian cook during desert shield desert storm and Mediterranean cruse
White (Akbar), MarquiseE-41904 – 1906M/RASJust trying to catch up with a few of yall from the days.
Layman, LarryE91961 – 1991navy This is Actually Larry's daughter. He passed away in 1991. I seen where a pal was looking for him and so I had to make an account to email the gentleman back.
George, LarryETR2Jan 1966 – Aug 1968Electronics technicionFrancis Ladieu, George Nochta, Hugh Ferguson, William Otis were in my division.
Preston, Bill "sarge"E-31968 –3rdgot on in Bremerton, Wa and took it around the horn to New Port R.I. Did a med cruiise on her where flew off to go home. The originator of the side cleaning crew...Enjoyed being with BM! Martino learned alot!! plank owner, shellback, moss
Hill, Terrance (Terry)SK31968 – Dec 17, 1971supplyRemember arriving in Bremerton and the ship was still being built. Had a get time sailing to Newport, RI. Made some great friends on board. Still married to the same great lady, and enjoying life to its fullest.
Shaw, TonyHT31969 – 1973R(Good Conduct Award 1973)(T-Bone Hot Dog Shaw..Radio WDET AOE4)(Plank Owner AOE4 1970)(Realm Of The Arctic Circle 1972)(Mossbacks 1970) (Shellbacks 1970 1972)(Certificate Of Appreciation CIC Richard Nixon)(R-Div USS Detroit) (Email Me)
Lee, JerryRM21969 – 1971OCPlankowner
Ricci, GregBM31969 – 19712NDPlankowner/shellback
Camp, CharlesOS-21969 – 1971Operations (CIC)Plankowner, shellback...
Whipple, GaryMMCM(SS)1969 – 1971MPlankowner. First member to report to Bremerton for precom detail in 1969.
Eastlick, MichaelE21969 – 1971Boiler tenderPlank Owner shellback
Fink, WalterIC31969 – 1971ElectricalPlank Owner
Mahoney, John "Jj"SN1969 – 19713rd DeckPlank Owner, Shellback
Tolison, FrankBMSN1969 – 19712nd Plankowner, Shellback, Moosback.I'm now a sea Captain, but, I will always remeber the finest lady to sail the seas, the experiences, and friends for life like Greg Ricci. I wish that I could contact Greg and other friends that I met aboard the Detroit.
Glover, RobertE31969 – 1971CommunicationsHey You Guys, just found out about this page, and thought I would see if any one has any catching up with me. Would love to hear from any of you. Put Detroit AOE4 in sub. Tks
Dubois, Roland (Rollie)BM 21969 – 1971Deck ForceGreat time had. Great Travel. Plankowner - Shellback
Ricker, Robertbt21969 – Jan 1973b
Lockhart, TedBT21969 – 1973B divisionHard to believe the ship has been sent to the scrap pile, it seems like not that long ago when I first looked at it in dock at Bremerton. I am a plank owner and shellback
Graff, David profile iconBT 31969 – 1973BPlank owner , Shellback Mossback
Morgan, BozoBM1969 – 1972division 2
Luncford, James (Jimmy)MM21969 – Apr 3, 1972Engineering (Aft Engine Room)Served with a great bunch of guys. Will always treasure the experience.
Whitt, WalterBM3Jan 1969 – Feb 19742ndpre com detail San Diego Plankowner Shellback Mossback Homeeport, Newport RI Bluenose Royal Baby on cruise to South Africa 1 Nato exercise 3 Med cruises Oh what Fun
Martinez, OscarE-3Sep 1969 – Jun 19713rdPlankowner get in the ship at bremerton,washington.stay with her til we get newpor, RI.
Wiseman, LarryYN2Sep 1969 – Nov 1970XPlank Owner. Served in the Captain's Office. We all became trusty Shellbacks and had a burial at sea. I Visited the ship in 1995 in Colts Neck, New Jersey. I'll always remember the "Tiger Ship." Beans, Bullets & Black Oil.
Hurchick, MikeMM2Sep 1969 – Aug 1972Engineeering - Aft Engine RoomPart of the pre-comm. crew. After comm. worked in the engineering library and aft engine room. After Chief Wipple transferred I became the Engineering Admin Assistant to Commander Davies. I served in this position until I left the Navy.
Greenwood, NorbertFTG2Sep 1, 1969 – Jun 15, 1971Weapons
Finch, DonBM3Sep 13, 1969 – Dec 17, 19713rd Deck DivPlankowner Shellback
Trapp, ChuckRM2Sep 15, 1969 – Feb 5, 1972OperationsPlankowner & one Med-cruse
Ray, GeraldPN2Sep 30, 1969 – Nov 1970ADMINServed as Detroit's first personnelman-Plank owner
Finch, DonaldBM3Oct 1969 – Dec 7, 19713rdPlankowner
Milbury, BusterMM3Oct 1969 – May 1970MPlank Owner
Owings, RoyE3 fnOct 1969 – Sep 1971A
De Jesus, MauroTNOct 1969 – May 1973S5I started as a steward and left as a BM2. I am a plankowner when commissioned in Bremerton, Washington. I am a shellback twice on board, a mossback and blue nose.
Allen, DonBMSMOct 5, 1969 – Sep 15, 19713Rd /DeckPlankowner, Mossback,Shellback . Gig Driver, Only oper. for 15 ton B&A crane at the time. Made Med cruz, Expericenced Gitmo, Sailed around the the Horn in the dead of winter with no foulweather gear, WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!
Goyne, SydneyIC2Nov 1969 – Nov 1972ElectricalCapt. McClaughlin's driver while in Bremerton. S. America horn and became Shell Back, Guantanamo Bay training, Medit. Cruise,supplied ships going around S. Africa to Nam.
Janssen, ErnieLTNov 15, 1969 – Oct 1971Asst Supply OfficerSome of the best friends of my life. Still in contact with a number of the officers. Currently about to retire at 63 after owning a couple of different companies. I was present at the commission and also present at the decommissioning.
Qualls, Dan / PinappleENGINEMANNov 27, 1969 – Nov 27, 1973AJUST WANT TO SAY HI TO ALL . I LIVE IN TUCSON AZ
Anderson, Carl (Andy)OS3Dec 1969 – Apr 11, 1973OIPlankowner, Shellback (twice), Bluenose, Mossback. Now OSC in USNR in Nashville TN planning to retire 12/05.
Higgins, TerryOS-3/GS-11Dec 1969 – Oct 1973OIPlank owner,moss back, shell back,blue Nose. Great Times with the CIC and OPs crew. deal-um. I'm still working with the Navy-37 yrs plus now at PNS in Portsmouth NH. Hey to Carl, Bagger and the rest of the CIC gang.
Smith, RobertHT3Dec 23, 1969 – Oct 1973rPre-comm crew,Plank owner,equator(2),med cruise(2),many great memories...burial at sea,refueling collisions,beautiful countries visited.
Young, Jr, HenryQM 2Dec 28, 1969 – Dec 15, 1971Quartermaster
Devoto, JohnYNSNDec 29, 1969 – Mar 10, 1972XPRECOMDET, Plankowner, Shellback, Mossback

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 – 1973 | 1974 – 1975 | 1976 – 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 – 1981 | 1982 – 1983 | 1984 – 1985 | 1986 – 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 – 1996 | 1997 – 1998 | 1999 – 2000 | 2001 | 2002 – 2003 | 2004 – now

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