US Navy Crew List

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USS Texas (CGN 39) Crew List

The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Texas (CGN 39). Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. If you also served aboard and you remember one of the people below you can click on the name to send an email to the respective sailor. Would you like to have such a crew list on your website?

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There are 784 crew members registered for the USS Texas (CGN 39).

Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1985 | 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – now

Ring, DavidMMFN1985 – 1988A
Cordel, AndyMM21985 – 1987M1Left the ship in 1987 worked in shipyards on both coasts. Still married to the one I went into the navy with but now have 6 sons (none when I got out) Anyone remember LT Hulse (MPA in 1987) - He's my son's CO on the Bataan. Small world isn'
Hunt, MichaelDS21985 – May 1989CDGood memories, bad memories and absolutely do not miss it!
Buys, ToddQM21985 – 1987N
West, KenEW31985 – 1986OZMost of my time aboard was in the yards at PSNS.
Samay, RayCTT31985 – 1987OZGreat ship and good times. Terry or Radz, drop me a line sometime.
Hinds, RayEM3 then EM2 then EM3 again1985 – 1988RELooking for members of RE division as of 12/87.(Gary Larson, Nevik Schmidlin, Pat 'Slippin'Cluth, Ray Hansen, Billy Williams, etc.)
Blackburn, MikeIC21985 – 1990E
Saunders, DannyRadioman 1st Class1985 –OC
Pfister, RobertSTG1985 – 1987CABB/ODT
Mantlo, Mike profile iconFC11985 – 1990CF DivReported to the ship at PSNS in Bremerton and left 4 + years later with many friends and experiences that won't be forgotten.
Gordin, RobertLTJan 1, 1985 – May 18, 1986EngineeringParticipated in the South Pacific cruise.
Henderson, Bill (Skitch)Jan 11, 1985 – Apr 18, 1988Ive Been living in MI scince I got out in 88 and have been working for the MI dept of Corrections for the past 10 years. looking for David Donaldson Em2
Carrothers, RandallET-1Feb 1985 – Sep 1988CETexas Sailor of the Year 1987
Peddle, GregMM2Feb 1, 1985 – 1988M 1NNPC 8403 -> NPTU NY -> USS Texas -> A1W Idaho Falls -> Merrill Lynch, Phx AZ -> General Pyhsics Oswego NY --> North Coast Software, Oswego NY. Time passes, memories trade bad for good. It's amazing how clearly the spaces come to me
Harbath, DavidMM2Mar 2, 1985 – May 21, 1986en2
Paswaters, Steven Troy PaswatersCGN-39Mar 29, 1985 – Jan 27, 1990A-Ganganyone heard from rock'in Rousello
Brown, TedHT2Apr 1985 – Mar 1986Came aboard HT3. Wonderful guys there in the Eng Deptment. After leaving the Texas stayed in until 97 when I retired.
Larkin, MichaelHMCM(SW) RETApr 1985 – Mar 1987HI'm fearful of doing this. I may have made a few enemies instead of friends doing MED stuff like shots/physicals/dental exams/FS inspection etc. We sure had some great sports teams as well. Made a lot of "Shore Duty Pukes" sweat hard.
Brannon, SteveQM3May 1985 – Jan 1988Navigation
Ziegler, BryanE-3May 23, 1985 – Jan 16, 1987CDThe Navy provided me with the best Carrer oppertunity available, but I blew it with Booze and Broads. And Yes, I regrett being thrown out almost every day since. However I am pleased to say Ive been sober since 1989.
Dafoe, DavidMM2Jun 1985 – Jul 1986M-2Great Ship. Great Crew. Long COH at PSNS. Great Experience. Proud Heritage - Proud Purpose!
O'Connell, MeMM2Jun 1985 – Sep 1990RLCGN-39, S8G, CGN-25,CNAL,CVN-69, S8G, CGN-73. Texas was the best. Retired and burning coal in tidewater for Dom Power. Miss it more than I thought I could.
Benhayon, Joe/big BenFNJun 1985 – Dec 1986A-GangWas a good intro to Navy life. Left for GSM A school and was lucky to get assigned to ACU5. Spent 15 of my 20 years on the LCAC's. Retired out in 2004 after 20yrs.
Harmon, Mike Pee WeeGMM3Jun 1, 1985 – Mar 1, 1988combat systems
Dodge, MichaelYN3Jun 1, 1985 – Jul 1, 1989AdminHey everyone! Sure do miss these days! Say is Edinfield still duck taped to the overhead pipes? hahaha
Hack, JoeEN2Jun 18, 1985 – Apr 14, 1989great ship decomissioned to soon
Pfister, RobertSTGSNJul 1985 – Jun 1987ASWSeems as I remember the finenest times of my youth were spent onboard the Texas, and in the drydock in the PSNS.
Bernett, AnthonyMM2Jul 25, 1985 – Dec 15, 1989Left the Mighty Texas planning on getting out after shore duty and decided to stay in the Navy for another 18 years. Retired. Now living in Silverdale Washington and working in the shipyard.
Casey, MichaelELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN 2Aug 1985 – Jun 1988can I say I miss the Navy? sounds strange to me, but true. I only remember the good times.
Wachob, BobEN3Aug 1985 – Oct 1988
Reller, BobMM2/ELTAug 1985 – Jul 24, 1989RLWas on board with mt brother Joe "Ralph" Reller for the COH, made one westpac, 1988, got out. Got a BS in chemistry, worked for environmental lab for 16 years and am currently with Nalco. Really had a blast on the ship and miss being at s
Halter, JamesPC3Aug 1985 – Apr 1988Admin
Dawson, NormanOS2Sep 1985 – Mar 1989OIBest ship in the fleet. It was a sad day when she was decommed, and an even sadder day when they cut her into pieces. There will never be another ship like her again.
Maguire, KevinET2Sep 1985 – Sep 9, 1988
Thomasino, MichaelRM2Sep 1985 – Sep 1989Operations
Blackburn, MikeIC2Sep 1, 1985 – Aug 1, 1990Estill rember waiting for the water taxis in kenya
Maydole, CraigMM1Sep 22, 1985 – Sep 19, 1989M2M2 ERS, Calibration Lab, and Boiler King. Bet you appreciated the showers when the Reboiled died underway! That was a lot of fun even tough I hated it at the time! I remember counting down to EAOS from 999!
Dyer, JoeQM2Sep 29, 1985 – May 1, 1989NFrom the boredom of Bremerton to the fun of Phattaya, it was one hell of a ride. Thanks to all from the Professor. Health, long life, and peace to you all. Don't Mess With Texas!!
Darin, JohnsonNov 1985 – Jul 5, 1989RC
Parrish, Chris/wolfmanBM2Nov 15, 1985 – Jul 31, 1989DECK 2NDI WISH I WOULD HAVE STAYED IN !
Klingensmith, Jeff "Klink"QM2Nov 17, 1985 – Nov 17, 1989NavI am still in the reserves but I loved my active time on the Texas, I remember when I first found out that it was mothballed and saw the photos It was hard to see. Loved the times and great memories I will never forget.
Brown, BillyFC2Dec 1985 – Jun 1990CF
Garner, Ervin / BushmanOS2Dec 11, 1985 – May 19, 1989OITexas sure had fine lines and rode like a Cadillac.
Hoy, Andrew / AndyFC1Dec 27, 1985 – Dec 19, 1990CFHi Shipmates, please reach out to reconnect. Living in Eastern PA. Let's grab a beer!

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Select the period (starting by the reporting year): precomm – 1976 | 1977 | 1978 – 1979 | 1980 | 1981 – 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 – 1985 | 1986 | 1987 – 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 – now

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